Is mixing this with 2 scoops of chocolate whey powder the ultimate protein shake?

Is mixing this with 2 scoops of chocolate whey powder the ultimate protein shake?

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Probably? That's a lot of protein in 1 sitting. However, I have been drinking these things for about a month now and I fucking love them.

Normally whey gives me some bad gas, but these don't. Using them on my cut.

No shill faggots, go try one for yourself and see.

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i drink 2 of the monster ones with caffeine

300mg caffeine
52g protein
380 calories

saves a lot of time

Idk about the whey but if you have a case of these you'll get enough protein

Can you have too much protein at once? Im a brainlet so I font know if that's a thing but getting like 120g of protein from one drink seems like alot at one time.

just take three scoops with milk and save money

>2 scoops
2 scoops?

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Because FairLife has lactose removed or Lactaid added, I forget which.

everything about this drink sounds great in theory

but it tastes like fucking ASS


Not in a long run

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7g of sugars. Never gonna make it

These are unironically one the best tasting and best spec'd in terms of macros ready to drink protein drinks that are generally available at gas stations and stuff. Good flavors too. Way better than muscle milk.

That's because you are a weak s o y boy.
Kys you worthless degenerate shitstain


Surprised you aren't shitting your brains out with that stuff my man. Just one of those sends me running to the bathroom.

Yes, too much protein can damage your kidneys over time.

No, the ultimate protein shake is and always will be raw eggs

Shut the fuck up please

>3,5$ for 42 g

Lactose removed.

They pump milk through a reverse osmosis filter, except they collect the yummy protein and discard the carby lactose

You're a sad person. This tastes like chocolate milk and the vanilla is smooth and neutral


7g of sugar though

Who cares though, it's immediately chuggable and only a hair more than most wheys in water

>Buy whole milk
>Add protein scoops

Saved you a lot of money

>300 mg caffeine in one sitting

>ultimate protein shake?

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Attached: Chocolate cake breakfast.png (1080x1920, 681K)

>the ingredients list
how the fuck do you get that much protein out of lowfat milk and cocoa

What are the protein monsters like? I can't imagine what an energy drink with protein could taste like. Probably fucking disgusting. Those are some based macros though

Pretty fuckin great. The chocolate one really tastes like chocolate milk.

Send me some they dont sell any in my country thanks

>7g sugars
You have to go back

They filter the milk

so Im guessing youd get the same shit by drinking a chocolate protein shake made with casein instead of whey

This is only true if your kidneys are already fucked.

This would be good if it weren't so fuckin expensive.

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It isn't meant to be used daily. It is for when you're on the road, busy, or get caught out of the house away from the blender for longer than you expected.

They are GOAT for road trips or when you're out of town.

I use protein powder (30g protein)
2 eggs
4 spoons of flaxseed
1 banana
1/2 cup oats

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Well milk is both casein and whey.

But the point is convenience. They don't need to be refrigerated, keep for months and taste delicious

I've got another 3 cases in my cabinet

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>saves a lot of time

Being alive

Might kill your kidneys, but hey anything in the pursuit of fitness.

Doesn't protein absorption max out at 25-35 grams per meal?

You are like a babby, watch this
>1 scoop of mr hyde

Attached: hyde-nitrox-label.jpg (500x654, 97K)

Whey too much sugar

less sugar than the same amount of whole milk

lmao no, it just takes longer

I'm so tired of hearing this dumb fucking broscience get repeated over and over.

nice advertisement faggot
post ingredients so we can see what sort of toxic shit is in it


Attached: ingredients.png (312x231, 16K)

Is this the mythical instant headache powder?

Under dosed beta alanine, no citrulline malate, no other pump products. Just a shit ton of caffeine and nothing else. 2/10, at least they kinda tried

Oh shit

the pump one is DR jekyll so you have to stack... $$$

Why is everyone freaking out over 7g of sugar? Is it because most of you are former fatties?

I was a huge fan of the banana one (the 26g ones not the 42), and they just added sucralose recently. Shit’s wack desu

>Not mixing 3 scoops of protein powder in with whole milk and your jizz

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