Who /wholesome/ here?

Just because I am a depressed self-loathing robot doesn't mean I have to be jaded and cynical. I don't hate anyone except myself, there is still good in the world.

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Yeah that's me right here fampai

im trying to kick an addiction or two, but i still listen to beautiful music and am content in this existences

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fuck life fuck everything fuck everyone burn the world pee on the poo life is a heck

I'm the same way. I try to offer advice, trying to make other people happier

I like this thread. We were once proud of this fact. A stoic resignation to the situation we have been placed in. I miss it.

Nice thread and can relate. Don't hate people that are happy, glad they don't have to feel sad or pain. Plus it always feel better to either help others or just listen to their problems, because I wish someone did the same for me in the past.
Can't really say I hate myself either. I realize I just did many mistakes and threw things away out of misunderstanding them, fear and paranoia. If I give myself a chance, move on and try again hopefully i can improve and be functioning or at least happy with what I do.

Things didn't start out so good in life, but I guess it's never too late and just need to try and take small steps.

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Why do you hate yourself?

This seriously wasn't original? On this board? Fuck the robot.

I hate mankind because it can't peacefully coexist with nature.
Being the smartest creatures on Earth we should tend to other forms of life, protect them and cherish them, instead we destroy forests and cover the fertile surface of our planet with sterile concrete, pollute the ocean and drive species to extinction.
We deserve to be eradicated, and quickly.

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>tfw just want wholesome friends
I don't even care if you're rich, poor, have a gf and friends or nobody, work or NEET. Would just like friends who had it rough at one point in life, can relate and aren't just there to drag you down out of spite is more than enough. In most cases it's either
1. The person can relate, is sad or isn't doing too well, but is hateful of everyone and becomes hateful of you for trying to improve
2. The person is happy with his/her life, but hates you for not having a good life and belittles you. Makes fun of your small improvements.

The 1st option is usually online friends, the 2nd one is people I get to meet irl.
Not sure if anyone else has this kind of problem with meeting people, but this is what I noticed.

So you want to condemn billions of people to death that do not know better and are simply uneducated on the topic because some companies and specific heads of specifics countries want to squeeze out an extra buck?

I was just watching Dane Cook - Troublemaker and he pointed that out everyone is a little racist...when they're hungry. Meaning people are only racist if their lives suck, but if they get their shit together they wouldn't be.

I've come realize if you want to be content or have any measure of success you need to break down self-defeating thought patterns. For example for a while any time I would mess up I would immediately go into a downward spiral, but then I started focusing on what I can learn from my mistakes so I don't make them again.

I started analyzing why I'm depressed and started working on hobbies to give my life more substance. If you think you'll fail no matter what and you're better off not even trying then you'll never start. That takes positive thinking.

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>2. The person is happy with his/her life, but hates you for not having a good life and belittles you. Makes fun of your small improvements.
I genuinely don't think people who are happy with their lives really do this. I know this is one of the most banal observations one can make, but it's just what I've observed in my interractions plus my own mental state over the course of my life. Genuine malice just doesn't come from a place of contentment, it wouldn't make sense

Everyone knows what's happening but people just don't care.
When it comes to politics everyone is concerned with their own wealth and nothing else.

>everyone is concerned with their own wealth and nothing else.
Sounds like every single animal and organism in existence on this planet

Eventually our industry and technology will enable us to create a better living standard for humans and animals alike.

We have no justification to act like that because we have self awareness and our actions have immense consequences.

So again, your solution is to kill all humans on the planet? Sounds like you're just as "good" as the people ruining this planet.
>things get bad
>lets just kill everyone lmao who cares about one of the most complex organisms in the known universe that are able to explore it, appreciate it and create things that might never again exist
>death deserves death, an eye for an eye is what I live for!
The good thing is that there are more and more people making a difference, improving things and investing all their time, energy and life into achieving it even if it's small changes. While there are less and less people like you who just give up. Long way to go, but moving along.

please give us 200 years first to leave this gay earth, than you can make it a habitat

Creating habitats in space would make more sense.

>thinking we'll be able to go to space
It's almost over