>that guy that hits the treadmill at the gym
That guy that hits the treadmill at the gym
>that profusely sweaty boomer that doesn't clean the equipment
>that guy who goes alone to the gym to do a powerlifting routine with his earbuds in always, going for years on end and never communicating with other gym goers.
>that guy who drives to the gym
Ah shit, this is me but without the ear buds.
>that guy who goes to the gym to fight depression instead of socializing to cure it long term
yep that's me
but socializing isn't even an option so that's all I have
>not having friends at your gym
Lmaoing at your life
>that guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
>The guy who screams in the mirror before a set.
Why not both?
>that guy who slaps up his gf's ass during a set
>that guy who works or lives farther than a 10 minute walk to the gym they go to
>that guy who takes a sip at the water fountain after every set
>that guy who thinks the gym receptionist is into him because she says hello and then he goes and browses Jow Forums in the change room
I get thirsty and it helps me relax before I have to bench another 315, BITCH.
>that guy who can never keep his balance during squats
>the literal autist who wears cargo shorts to the gym with his crack always showing
>that skinny lanklet who goes to the gym and exclusively does stretches and bodyweight exercises
nigger why do you even pay for a gym membership or spend time driving over here for shit you can literally do at home
> that Latino Joseph Gordon-Levitt looking manlet who wears a tight fighting shirt and chinos in the gym
Dude is a good looking motherfucker and lifts heavy
It gets cold in the winter here in Minnesota, buddy.
>that pajeet who wears a polo shirt, jeans, and flip flops to the gym while smelling like a combination of BO, curry, and cheap cologne
Why don't you go up and politely tell him how he smells and ask that he take better care of his hygiene? Are you content in your condescension, but too much of a pussy to have earned it?
One of the great mysteries of our age
and get closer to the stench? No thanks. Also pajeets only stay over in the DB area so I can usually just steer clear.
Easier to get in the workout mode
based footqueen
seriously, though, who does this?
It's not like he's got a dead bug in his hair or something simple.
He reeks like he bathes in french onion soup, with extra cheese.
Whats wrong with that, you spandex wearing fagoot
You bitch
SHUT UP user
>that plate bitch that obsessively rearranges the entire rack correctly every time he re-racks
Don't pretty much all pro athletes use treadmills? I heard they don't let them run outside anymore because the injury risk is too high.
Guys who do this are unironically based. If you're bothered by loud noises in a gym I suggest you go work out in a library.
that absolute state of bodybuilding
You need to get your mind in order
I feel personally attacked.
You poor thing.
Sad thing is there's an incel reading this right not thinking he'll start doing and that's what will finally push him to lose his wizardry qualification
Why would someone wear a formal gown to a wrestling event? And why is that arena empty?
>grils that just use a few machines and treadmill
grill why are you here and paying 3x as much at a powerlifting/strongman/oly gym when you could go to planet fitness and pay a third of what you do now and do the exact same things?
Is this still from Oz?
>that guy who has so low endurance that he cannot walk for more than 10 minute or take a run to the gym