How can I stop eating if I'm surrounded by junk food constantly and my family forces me to eat so I can't get away with...

How can I stop eating if I'm surrounded by junk food constantly and my family forces me to eat so I can't get away with even just restricting my calorie intake? I don't do anything with my life nor do I have any friends, so I can't use the "I already ate today at my friends house/at work" excuse.

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Stand up for yourself

grow a pair. Tell your family you want to eat better and lose weight.
As for junk food i can sympathise, my mother works nights shifts and will usually order dominoes or take-away food and a whenever she goes shopping buys copious bags of frozen food. The only solution is will power and figuring out if you can man any of the food you eat regularly more healthy, might even convince others to do the same.

I can't """stand up for myself""" cause they wouldn't give a shit because they only care about me eating and think anytime I skip even one meal that I'm in starvation mode.

I'm going to be blunt with you, that defeatist spew is not the way to go if you want to see progress.
You are a human being and one that apparently wants to make a change, you must fight for it if you have to.
"They don't give a shit" and neither will you, don't eat the food they give.
Don't give a fuck about what they think, your not here for them your here for yourself and your betterment (is that a word)

Standing up for yourself does not require someone giving a shit about you.

What are they gonna do? Pour fizzy pop down your gullit with a funnel?

Stop being a fucking pussy, If they force you to eat anything get violent. I'm guessing you're so here's what I suggest to you.
1. Get a job or get some kind of money
2. Get snake juice of amazon
3.Start fasting and lose whatever fat you need to lose.
4. Start buying low carb atkins meals at walmart so you can eat without having to depend on your families shitty food choices.
5. Stay lean.

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Your family is seriously fucked for surrounding you with fat foods. You set your kids up for utter failure and that's so despicable and fucked up.
If you have your own job or money you need to spend money on getting your own food that is low carb and start doing fasting.

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This. It is usually quite the opposite.
Even with a gun to your head, you still have a choice.