Whats the point now if I got stretch marks on my forearms?

Whats the point now if I got stretch marks on my forearms?

Attached: 6413EE6C-E796-48AE-B23B-F62071A1E590.jpg (3024x2722, 1.31M)

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never seen that before. impressive.

Tell me your fore arm routine m’lord.

you must be hitting them pretty goddamn hard. mirin

Routine NOW

Attached: 0F4D1650-682F-4477-B6FF-3147CC5B4F0E.png (280x291, 120K)

too bad you'll never get them on those chopstick wrists

those aint stretch marks, thats needle tracks ya junkie

forearms will only get them with growth from being on gear

just not take gear and don't carry the scars forever

Stop being a pussy OP, your arms look great.

Attached: Chicken-Quesadillas-Recipe.jpg (600x900, 73K)

routine and
recipe pls