Is being a minimalist good Jow Forums?
Is being a minimalist good Jow Forums?
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No, ascetics are ghey.
I have minimal decoration in my house. It's just more convenient to clean up desu
That's not minimalism, this is lonercore
if you lokk at old pic of people romm, before 2000 and mass internet and social medi, the interior of people were not arranged for intagram pics or ikea plublicity, they wer normal. Op pic is nothing shocking for a celibate men, wh would you have tons of shit who take times to clean etc. Womens being hyper consesual, they want a houise thart look like int movie or ikea magazines. fuck that
Minimalism is just a post-modern version of trying to live with aligned with nature and not material. It’s inherited a lot from stoicism but dropped all of those bigoted, racist, toxic masculine, and sexist things that people like Seneca talked about.
Honestly it’s kinda stupid in some ways, but if you’ve got a cluttered life then it’s a start.
Unbased stroke poster
There's having ton of shit and there's having a fucking couch
sorry for shitty writing m drunk
If I knew you in person I would make fart noises when you talk and keep you from saying anything because you sound like a bitch and you have no idea what you're talking about and I want to make you angry at me so you do it more and make an ass of yourself.
Just have a small room. I don't have much furniture, but because of small room size it all look good
It just pisses women off that men can be happy without having all worthless shit they need doesn't it?
Yes. Men should do whatever they can to be satisfied with simplicity. Simple food, simple living arrangements, simple speech.
Prove me wrong. Most of these fad cultures that have come in the past 5 years are all derivatives of stoicism
yes, also if the guys is chad then "wow you are minimalist omg you have your own personality lol who need tons of shit anyways ddd" but if hes ugly then "ewww look at this loser creepy room omagad no wonder he dont get laid lol "
Holy stroke
Imagine triggering roasties by merely existing.
No need to have a couch. I used to have lots of parties at my place. So i needed couch. Most of my friends moved away. So no more parties. No more couch. Why have shit you dont need? More space is comfy as fuck.
kys retard
this is it
they are so pissed that you can find happiness without material goods
>but dropped all of those bigoted, racist, toxic masculine, and sexist things that people like Seneca talked about.
Nice b8
Nah dude chicks like big dicks
How do you not see a problem with that apartament tho. Only fucking videogame platfo, tv and coach. It's dull. You dont need to fill a room with useless stuff, but you can have photos of loved ones, a small table with souvenirs if you have traveled, a 3$ clock, paintings or creations you have done if you do, an instrument hanging if you play one.
OPs pic just gives the vibe of a guy who doesnt care much about his family, doesnt travel and the only hobbies he has are videogames and going to club sometimes.
This poster is a woman.
She is right, but not for the reasons she has in mind. A man should have an appreciation for art, and his home should reflect it. The woman who is critical of the apartment would fill the space with worthless garbage from target and meaningless trinkets espousing worthless platitudes, you know, "live laugh love" shit.
>OPs pic just gives the vibe of a guy who doesnt care much about his family, doesnt travel and the only hobbies he has are videogames and going to club sometimes.
what if the guy living is this room is pic related ?
>what if the guy living is this room is pic related ?
that post would have never been made because fatty would still be on her knees gobbling up his seed all to spit out in the bathroom and try to get her self pregnant
based, also:
>Prove me wrong
You're not supposed to say this unironically.
That guy clearly all his life was succesful as you say, so he wouldn't be a videogame lonercore
thats what you assume baby, some chad like him have ""beta""" occupation but its okay since they are chad, not so when ugly or average. Im not gonna repeat what i say here >> but if he live in shitty lonecore room and collection pokemon card you would'n give a shit and take his semence.
>look mom, I pointed out a typo!
imagine living this hellhole that would be depressing right haha?
It really depends on what you're going for. If you entertain guests or enjoy living in a space with a certain aesthetic, it seems like a bad idea. If decorations bring you no benefit or joy, why have them? Aside from when I lived with a woman, the only things in my room (roommates, so the rest is common area and idgaf) have been my bed, desk, drawers, books, and guitar. In the near future I plan to move into a studio apartment and have the exact same things there. Why? I don't care about visual aesthetics and don't entertain guests. If, however, you entertain guests and/or like living with a certain visual aesthetic, get some decorations or whatever. If you don't want or need it, it's pointless. Do whatever you want.
Based strokeposter
Seriously what is wrong with this? If it had a rug she probably wouldn't say anything. Why would he pay another 200$+ for a couch?
That's not minimalist
>a table of souvenirs
>creations you have done
All I need is a mattress, computer desk with a regular office chair, once closet for clothes and one closet for storage, a workbench and fully stocked and equipped kitchen and bathroom.
