how do u plan on cutting in ramadan ?
Ramadan cut
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Be a sikh
pray 5 times a day
That's not a sikh, my man.
not a muslim, but i would go keto
Other than memes, what is a good way for cutting ?
>shaved head
>no turban
>in mecca
Cutting seems a bit inefficient user
Keke sikh, what's the average height in poopia? 5'2?
Lmao seething shitlim
yes, give me the quick rundown though, I dont wana google it.
I just know it's basically
>dont eat if the sun is up
>dont eat halal stuff
Ramadan is IF during which you dry fast throughout the day
Just eat at the end of the day before bed
The dune coon I used to work with told me he usually just ends up eating a ton at night during Ramadan.
Every. Single. Ramadan.
>What's up bro? Man I couldn't eat all day because it's Ramadan, you know?
>Yep, I know, you've been talking about it all day.
>Haha, yeah man. Well since I can't eat during the day I've just been eating so much at night. But duuude, the heartburn is killing me haha, bro.
>That's too bad, man.
>Haha yeah bro, but its okay, it's so worth it bro.
He was nice enough but he was very bad at taking social queues and knowing when people were annoyed with him being a fuckin chatterbox while they were trying to work.
Heard he got fired a bit after I left for harassing the highschool girl we hired to courier for our office.
She was pretty hot in his defense.
Cant even read the punishment of sodomy
Kafirs cant even cope right
>eat very well before 5am and drink 2 liters of water
>workout the whole day
>eat like a pig after sunset
>pray for 40 mins
>go for a run
I'll do this for the whole month, I'm about to reach super duper saiyan level
>tfw no middle eastern Kratos to lift with
S-Vest is the surefire diet for Ramadan
I actually lose weight and gain fat in ramadan. The food the family eats to break fast is so fatty and oily.
>LARPing dork posts a poorly drawn image
At least be good at drawing when doing this shit, kek.
>>>>>>>>Caring about the opinion of scholars, and acting like that represents the religion
I know this is bait, but just to clear it up; beastiality is a sin in Islam
Why dont muslims stop acting like fags and embrace their christian brothers to end the (((subversion))) instead of hating on our spiritual gains?
Well be cool if you be cool, just like at the end of kingdom of heaven.
but I already do that
I plan to go to the afghan food joint down the road and eat in front of them all month for lunch
>tfw Lent almost over
well we do keep kinda breaking their countries.
based muslim bro...
Only after they attacked ours.
I say let bygones be bygones and consolidate and repair our relationship.
>you did some things, we did some things, and now we really know whos putting us at each others throats
Amerimutt education
The jews attacked you and you cope by attacking the muslim world and then gasp when their civilians start to immigrate to your countries.
Someone exploding meca for peace gains would be really nice
Sure I plan on cutting.
I'm trying for 100 Muslim scalps.
i call this image "Mogging at Mecca"
Nah, bro.
Sikhs have just as much, if not more, disdain for muslims as westerners.
Their entire religion, right down to the turbans, is rooted in defiance of the muslim ruling class of the Mughal Empire.
The only legitimate criticism of Sikhs is that they aren't as militant as they used to be.
Muslim world has been fucking with the West just as long, fuck your Moorish slavers, Barbery Pirates, and seasonal Jihads. Vlad and Charlemagne didn't crucify enough.
No shit? Fasting.
Even if you're only fasting for one day out of the week. You don't have to be religious about it, but if you are gonna be religious then I suggest eastern orthodox or sanatana dharma.
>She was pretty hot in his defense.
They always are.
But, to channel my inner /a/, would he have taken responsibility?
Based Sikhs, would try to airlift every one out when glassing the ME
Bitch dont act like you bearded faggots are sweet and innocent.
Saudi/Israeli gov both were behind 911.
They then played it off on Iraq/Afghanistan, you have noone to blame for the shitstomping we gave you than your own high princes and king.
>Vlad and Charlemagne didn't crucify enough.
It's always a shame how people tend to forget the incredibly and unabashedly violent beginning of Islam, as though we're supposed to forgive them conquering christian North Africa and the Indus and subsequently raping any woman who wasn't nailed down.
Uhh... Sikhs are from India, bro.
You'd only need to airlift them, if you include Pakistan in the ME.
Anything preWWII is free real estate. Almost every kingdom did some fucked up stuff. I'm talking about NOW. Hillary's hand in the arab spring? Reagan introducing crack into african american neighbourhoods when they were beginning to do well for themselves, resulting in the current nigger culture of today? The US, controlled by Israel, is responsible for so many wars happening today. So many immigrations, movements and death and you have the audacity to cry when the homeless and fatherless flock to your lands.
Nice job killing Saddam.and causing nothing but a power vacuum that birthed ISIS.
>all americans are guilty for falling for jew tricks
>no muslims are guilty for falling for jewish tricks
Sure thing dipshit.
Thankfully I have no part on this conflict since Im not american or a kebab
Lol Ramadan is fucking gay. I've been eating 1 meal a day since high school. What a retarded ritual. It's not even hard after like a week.
Jokes on you.
Everyone hates kebab.
You Chinese? Read up on what China do to muslim uighurs.
You South Asian? Read up on how India/Burma/Indonesia relate to muslims.
You Latin American? Read up on conquistadors--ya know, the people who founded the country you live in.
You African? Read up on "zanj"
You retard, you know when I say America, I mean the government. It's precisely why it's sad to see the American people fight with people who are also manipulated to fight.
You will join this conflict. Everyone will.
OMAD works well with Ramadan.
Did all those self-improvement threads on Jow Forums work?
It seems like every time Ramadan fasting is brought up, the thread immediately goes full Jow Forums.