So I'm a boxer, and at the boxing gym we have weights aswell. I'm trying to increase my muscle mass...

So I'm a boxer, and at the boxing gym we have weights aswell. I'm trying to increase my muscle mass, should I lift weights before the boxing session or after?

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Ideally, after. There's some research that says that cardio after weights reduces testosterone (it's probably insignificant but who knows).

Retarded af advice. If you lift in a fatigued state you're going to snap all kinds of shit up.

Do lifting and boxing on separate days. If that's not possible, lift before boxing.

Before. Always practice technical skills first. If you train worn out you'll get sloppy in a match.

Why just boxing?

Why don't you also learn wrestling, grappling, and muay thai?

Because he's not a failed athlete that turned to mma as his last resort

>every mma fighter is a failed athlete

what kind of cope is this? If you had half a brain, you'd realize that MMA is just a logical progression of combat sports. Why only learn 1 style when you can learn all of them in the most practical minimal rules way?

Everyone always says to lift before conditioning/technique work because you'll snap your shit lifting after.

Boxing is an art form. Practiced by many but mastered by few.

Boxing is the best combat style. Period.