Not living in a garage
For having people over. Just get a used couch off of ebay, put a new cover on it if needed and done
Based incelposter
Only autists live that way
Im all for having no clutter
But ops pic is a bit extreme, i have no clutter in my apartments but i have furniture and stuff
Many people who visit comment on the emtyness, i just tell them i dont like having clutter. Everyone respects that
All i have are trophies and expensive booze bottles and a few meaningful gifts on my shelves
I wish I could afford to live alone. Chances are, I'll be homeless this autumn. Housing market is so fucked.
Oh and ww2 memrobilia ofcourse, mostly nazi. The only thing i collect
Post memorabilia
sadly it has become so expansive the last decade or two
>It’s inherited a lot from stoicism but dropped all of those bigoted, racist, toxic masculine, and sexist things that people like Seneca talked about
Such as?
Be a minimalist.
I'm not saying you should have nothing but simply throwing away shit that you don't use ever or don't derive regular enjoyment from (besides emergency shit) is going to make your life easier.
*Saves money
*More space, less clutter
*Makes you look richer (look at wealthy people spaces, how much clutter is there?)
Based chernobyl poster
>OPs pic just gives the vibe of a guy who doesnt care much about his family, doesnt travel and the only hobbies he has are videogames and going to club sometimes.
Ever consider that maybe the guy doesn't want to spend money on unnecessary shit? We live in a time where time can be kept on the tv in the home and a photo album can be saved on a phone or computer, souvenirs are largely personal and can be kept in your room for you to enjoy rather than strewn about for others to see. If the guy doesn't like any paintings he finds or create anything what would you have him do? Spend money to hang shit he doesn't care about up? You sound like you try way too hard to fill your life up with stuff either to feign having a satisfying life or to impress others.
Imagine the smell
Someone post the full one please
Well executed minimalism as an aesthetic is great. We don't need as much shit as we think in general.
This doesn't have to be monk mode bullshit, but I swear so many people stuff their rooms with random garbage when all you really need is a big bed, a table to work at and maybe some storage for clothing and such.
>t. Femcel
The problem isn't the furniture. It's
>carpeted floor
>weird window placement
>no functional storage
>mismatched furniture
>ugly walls
Give this shit a nice hardwood floor, some decent wallpaper and maybe a more tasteful lamp and bitches would be creaming themselves over the a e s t h e t i c c
Seneca knew about the jews
Bitches with a boipussi, no actual stacy would
Minimalism is for the rich.
Unironically consider suicide
>This is where I sleep eat and fuck
>OMG you need to glam it up in here! Let's go to bed bath and beyond and get you some stuff!
>But i'm barely in here...
>NO it's so BLAND in here, come on you got a credit card right?
Keep the dog
lmao, is this from Breaking Bad Jesse's house?
This never happened. Usually it's "Your place is nice" and maybe "wow there's so much space".
Go meet some real women and get laid, my dude, it'll help in the long run. Ask if you need help with that
>all that tacky bullshit
>no holes in the wall
>no cat running around getting cat litter everywhere and tearing up carpet and floorboards
>no wine stains on the carpet
>no wine vomit stains behind the toilet
>bathtub not stained from bath bombs
>no cum stains from the facial going over her head and landing on the floor
Wow it's like he'll get his deposit back
You've never watched it? Have you?
He had a huge fucking house full of shit his aunt left him.
Scarily accurate, but this is what hoes think counts as decor
No shit it didn't happen "my dude" that's not my apartment. Also,
>Bringing girls back to your place
>Ever consider that maybe the guy doesn't want to spend money on unnecessary shit?
Yeah i would consider that, but has a fucking console, so no
>Don't spend money on unnecessary shit
>Can't have 1 nice thing he likes
It's like I'm flashing back to every chick's apartment during and after college
1. This board is international
2. Drunks drink
What's wrong with that?
forgot the "&"
>all that space for home gym
>take a girl home
okay so is she sitting on the floor or are you immediately gonna invite her to bed?
i feel you bro, real shit.
are you lost?
Being a minimalist is a style choice but consider this.
How fucking stupid do poor people look when they try to act rich. Talking to you niggers.
Now consider that minimalism only looks good in your 4,000 sqft home, not your 800sqft loft and you work at chrunchbucks.
Pretty comfy breh
nice hemroid pillow on the chair
If that’s the case, he would have someone decorating for him. Out of THEIR pocket.
No you need to surround yourself with filth, like da Vinci and Goethe did, to inspire yourself.
Never gonna make it
that poor chair
No hashtags, you boomer?
I cannot understand why people are against minimalism. Not having to deal with shit is the greatest.
I would just add a table to sit my drinks on by my chair. Maybe something for the nasty cable arrangement in the back too.
We're deep in the age of consumerism; most people can't understand why anyone WOULDN'T want as much shit as possible
I fucking hate it. It reminds me of my childhood home.
I have a problem with the distance between the chair and the TV. It's much too far.
It basically screams " no one has ever come to this flat and I have zero interest besides TV and vidya"
Absolutely nothing wrong with that apartment