tfw blackpilled
Tfw blackpilled
Cool and?
Coolio. Now get Iron pilled/White pilled, don't get stuck in apathy.
>coping this hard
fucking keked
plastic surgery makes you look unnatural and therefore unattractive to the opposite sex. it's better to have some inperfections but to be natural.
Imagine actually needing any of those red/blackpills
Fuck off disgunting ugly incel
What's the deal with monkey shirt?!
>he doesn't know
What's the biggest blackpilled you've ever swallowed ?
explain why almost ever single famous actor/actress had some minor plastic surgery then
transcend the limits OP. you create reality and not the other way around.
That existence is eternal and we people are in endless cycle of reincarnation.
Guy with an autistic T-shirt that has a giant monkey face staring right at you who assumes everybody is miring him when they get creeped out by his monkey shirt.
Just go search for it.
White pill coming through
>tfw coping very low but roping medium
The Bible is actually full of redpills, whitepills, and a couple blackpills.
Unironically get hobbies though. I play guitar and study maths, having a goal to work towards is how you stop from wanting to kill yourself.
it's more than likely that you are not actually very ugly, rather it's something you believe because of the immense social alienation of most incel/lookism users. never having anyone compliment you, no gf, not having very many friends to hang around with for support etc leaves you insecure and literally fucked in the mind.
most incels who go public via youtube or actually post their faces in whatever forum are average. of course, there may be a selection bias involved
and if you are actually average looking, bluepill becomes high IQ option by far. otherwise, in the like less than 5% of cases where person is actually extremely ugly, then sure, blackpill may be justified.
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What about the greenpill
tfw realize that when you remove everything only love remains
and when you remove that, only infinity remains