People who need “motivation” to work out are weak willed and usually don’t stick with a routine. Motivation in and of itself is horse shit. You should possess the DISCIPLINE to work out, it shouldn’t be a question of whether or not you should do it, it should be an inescapable duty. You should WANT to do it, bettering yourself shouldn’t be a chore
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I think ideally you need to be both. Discipline makes you show up but motivation makes pushes you to put in more effort and get better gains.
you're not enlightened, that's just common knowledge
kill yourself faggot
You are motivated to be disciplined. There is some motivation behind every action you perform
Motivation is fleeting but duty is forever.
this is the Jow Forums equivalent of a redditor saying "unpopular opinion: racism is bad"
I get what you mean. I think. But usually when we talk about people who only train when "being motivated" we are referring to people who will only go to the gym when said motivation is very high, so that their reward centers are more stimulated. Disciplined people have learn to still do the thing even if the reward comes much later, and even if doing that thing does the opposite of rewarding (pain, boredom etc).
That said... You're kinda right I think, you sitll need some motivation to kickstart the effort-reward system so develop a proper discipline. I am obsessed with this; I think to myself, I could do better. Technically everyone could give 100% effort right? There is no physical barrier preventing anyone from waking up early, giving up vices etc. there is no impassable physical wall... or is there? Is your innate potential, the wiring in your brain, what determines how predisposed you are to succumbing to lazyness versus being ambitious enough to achieve great things?
Discipline is the foundation of greatness, but motivation is what lays the first brick.
Maise Williams is so fucking ugly
Old as fuck idea and it's only half true in reality.
If you're running on 3 hours of sleep and you have work to do, chances are you're going to dramatically underperform and slack off, regardless of how disciplined you are.
What "motivation" really is is having healthy habits in place that make you feel great everyday, so that working becomes easy.
If only everyone thought this way so that I could actually have a shot at fucking her.
>What "motivation" really is is having healthy habits in place that make you feel great everyday, so that working becomes easy.
That’s not what motivation means though, you’re just redefining the word to fit your statement
motivation is a false prophet
dedication is the one true god
You could just stick your dick in a tub of fish and chips and it’d be about the same experience
That sounds fucking delicious.
I bet it's her agents paying ppl to post her ugly ass around
>Hey Maisimoto, Do yo know who burned down Notre dame?
>No One, *sly wink*
I used to struggle constantly making myself work out, I drank a lot and missed work constantly, etc. Couldn't finish anything. I tried so fucking hard, but I just couldn't make myself no matter how badly I beat myself up. I ended up getting on Welbutrin, and suddenly all that shit was super fucking easy. Getting up at 5:30, working out, quit drinking completely, went and got a degree while working. There was no struggle to do anything anymore, it was just what I did. Was I more disciplined before or after the drugs? And is being undisciplined or unmotivated a moral issue, when you can just pop a pill and the struggle disappears?
Why do you choose to be disciplined in the first place? It seems to me that there is a motivating factor (e.g. you don't want to be a fat, lazy slob).
Motivation and discipline are a duality
Yes very much so. As put it.
So when we see some fatass being a fatass maybe it IS genetic. But not because some bullshit "metabolism" but rather because his brain makes him unable to motivate himself enough to build the discipline he needs to lose all that weight.
And maybe those who make it did really have the capacity to do so in the first place. And those who don't maybe don't have reached the right conditions to do so.
This scares me a bit, because it's a step closer to proving determinism, and while I think the universe does behave in a determinist matter it doesn't make it any less terrifying. I could choose to ignore the fact but at the same time I can't.
He really managed to spoil this beautiful piece of art with that ending, the journey was great though
>t. Jewberg
Hey listen famalam, just because you go to the gym and lift heavy shit doesn’t make you special. You’re not better than them, just keep grinding.
As for rating the thought : 2/10
Originality: 0/10
Well this is the result of instant gratification and how it impacts the reward pathways in your brain. Because of this many people thrive on short lived bursts of "motivation" as you put it, because they lack the discipline to put in the work required. Not only that, but depending on the severity, may be incapable of reforming those pathways to reward things which aren't instant.
This is why there is a new different diet or weight loss miracle for sale every week. These products are selling the illusion, the thought, the fantasy to consumers. ex. "Take this and you will be thin". The same thing that draws lottery players and gamblers - just that rush of dopamine from the thought you might win. To those with a miserable existence, maybe a small price to pay compared to their circumstances; but in no way productive.
The biggest truth you have to swallow is that nothing worth achieving comes easy. If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Self-discipline is one of the most lacking character traits of people these days and the source of many physical/mental/emotional issues.
reddit post
Wow, way to spill the same shit that was agreed upon years ago.