Be dyel

>be dyel
>strut around like i had chad amounts of muscle and feel confident
Anyone else who does this? Pic unrelated, just a pretty girl that'll give me (you)s

Attached: 1554344523346.jpg (1080x1338, 106K)

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>carrying your invisible canoes

i do this because it's better posture and unironically makes you look more dominant.
people think im pissed or "serious" all the time even though i don't do anything with my face.
that only happens to retards who never stretch and do curls every day.

Confidence >>>> face >>>>>> height > frame >>>>>>>>>muscles

Ive been doing that just to get better posture. I slouch hard and have to actively think about not slouching when I walk.

Shitposting>>>>>> Confidence >>>> face >>>>>> height > frame >>>>>>>>>muscles

which one are you OP?

Attached: de niro shoes.jpg (2000x1334, 582K)

better to do this than being all bent overn


He got a club foot or something?

I want her to spit on me and slap my balls.

De Niro was playing the part of the real life hitman Frank Sheeran who was 6'4".

Lot of bad shops going on there lmao

I just raise my head and look at the eyes. It improves good posture and gves confidence.
I'm not DYEL btw.

This. Does someone have the original pic?

God just up and makes anybody huh
Bitch big ugly

Attached: 1550953086454.jpg (837x837, 71K)

I do the opposite. I have "chad amounts of muscle" but I just act normally because I'm not an autist.

It's probable the she did it herself because thots

More like

Confidence >>>>muscles >>>> face >>> > frame >>>> height

face >confidence >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>frame >>>>>>> muscles=height

>dat blatant shoop


Imagine having sex with her, haha

i do this too

feels good

fake it till you make it

if you believe your own lies others will believe them too

its true

also i never go to reddit bu i just like to double enter cause it makes it look more clean

Cool you look confident but remember if you walk the walk you better be able to talk the talk buddy boy.

Or know your limit and be humble, we all lose eventually

yeah just keep walking so you don't hear the laughter

That's the sexiest motherfucker i have ever seen in my fucking life holy shit.

Attached: 5ijN6ov.png (246x300, 107K)

haha yeah


Youre such a newfag. Kys

I’ve literally kept this thread up for 16 hours because I can’t get rid of the image of having sweaty summer sex with her

manlets love pretending they are tall.

can someone please point out the shoops? untrained eye here

Is that Pouya's girlfriend?

Her right breast/arm
