Gain weight when picky?

Im trying to gain weight so i can have bigger boobs as im currently underweight with less than an A cup. But im a picky eater and hate making meals.

I currently eat mostly processed foods especially bread products and sweets. And then dairy and fruit. besides for dinner my parents cook depending on if its gross or not.

Im gaining at an appropriate rate. 1/2lbs per week. but i can tell its going to start showing on my skin and i want to stop it before it gets gross and out of hand.

The issue is im picky with eating. the only meat i like is fish and chicken thighs legs and wings and bacon and my parents like beef so i dont have meat that much i also hate beans and tofu. and nuts are a no as im allergic. So i get a lot of my protein form dairy as it requires no prep and i love creamy things. I also find every vegetable besides raw lettuce, onion,peppers, pickles and tomatoes disgusting. So instead i have lots of fruits and a strong multivitamin. i also cant stand whole grains besides oatmeal there gross. So most of my carbs are sweets and white bread products.

I also have little motivation to prepare and eat food. It feels like a waste of time when i could be doing art ,painting miniatures or gaming. hell even eating often feels like an inconvenience. This also is why i have a hard time eating foods i dont like it turns a chore into a very unpleasant chore. and id honestly rather just have black coffee and then have a little something if i get hungry but thats how i got underweight. i dont exercise besides skateboarding sometimes for the same reason.

Anyone have suggestions for how i can be healthier but still gain weight.

Attached: starbucks-coffee.jpg (372x450, 34K)

Inject testosterone and change your name

The weight you’re gaining is going to make you look fat everywhere else and your skin is going to look gross from the lack of nutrients

Drop the sweets and start getting some protein and proper starches

do u expect any1 to read that much lmao

with this attitude you are wasting your time.
if you want to change your life, you have to change your life.

Just get implants. If you don't naturally store fat in your tits you're going to look like shit fat

I'm currently a BMi of 16 so have to gain.

drink moo moo milk

Kill yourself
Baiting shitposter

Healthy and gaining weight? If you like oats then I'd be making a 1000 calorie bowl of it every day. That sucks that you can't eat peanuts cuz peanut butter is fucking amazing for calories. Maybe try to eat more pasta? Not much "healthy" food that will help you gain weight. Just eat more. Your stomach will get bigger and it will become easier to eat more.