How did this game make you feel?

How did this game make you feel?

Attached: bloodborne-two-column-02-ps4-us-04jun14.jpg (767x1080, 233K)

>That pvp for games can actually be decently made

The games alright

>he still plays video games
Grow up.

Who wants to help me beat this? Im stuck on a boss, the dream one or whatever

The guy with the cage on his head?

>doesn't want to play an actually decent lovecraftian game

It's literally made for adults with adult tastes in literature and lore

This isn't mariocart grandpa or fembot

>The guy with the cage on his head?

inferior healing system, shitty game layout and progresson path and having to use a controller and deal with playstation is a big yikes (used somebody else's console, they didnt have PS+ so no online play). All that being said the weapons, world design and voice acting were incredible.

when a child becomes a man, he throws away all childish things, including the desire to grow up

Unironically alive, the rush you get when you just scrap by beating a tough boss is almost orgasmic, wish i could feel that again

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If you're getting raped by his blue light ball spell just stay close to him and he won't cast it.

his orb nova can be interrupted, just circle him like the earlier phase and dont be a mongo with your swings. be patient and stagger his casts.

Better lore than dark souls. But dark souls had the greater impact of a lonely journey since I played it first.

A hoonter must hoont

poor for still not bein able to get a ps4

A great game. Dark Souls for me lacked continuity and a coherent world, it was just a bunch of random shit thrown together. Everything about this game is great, the world, lore, voice acting, literally everything.

Only criticism I have is that it isn't very replayable. There are other linear games I enjoy playing over and over but not Bloodborne for some reason.

What said
Dont panick and move away, you cant really dodge his strong attack, just hit him quickly and hope he's dead before he hits you

I liked it, I didnt dig the atmosphere as much as other people but it was ok
I never played the DLC though so I cant really judge it

Nothing because i'm not buying a shitty console for 200+ dollars just for one game.

Fear or disapproval of things deemed "childish" is a hallmark of not growing up mentally. Did you know that user? That silly fear of doing or enjoying something you deem childish is signs of poor mental age development?

my favourite game. My introduction to soulsborne games. I like to replay the story once a year, try out new weapons/builds. Also hop on to my main to help people out with the dungeons every now and then.

tfw you'll never play this game for the first time ever again. my first play through was horrifying, I remember getting anxiety about progressing, like id be scared to go forward in a level because i was unsure if something would pop out or if there is a strong enemy behind the corner. Now i know this game like the back of my hand so the fear is unfortunatley gone.