Post your meals Jow Forums

>5 free range eggs
>4 slices bacon
>2 slices full wheat bread with grass fed butter
>full fat greek yoghurt with frozen berries

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>carbs and fat in the same meal
>muh grass fed
>full fat lactose and fructose bomb


>He is in the trying to raise test levels with high fat diet phase

No pics, but yesterday for dinner I cooked a pork roast. The most important thing is to use ingredients as fresh as possible, and chop/grind them up right there. Salt and whole peppercorns, fresh garlic, fresh rosemary and thyme, all ground up and pulverized together, then mixed together with some duck fat that I saved in the freezer and use like butter. Smear the paste over the roast, and cook that over a bed of chopped up potatoes, carrots, and onions. Best part is that all the flavor drips from the roast and into the vegetables.

>free range
>grass fed
Were these descriptors necessary to convey to us as part of your diet? You're such a good person! Lmao imagine virtue signaling on an anonymous imageboard faggot

I eat this and monster mash everyday

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Giving poached egg tips

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Take it easy dude, peace and love to you x

You know that free range and grass fed are unregulated terms. Grass fed typically means the calf was permitted to run on the grass until it was old enough to not need its mothers milk anymore and then it was put in a dust pen and fed basedbeans for the rest of its life. Free range usually means a the hen is allowed sunlight a few hours a day.

Also, if you're going to make an effort to try and eat good eggs don't overcook them.

>that "food"
>those feet
>three cans of coke zero
1)how do I know you're a fat fuck weakling?
2)how do I know you're American?

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Worst meal I've seen in my life

Please don't justify your thoughts and enlighten us as to why.

Henlo Reddit

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Chill out, get the sand out your arse

The spacing=reddit meme is fucking stupid. Spacing was around on Jow Forums before reddit became the normie thing.

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I would recommend this to a friend, looks tasty user, albeit around 1500-1800 cals

A Thunfish/mayo sandwich and 3x maxi kings.

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looks like i struck a nerve there
found the gymcel, yikes

unglaublich deutsch

>free range eggs
>grass fed butter
>full wheat bread
>probably bottom shelf bacon from a pig with an awful existence

Yeah okay

This is my favorite breakfast to make. Filet, yellowed jasmine rice, two over easy eggs, and an avocado

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Finnish dark rye bread

You are projecting

I always eat this, looking for some genuine feedback. People keep saying this is a meme breakfast, but I see nothing wrong with it

-150 smoked salmon
-150 smoked trout
-250 gram boiled white potatoes
-1 kile boiled broccoli

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its not about muh ethics, grass fed just objectively tastes better you greasy hobo

An dem "Brot" ist überhaupt nix deutsch

You didn't join the real and active Jow Forumsness & Health Server on Dis cord yet?
Advice on routine and posture, motivation, awesome stories, feels, food pics recipes and diet checks, fasting,
self improvement, nofap, powerlifting, fraud (steroids), martial arts, current body thread, injury prevention awaits you!
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For those who want more adventure, we have a contest: post a pic in beginning of the month, and one at the end. Then users vote and the winner gets prize money!
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We accept people from all fitness levels: fat, average or athletic. As long as you are encouraging and motivating each other you are most welcome!
dis cord (dot) gg / v3wR7nr

Wieso? Es ist doch braun :)

What did you put on them?

Im Swedish btw

Post body pls

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rutin broder? jag har assvårt med squats och marklyft för mitt knä är skadat, har gått ner 60 kg dock.

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Why do you care to eat free-range eggs and grass fed butter when you're eating shit like wheat bread that is full of gluten and will cause leaky gut syndrome?

whatever you do, keep going

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10/10 got tier breakfast

Don't listen to the vegan cuck.

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Impressive. Very nice

Fan va nice! Vilken jävla progress

Har alltid kört en 6 dagars ppl split men på sista tiden börjat köra motstående muskelgrupper som Arnold gjorde mycket

Har inte kört mark eller knäböj på två år heller pga ryggskada tyvärr, börjat med knäböj igen nu dock

3 free range chicken breasts
3 free range cups of milk
7 free range activated slices of bread
1 free range cup of water
2 free range bananas
40 free range peanuts

Now I’m pissed that I slept in and didn’t have time for breakfast.

>smoked tofu
>stir fry veggies
>homemade tomato sauce
>active yeast
>200g of season salad with pumkin oil and once again active yeast

basically "I'm better than you" the meal.

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Where is the dead animals bro? You need protein

Have fun with your kidney stones.

>You need protein

Protein content per 100g: 17g
Calories: 480
Carbohydrates: 15g
Fibre: 7g

>127g Protons
>68g Carbs
>11g Fat

No micros i know, ill get them in for dinner

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Lmao, shitty macros. 480 fucking calories for 17 g protein.

Math doesn't add up. With those macros, you should only have 191Cal/100g tofu.
(4×(15+17)) + (9×7) = 191

needs more animal products and less bread hehe hehehe


The antinootrients in bread inhibit absorption of nootrients.

What's that bread thing?

Gbg, sj?

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This unironically.

Lmao check out this faggot.

>Want to bulk
>Eat too much
>Get bloated to hell and back
>24 hours later still feel it, haven't felt like eating much at all today
Help me lads.

what did you eat? everybody responds differently to different foods, maybe you should change meals

Simple carbs are going to make you feel really full. Try and switch up the bread and pasta for rice and oatmeal. Then again if you’re dirty bulking you’re just gonna have to power through it

Sausages, rice, and some fried veggies.
Breakfast was oats, vasa knäck with PB, and an egg.
I didn't end up eating lunch so I tried to compensate with the dinner.

