Refugee rape incidents

>people open up their hearts and borders to refugees

>early 2019
>Finland reports a case of children raped by refugee gangs pretty much daily
>people in Finland don't understand how this happened

How badly does it burn to realize IQ 80 neo-nazis, rednecks and racists were right all along? Maybe for the wrong reasons but their gut instinct was still correct. You "intelligent" liberals confused yourself with your made up mumbo jumbo and wanting racism to be unfounded so fucking bad.
In a way, liberals are responsible for the pain caused to those raped children. Their lives are ruined forever, and the blood is in your hands.
Heck, why aren't liberals going to court for assisted rape since they opened up the gates of hell and let the beasts in? You can't blame the beast for being bad.

Attached: winner4.png (274x242, 3K)

>>people in Finland don't understand how this happened
Of course they understand, they just don't care.

That's what makes me truly hate leftists. They simply don't give a fuck if the world goes to shit, so long as they get their daily rush of dopamine and don't have to feel uncomfortable.

>so long as they get their daily rush of dopamine and don't have to feel uncomfortable

Well I guess this is it.
Weakness itself is pretty much chemically explained by being addicted to your own dopamine.
I hate comfort zone dwellers of every kind.

Not only do they not care but they continue to pretend it never happened and will prosecute and persecute anyone that insist it did.

Liberalism is cancer.
>inb4 triggered lefty says go back to Jow Forums

Nobody opened their hearts and borders you liar. Your people forced it on us, Shlomo.

Back to pol

Don't leave your cancerous containment board again

Well then why don't you do something about it?

liberals and their delusions are responsible for a lot of pain and suffering. they are so up their own ass they can't see it or don't want to see it.

Back to lgbt

Don't leave your cancerous containment board again

Finland deserves to be raped desu.

We are. You just are trying to cover it up with your pro-rapefugee propaganda.

>How badly does it burn to realize IQ 80 neo-nazis, rednecks and racists were right all along?
That's still higher than the economic refugees we let in.

It's various combinations which caused this to happen.
>Leftists hold power in Western society
>Leftists using political correctness can effictively ruin people's lives and livelihood
>Anyone saying ANYTHING bad about open borders, refugees, Islam, etc, will lose their job
>people get scared to even talk about this let alone try to tell the politicians not to open borders
>because the political correctness has run amok, leftism has caused borders to open
>this is all done because of the Juden poisoning the minds of western society and fostering this vile political correctness

Basically, it's not outright being forced. There's certain reasons why people are accepting of it, but it's still overall wrong. It's not as if you will go to jail if you're against it, but you will have your life ruined by those who opened their "hearts". There's more incentive to keep quiet about it. Now that time has passed, the reason why people are getting slowly but surely upset is because there is a growing realization that their societies will be destroyed by this multicultralist invasion upon their country.

>you can't blame the beast for being bad
yes, you absolutely can
if a dog bites, you put it down, you don't let it keep biting and blame the mauled children for wanting to pet the doggy
the fault isn't on the people giving charity to the ones that seemed to need it, it's on the subhumans abusing this charity and commiting the crimes
wanting to help third worlders escape their miserable conditions while things are getting fixed back home (which they are not, and that's another part of the problem that would be too long to develop) is objectively admirable and commendable in a very humanist way, what is not is tolerating their crimes and abuses under the same pretext tou are giving
if a beast wants to live in civilized society, it has to be trained, or disposed of
the fault isn't wanting to help your fellow man, it's treating refugees as "poor little scared animals that don't really understand the harm they're doing"
they fully understand what they are doing, and those who commit crimes should be expelled pronto, sent back to their shithole and forbidden entry for life

Leftists don't hold power anywhere lying Shlomo. People are openly speaking against immigration. Your people are trying to cultivate a culture of fear like you did in Burgerland.

>we are
No you aren't.
I'm not a jew you retard.

and people still have pitbulls as pets around toddlers and they'll continue to insist they are good dogs after they eat the face off the kid. Oh he was just playing

>Leftists don't hold power anywhere

>This post brought to you by George Soros's Open Society Foundations.

topzez mate

Your dog and child example is retarded.

So you don't agree that criminals should be punished ? We should blame the victims and just keep using the crimes as an example of how retarded liberals are ?
Or should we maybe take action and hold the criminals responsible for what they do ?
Most refugees are uncivilized, they are used to live in conditions of squalor where people can get away with crimes much easier, much like in the "state of nature". Their cultures are closer to the animal, and the mission of civilized folks is to educate them and train them to behave, much like you train a dog not to bite at the first feeling of threat or weakness. The example is perfectly apt, albeit very simplified.

Not the guy you're talking to and I'm not going to read your inane shit because you don't understand what "can't blame the beast" means, you fucking retard.

JIDF shills out in full force today.

Nobody here is shilling for anything you retard.

>you don't understand what "can't blame the beast" means
No, user, I can guarantee you're the one who doesn't understand. The beasts have to be held accountable when they behave inappropriately, and either broken into submission or expelled from civilized society.
You're literally arguing that people getting raped and murdered is well-deserved and that the poor stupid refugees don't realize the harm they're causing.

>yes good goy be afraid, don't speak against immigration or you will be arrested
>pay no attention to the real issues of your country

>Of course they understand, they just don't care.
I can see how you think this, but it is not the case. Brainwashing is brainwashing. If someone is brainwashed then they do not accept information contradicting their conditioning, they truly genuinely do not understand because they will not allow themselves to see any of the evidence for it.
>Confliciting Information = run ("excuses/thesethingscanhappenanywhere.mp3")

Also please stop calling these retards leftists, they are liberal/normies/mentally ill people.
The literal communist party of Sweden is out on the streets alongside the Soldiers of Odin stopping refugees from raping etc.

True leftists are working class and angry at the bourgeoisie, not lapping up their propaganda from mainstream media and angry at other poor people.

Literal shills come out every time this comes up here. The dude that calls everyone shlomo has already been confirmed as an actual legitimate shill.

Literally nobody is saying that.
The phrase means that if you open up the door to the sheep pen for a wolf, you're the retard and the one to blame because it was obvious what the wolf was going to do. Yes, you kill it, but you're the one to blame because you're the one that allowed them entry. That's what it means, you do punish the children for wanting to pet "doggy".

Proof that nigger should go away from EU and other countries

Tbh I think all refugees if they are avoiding terrorism; civial war etc. not economic refuge

>you can't blame the beast for being bad
>yes, you absolutely can
>if a dog bites, you put it down, you don't let it keep biting and blame the mauled children for wanting to pet the doggy

Terrible example
Dogs have been selectively bred for tens of thousands of years for obedience to humans
See where you apportion blame when your children take in a wolf instead

you gotta look at everyone as a statistic. that's what China and the corporations do.

that way, when dozens of white children get raped by brown immigrants, you just chalk it up to collateral damage and state health department expenses.
no one cares, only care about money.

Sadly europe is going down. People are slowly realizing but muslims are already here (more coming) and eu government hasnt changed. Britain is leaving eu, France is protesting on the streets. It's time for Germany to wake up, take strong conservative leadership and lead europe to greatness

Just how many times are you going to post your lies, Shlomo?