Sleep 12-16 hours a day

>sleep 12-16 hours a day
>still tired all the time

Should I bump it up to 20 or what?

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do you live with your parents?


I haven't gotten 8 hours of full sleep in I don't know how average now is 6 or maybe 7 but that's rare.
It's impossible for me to fall back asleep

Sleeping over 8 hours makes you feel tired for the rest of the day. Sleep less and sleep before midnight.

>do you live with your parents?

Yes, why?

I think being tired is a simptom of depression so you should probably just try to eat healthy, walk everyday and eventually have some social relations. If you do these 3 things you should stop being depressed. Good luck

Like they said. Problem is likely that you're sleeping too much.

>Sleep less

How do I do this? I try not to but I get tired and end up sleeping anyway.

typical nice guy reasoning, if it does not work try harder
maybe you should consider why you need abnormal hours of sleep and still be tired, there are doctors for this stuff

you probably have iron deficiency.

>try to eat healthy, walk everyday

My mom cooks me chicken and vegetables all the time, and I walk the dog every day.

>eventually have some social relations

Does being social on Jow Forums count? I have no friends IRL.

Take a multivitamin and make sure you're getting enough calories. Try and force yourself into a routine

Caffeine and cold water are great for waking you up. Also having a decent diet, working out and having some sort of purpose.
You don't have to go and man up for society like the internet tells you. But it would help your life if you helped yourself. Do it for you, user.

Increase your sleep quality, you'll be able to sleep less and feel more refreshed. Exercise, less masturbating, maybe you have some form of sleep apnea, etc.

They didnt invent alarm clocks where you live yet?

>tfw genetically predisposed to need less sleep
feels great user, i'd hate to be you

>be me
>school is shit
>sleep 10h for 64h
>eyes r red
>cop stops u
>said u smoked weed
>go to jail for 24h
>miss exam
>bad grade.txt

i am gonna kms

Alarm clocks don't work. I turn turn them off and then go back to sleep.

Protip: When the alarm sounds dont turn it off. Wake up and get off the bed instead. Amazing I know.

You need 7-8 or even less.
I sleep 9pm-5am and I'm never ever tired.

your diet's probably pretty shitty

Possibly not enough calories and nutrients. Get a cronometer app on your phone, and track how many calories you eat. A man needs 2000 calories a day.

Exercise for one hour a day, vigorous or light. Walking is a good one.

Eat minimum 2000 calories a day

Eat most to all the nutrients you need a day.

Sleep 8 to 10 hours a day, no more, no less.

If you eat all the nutrients, sleep properly, and exercise properly you'll be fine.


>broad statements about how to live le healthy life
>not considering that there are genetic abnormalities and medical conditions

See a doctor. You may have some deficiencies or hypothyroidism. Or depression.

Holy shit my eyes are bloodshot all the fucking time too.Aren't they supposed to somehow test if you actually took anything before proceeding with punishments?

You have sleep inertia from sleeping all day and nit doing anything. If you did something and slept less you would have more energy.

Don't you have any responsibilities?