Why is cardio frowned upon?

like legit why do you all hate cardio

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it's boring so any excuse not to do it is welcome

but swimming is fun like come on

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It’s froened upon because
1.) skinny dyel skellies who think it’s hard to eat enough food have an even more difficult (boo fucking hoo) time eating the calories lost from cardio
2.) many fatties and normal sized lifters alike hate doing it because it’s boring and takes effort

So those two reasons combined equate to one big cope. If you keep the mileage down to 3-10 a day a few days a week you will not risk muscle loss if you simply eat a bit more. If you’re running marathons it’s not logical to try and build more mass, it’ll weigh you down, make you gas out quicker. That’s also when your body starts actually burning muscle. There are not many lifters who even dream of doing marathons, let alone run more than 5 miles at a time. Do what works for you, think for yourself. Cardio is great for your health and in my experience improves gains as well as my mood.

Cardio isn't frowned upon, most people don't care if someone trains it

I actually love high intensity cardio, it's fucking brutal on my body but it makes me look shredded by burning a shitton of bodyfat.

Because fatasses and exfattasses don't like running, and skinnyfats trying to put on mass don't like eating and cardio means you need more calories. So basically it's the collective opinion of different kinds of idiots you tend to have here.

1. Extreme cardio will compromise your physique

But you should still get any hour or day of cardio to not die. Pic related shows the effects

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swimming is a chaotic nightmare
that's why I'm forcing myself to swim every second day

i just swim so i can look good while still eating for 3 people

Those with particularly weak minds hate cardio because it is hard, and the rewards are distant and not clear. Lifting is over quickly and easier to imagine your progress, i.e. if you lift 100kg this week next week you might be able to lift 110kg and that is a very nice increase. You lift 3-5 times a week or so. Rest between sets or whatever. Additionally along the way your body will become more traditionally attractive on the outside.

However say you are a cyclist and your FTP is 240 watts. Maybe after a month of training you will raise it to 250 watts. You probably do not look any better. The training is hard and long. Any real endurance training requires long periods of work 10, 20, 60, multiple hours at a time. This is hard. It is easy to drift from the targets and this can be demoralizing. Whereas with a weight you are lifting it or you are not.

Endurance training is more involved, more complicated, and less rewarding along the way. It is not for the faint of heart (ha).

We love to say the people on this board are autists, but the real autists are found in endurance sports. Success requires a strange sort of mental strength and ability. Desire for loneliness, limitless suffering, to be lost in something. Not for everyone.

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I realize I restated the same point three times. Currently coming out of 14 hour weeks all winter on the trainer with two lifting sessions a week and feeling that weight.

5 w/kg will be mine soon.

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Packing away the weights is my cardio

It’s hard in a way that isn’t instantly physically gratifying like lifting. I used to give any excuse to avoid it because it was hard. If you’re pushing yourself in cardio you’re never really comfortable, just more used to being uncomfortable.

Faggots just make any excuse to avoid leaving their comfort zone

anyway im gonna start my swim training in about 2 week alongs with lifting with about 10 hours every week swimming anyone got an idea what the best stroke is atleast for burning fat?

You will probably not be either to attain enough volume or intensity with anything other than freestyle.

Some form tips: kick hard and more steadily than you think, rotate your body around the axis of your spine/head as you stroke, high elbows both out and in the water.

Watch some videos of Ian Thorpe and Sun Yang.

>Dropping by 25%
who cares

Also this plan: ruthkazez.com/swimming/ZeroTo1mile.html
might be better than whatever you’re about to follow

Thank's user (you're gonna fuck up my spine aren't you?)

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I like cardio but I look like shit when I do it a lot, it really does kill my gains when I'm running 50km/week. Cutting down to about 35km/week to see if that helps me keep my energy up for lifting.

Will it help me become lean though?. my friends are interested in lifting but like swimming more so i wanted to try to become Jow Forums

yeah disclaimer like most of you i have autism and i meant i like swimming more

Oh god yes it will make you lean. Assuming you do not eat at a massive surplus.

If you are referring to the rotating on the axis but then think of it more like the action of turning your head. But instead of turning your head around your body you hold the head steady and allow the body to rotate, as you reach the arm out to stroke.

I love cardio ever since I learned about HIIT. I used to do occasional cardio by just hopping on a treadmill and going at a consistent pace and getting bored out of my god damn mind. Ramping up the intensity in intervals keeps it interesting and challenging, and gives you better gains overall. I've also made a sick playlist that musically signals my intensity which makes it much cooler and more fun.

Like i eat alot but im skinnyfat but at the verge of skinny, as in i have some slight fat on my stomach

I can only say that I bike a lot and have the energy to have two heavy lifting sessions a week.

I eat much more eggs and meat than the average endurance athlete though. This is key I think (on top of lots of quality carbs and fruit and vegetables).

It’s poasible that the fat is more noticeable because you are skinny. In which case think about gaining muscle before loosing fat.

If you are already decently muscular than you might not be eating as much of a surplus as you think. Try a few weeks of everyday activity between GOOD cardio and lifting and reasses.

truthfully i just kinda don't like lifting and i hoped i could manage to become semi aesthetic by just swimming alot

Same bro, HIIT is based

Well in that case go all in on swimming. You will lean out and gain a bit of muscle but it might be slow. You will feel so hungry but make sure to hydrate and keep a close eye on the calories and quality of food.

Know that in the interest of long term body health you will want to run or lift semi frequently as well.

Godspeed and pay attention to your form and the above site.

It's scary to gym betas because it hurts and you look like a pussy if you don't make it to your goal distance and start walking.

Godspeed everyone and i will not become black to gain easier acess to lean, i must work to become a retarded drug for blacks myself

>cardio in a gym

Mark of the true beta.

Most of Jow Forums is literally afraid of being out of breath for more than one minute. Of course, if they're out of breath, they're doing it wrong. Cardio is better for you in the lower HR zones (zone 2 is best). That is not to say HIIT is bad because you'll get a lot of fitness in HR zone 4 & 5 (esp. on VO2max and lactate threshold, which will help your lifting, and making your heart more efficient), but 2 is best it helps facilitate RECOVERY which results in your muscles healing better due to capillairization that occurs in zone 2.

>b...b...but muh boredom
There's lots of different ways to do cardio. Go swimming. Hike on a nature trail with lots of elevation. Do some rowing. The possibilities are endless.

Real question here how do i acheive the V

Seated flat bench leg pull-in.
Worked like magic for me. Leg raises will also help, and obv low bodyfat.

i've literally never trained before can you explain the terminology?

> Better stamina
> More room in diet to function like a non-autist around food and booze
> Clears head and allows time for reflection
Since I've stopped cycling too and fro from work (13 miles daily on a DJ bike) my liftings gotten worse, I've gotten fatter and my mental health has taken a minor decline. Tried the stationary bike and gave up after 2 min as that shit was fucking boring

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The dyel hallmark

It's cardio good if you just want to bulk and be a bear?

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