Jow Forums women thread

Jow Forums women thread

Female Jow Forumsizens share your tips for maximum gainz

anyone else here get pre-menstrual fatigue? 2-3 days before my period I can barely walk between rooms and not have to lie down. At the gym it's like I can lift 1/3rd of what I usually can because my arms are like cooked spaghetti

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Other urls found in this thread:

tits and time stamp or get the fuck out.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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I knew a girl who’d get so sick on her period she’d vomit a few times each day and absolutely seem dead. Would come to college just to sleep the entire time. Genuinely felt bad for her.

But also literally no one here wants to hear about your period. There might be like 20 femanons that browse here, 3 that actually post. 15 of them are xx chromosomes.


Post them beautiful ebony milkers, honeytits

Friendly reminder to lift only for yourself and not smelly m*n.

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I know there are women here, I read the thread about squatting on your period a couple weeks ago

I lift for women just like the rest of you homosexuals



There aren't. Those are bots designed to trick incels into generating web traffic here.

killyourself retard

Well I still believe there are only 15 biological women here in total, but anyways yo I should supplement iron/get more in your diet. I’m pretty sure that it would help your problems a bit.

Another option is to get so low bodyfat that the period stops completely. You’ll be a massive cunt at times but I mean do you actually care?


Hi! Few things to start off with =] 1. Yes I am writing this because you're a female Jow Forumsizen, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.

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If I'm a gril and I WANT to get bulky, is my only option sterroids?

How do you talk to "that guy" at the gym ladies?!

I'm thinking I'm gonna walk up and give him my number :$

No. You can get bulky as a grill, lift heavy.

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achievable natty?

female with vagina here

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Probably. Either way when you achiev that give me a call sometime hotsuff

*flexes ‘cep*

>tfw squatting and some vagina discharge leaks out

we shouldn't lift for girls either, just like all these fucking incels

Tfw squatting on heavy period days

Haha imagine if she trapped your head between her thighs and forced you to go down on her
>tfw no strong tomboy pixie cut gf

Go back to /b/ you stupid nigger. OP is actually making a legitimate reason to say she's female. Read the rules again.

>Jow Forums

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this always gets me haha

>tips for maximum gainz

Stop eating bread.

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Post glutes

Not woman, but this is what i got when googled "strength menstrual cycle"


cringe whore

>if she trapped your head between her thighs and forced you to go down on her
horrifying. She could just flex and kill you instantly

Does any other femanon have problems with following correct form due to the difference in muscle/ skeletal structure?
>Squats because my shoulders aren't broad enough to hold the bar correctly and my ass sticks out too far when I get to parallel
>Anything on a bench because my legs are too short to reach the floor and so I have to hold my feet up on the bench, causing my back to arch slightly

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Mods please kill this thread

I got on birth control a year ago and lost all the side effects from my period, I used to get acne and cramps real bad but now I just coast through

Then why cant you whores dress like human beings and not act like bitches on heat on the gym?

You don't lift for yourself, women can't stay a week without men's attention

Where is Ripley?!

Guys that enter this thread, remember this shit:

He's not kidding, I've people getting sued

But user I'm gey

I know

I hope you've all cut for summer

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So what’s the problem

Me too xD


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God I wish that were me


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hispanic people were just white until ~1998?

follow your heart and your dreams will come true

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No, YOU'RE the nigger here friend.


Then why was most a little girl checkmate motherfucker

Dropped my image

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anavar give up.

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OP here

I had a pulmonary embolism due to blood defect so I can't into birth control

Seriously considering injecting testosterone to kill my reproductive system and for maximum gainz

I call first dibs on your meaty juiced up clit when you do, nigger.

Start fasting your dirty whore

Is there a safe dosage so you dont get acne and lose your hair and stuff? I wanted to get an endometrial ablation because I've always felt like periods are just a hassle

I get that too!
Before my period I get super tired easily. But I still do the same workout, just with more breaks inbetween

Jessica Biel's physique was perfect. Feminine amount of muscle tone without going fridge mode.

Exactly. We're not lifting for the men's benefit, we're lifting for our benefit. Mires from men, angry fat frowns from the women.
We feel great when we're the sexiest piece of meat in a room. Don't you?

This vid might not answer your question specifically, but has tons of useful information:

>During the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle—the week or so before your period is set to begin—you'll burn up calories faster than at all other times throughout the month

Could be you aren't eating enough I use this time of the month for my cheat day

Im not a female but fom what I've heard from my mom as well as grandma, eating red bean can really help with the bleeding during period. Amd because of the blood loss, maybe you can have a deload week to let your body heal.

name please

>Lifting only for mires
So basically what he said?

James Smith has a short video that describes how the menstrual cycle affects fat loss/strength.

It's in the filename.

Has anyone experienced not getting their period while cutting? I've been eating 1200kcal per day for almost two months now with a refeed day once per week where I eat at TDEE ~1800. I'm not on birth control anymore btw

monthly cycle planning

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All this period talk has cost me my no fap streak

yes dismennorrhea is a well known symptom of starvation diets, it'll hit you twice as hard when you go back to regular eating

Does anyone know how to reduce pre-period bloating ? It lasts for a week and it's honestly discouraging when you've been cutting for days and you suddenly feel and look fucking obese.
Any effective foods or supplements that suppress it ?

Now there's a pasta I haven't heard in a long, long time

>implying there are 15 users on Jow Forums
There's me, you, and those 2 other faggots

You guys have been posting a lot more than me, I’m only responsible for pretending to be 4 different posters :/

Lmao, i came across 4 Serbs and 2 Croats
t. Serb

heh, reddits that way kiddo


Hi! Few things to start off with =] 1. Yes I am writing this because you're a female Jow Forumsizen, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Nathan . 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.

A friend of mine wants me to help her with a routine. Any tips on a 3-day simple routine for a beginner 50 kilo tiny woman?

Nothing but poofters and pensioners in Brighton.

Samantha Wright, aka Pixie Warrior. She was adorable.

yes yes! good goy!

all the same guy sadly lad

>total lower than some of the figures.
>trusting a graph made by someone who didn't know the difference between total and average

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>not realizing he’s larping as a newbie clueless to the 5 of us who post here

>newfag trying to fit in
adorable, now go back

All me dude. Worth learning the language just to troll you epically fren


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low bar or high bar?

Well i know at least one from /his/

Actual brainlet XD

The total is the average you dumb cubt

lifting to be the big bad butch who protects other women is the noblest quest of them all

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