No that’s actually a pretty good macro meal. I can’t see anything that specifically is going to make you feel really full. The only thing I can suggest from my personal experience is eat quick; go into the most mindless state possible. And reduce liquid intake as much as possible until you’re actually done eating. Bulking just plain sucks if you’re not naturally a monster of an eater, I know from experience so you’re just gonna have to really force yourself to eat and shovel the food down.

i tried to check the kalories for the things i usually eat (pasta + legums or chicken)
and it turns out i'm only getting about 350-400 per meal which in a day adds up to something like 1000 kc,
i'm 5'8 and 56 kg, is there something i'm doing wrong ?
in the sticky, it says i should be eating 2000 kc a day but besides eating 4 times a day, i don't know how i could do that

>1/2 cup egg white omelette with 2 cups spinach, chili garlic sauce
>1 orange + 6 strawberries dusted with cinnamon
>black French pressed coffee

Pre easy run meal, recovery day

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Looks nice. Do you vinegar the water before you drop your eggies, user?

Why in the fuck is everyone suddenly afraid of cooking their meat?

Is this supposed to be healthy?

Thats not reddit spacing buddy

Sounds like a nice meal.

>tfw on cut with end coming in sight, lost 13kg, just 3 more to hit my goal.
Can't wait to start eating again. It's been 18 weeks.
Was my first proper cut, next gonna do a proper bulk.
Before this only dirty bulks without counting and never did serious cutting.

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du verdammter alman..

Wtf? Protein usually matches calorie count minus the last number of calories. So your tofu should have around 46g of protein

bland as fuck

step aside plebs

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Are you 12?

>lift weights
>"i feel like doing this exercise"
>put down weights
So much for programs.

One serving of TVP, one serving of pasta, some homemade tomato sauce, 11g of parmesan cheese, and an ounce of sauteed kale and garlic. It doesn't look like much, but it's one of my favorite meals!

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Trout is based as fuck, but as the other user said it might be a bit bland overall. But if you like eating it there’s certainly worse things out there. Could maybe cut back on the potatoes a bit and add an egg or two instead to further up the protein, but if you are doing physical work or lots of cardio some carbs can also be a good thing

Nice, I wish I was motivated enough to cook shit like this. I end up just eating atkins

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Man, my stuff looks like shit compared to the rest of the thread. It was good though.

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Yours looks really good user! I don't like the bugs on your plate though, it looks like there is bugs in your food.

>handful activated almonds
>tall glass of distilled water with teaspoon of Himalayan pink rock salt warmed to 37 Celsius
>smashed avocado compote garnished with artisanal quinoa
>one Mason jar of organic fairtrade lesbian queefs
>a smug sense of superiority

Suddenly, to my surprise
>monster mash

What's that, a yoga instructors fried breakfast?

>Underrated post

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Thank you. No idea where the plate came from, it just suddenly showed up one day in my kitchen cabinet and almost gave me a heart attack. I’ve grown fond of the little bugs now, the looks I get when using it make me chuckle.

Pretty sexy but you're missing at least two eggs

Imagine falling for the grassfed meme this hard

That beefs so rare it's about to start eating the asparagus

This looks pretty tasty, that are those crispy things on top?

Dragonflies for additional protein, I like the way you think

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na-ajs asså

shiiiiit, naaajs.

epic borger time

gotta pay the price

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What are you talking about

Vikt/längd/big 4 plz, nice btw

These things

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mmmmmmm booogar

What text-to-speech program do you use to make your posts?

Because I’m 100% sure you’re fucking blind

>a smug sense of superiority
Dat slave morality. Just because you don’t have the money or care to buy animal meats from farms that don’t raise them in steel crates doesn’t make you better, you know.


>pork roast
>mixed together with some duck fat
>poached egg
>Pretty sexy but you're missing at least two eggs
>Filet, yellowed jasmine rice, two over easy eggs
>150 smoked salmon
>-150 smoked trout
>needs more animal products and less bread
>one Mason jar of organic fairtrade lesbian queefs
I know you don't care about the torture and murder of animals, but you're literally retarded for ingesting this crap in your delusional belief that all that protein is necessary or will somehow blow up your muscles. Most importantly: Enjoy your heart disease, hormonal imbalances, fucked up gut flora and cancer.

>Grass fed typically means the calf was permitted to run on the grass until it was old enough to not need its mothers milk anymore
There is no calf in the existence of industrial farming (which is 98% of the world) that has ever had a single drop of its mothers milk. Males are killed shortly after birth and females are turned into milk cows (or killed as well) They are fed a substitute milk formula instead.

I'm vegan for 11 years but I'd never eat so much tofu. In case you haven't noticed the 'complete protein' is a meme. Your body can store and assemble aminos as needed and eating this much soi on a regular basis can fuck with your thyroid. I'd advise to drop soi and switch it up daily and try other beans, lentils, quinoa, avocados, nuts & seeds etc. Most importantly you need to eat more and more regularly, because the plant protein isn't as bio-available as animal protein, and assuming you're a Jow Forums retard you probably want that MAX PROTEIN FOR MUH GAINZ. Also flush down protein meals with OJ or something with high amounts of vitamin c to increase absorption of nutrients like iron etc.

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