Does vaping kill gains?
Does Jow Forums vape?
Not as bad as smoking.
Cigars personally.
Makes you look like a retard, so yeah that might offset your gains due to the fact that you'll have to associate with trashy poor people
Honestly nothing cooler than a shredded guy smoking a cig, just do that
no. also nicotine is a nootropic
> increased focus/reaction time
> memory retention is greater
> IQ tests have been performed and are higher on nicotine
downsides? Addiction, loses its spark after prolonged use, anxiety
i need to get a juul to curb anxiety and help me focus
Actually they enhance your gains by deflecting pussy away from you so you can spend more time at the gym.
Juuls rule
I vape pot if that counts.
The anxiety is from juuling retard
It's really hard to quit and also expensive
Cancer kills gains
Sluts fiend juuls now they will come up to you and ask for it
if you're an addict craving a fix. people report a calming affect from nicotine, some studies suggest its beneficial for depression.
don't fuck with me
Would you rather I hit a bog or some shit?
Not him but I've been addicted to nicotine for 21 fucking years now. Even if you get some initial beneficial effect (and if you do please let me assure you it's probably mostly placebo) it will be vastly outweighed by the cravings that will quickly ensue. Vaping's better for you for sure, but nicotine is still nicotine and it's horrendously addictive. If you've got le millennial anxiety do CBT.
what are the ill effects of solely nicotine besides it being an unnecessary expenditure? And can you use it in moderation, or were the D.A.R.E teachers right about it being addictive the very first time you ingest it?
Probably not don’t stress too much on it though if it helps it helps
I vape 3mg/ml fairly often daily to help with focus and relaxation, and I'm not addicted, I get no negative effects when going a few days without it.
Good for you (really), but that's a sample size of 1.
The vast majority of smokers I've known end up heavy smokers unless they quit outright or switch to vaping, with most social/moderate smokers being either recently-started smokers or heavy smokers trying to cut down, usually temporarily. Most of the vapers I know seem even more addicted - few can go more than an hour comfortably without vaping. That said, they're almost all ex-smokers. You might get lucky and not get addicted, but I'd say it's more likely that you do. Seriously try CBT if you're anxious - I had full-on social anxiety (before it was cool) and it basically cured me in like 8 sessions.
i use my stiiizy, super enjoyable working out high. also great for social events/gatherings
I'm slightly worried about the potential aromatase inhibiting effect of nicotine. You might think that would be a good thing, less estrogen, more testosterone but estrogen is actually a good thing and helps keep you free from pain and injury.
Also nicotine is a vasoconstrictor and may slow wound healing. You can find evidence of this in clinical settings where it's advised to stop smoking and quit nicotine containing products as it may slow the healing process from surgery. When you lift weights all the time and are constantly placing your body under great physical duress, I can't imagine the vasoconstricting effects of nicotine being of anything but a detriment.
I think vaping nicotine has its uses but in general you're better off staying away from it.
any tips from CBT? I don't want to pay for a class
Quite interesting user. Where did you learn of this
I smoke regular cigs. A couple a day. Gains through the roof with or without. Imagine looking like a Greek god and squatting all the weights in the gym then nimbly throwing up a few power cleans at 315 whereafter you go out to the parking lot to smoke a cig. The chicks lose their shit.
Yes, most are gay here. (Not me though)
Nicotine as a vasoconstrictor is common knowledge and there is a shilled stufy showing it raises test that gets posted on fit.
You're stupid sorry fren
I vape
Juul's are for fags tho
Nah, vaping does not kill gains, unless you skip the gym to vape, that is.
any nicotine usage kills gains
i would if i were you
vape pot is the worst and never gets me high just a weird wired buzzed feeling
the study people keep refering to has been debunked as bullshit made by big tobacco
its along the same shit as studies ''proving' tobacco helps lungs by relaxing them
I smoke weed out of my juul on weekends, you can walk about smoking it with no issues
>trashy poor people
you do realize we're on Jow Forums right?
Gains are actually increased, due to all the semen vapers consume regularly.
Kills my appetite and helps me cut
Can confirm. In high school "chromers" were bound to attract attention from women. Granted, it was typically only within one's own social demographic, so you were stuck with the "pheens" from your own friend group. It gets fucking annoying when you're the only one with one though, because literally everyone would pheen.
seamen is a great protein source
Ay sick -- I've been thinking about getting the new battery. I'm using Premium Jack for workouts and Skywalker OG for post-workout. What is your approach?
I unironically use vaping to cull my desire for food when I'm doing 24+ hour fasts.
Getting lung cancer and wrecking your cardiovascular system from a high comparable to caffeine to look ‘cool’
Very cringe and betapilled
Almost as bad as choking down bland chicken breast so you can have "abs"
Nicotine enhances focus. Mind muscle connection gains.
Also great way to meet people, and cures anxious feelings in social situations.