Serious question: is it even worth working out if you have shit genetics?
>Pic unfortunately related
Serious question: is it even worth working out if you have shit genetics?
>Pic unfortunately related
Yeah. Bad insertions aren't going to matter to normies
What the fuck?
Dude seriously just start lifting and stop pretending that you've been dealt a shit hand so you can avoid hard work
this, shut the fuck up OP you self-pitying fuck
of course it is faggot. Nobody gives a fuck except for the gymcels and dyels in this forum.
normies don't even notice shit like this-
just the autistic homos on here.
>inb4 cope
i don't have this issue - i'm stating this as an impartial observer
OP here, yeah, I sort of already accepted this and decided if I can’t take pride in how they look, I can at least take pride in the hard work. It’s just a huge blow to confidence at times desu, and you start to question if the hard work is worth what you put in. Surely people here have had similar problems? How did you find motivation?
>halo effect
Get treated better and have more chances at interacting with people.
It's better to be buffed with shit genetics than a dyel with shit genetics.
Clearly you look like shit at that weight take the bearmode pill