Fat Fuck Here, Not Losing Weight

I read the sticky and didn't find my answer

Alright fuckers, I've been lifting for over 10 years. im 28, 6ft, 275 pounds. who cares about my lifts because I'm fat as fuck but I have over a 1300 pound total.

im not going to go into detail about why i got fat as fuck but I did, I spent most of my early 20s hovering around 200lbs and sto

Im restricting my calories to between 1,200 and 1,600. I eat one 1000 calorie chipotle chicken burrito a day. macros are 40 fat 65 pro 118 carb. rest of my cals come from sugar in tea, coffee, red bull.

im on EC stack to help with cravings (it really fucking helps bruhs)

heres the fuckin deal, my thyroid hormone is low af. im supposed to be getting on some medication. has anyone here had thyroid issues and been unable to lose weight no matter what?

has anyone restricted their calories to this level and not lost weight?

am i just a retarded faggot who needs to kms?

thanks for the feedback

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Try fasting for a day or two.

tl;dr-you’re a retarded faggot but might be able to redeem yourself

Do IF- fast for 16 hours and eat two meals within 8 hours. Fix your fucking macros, more protein. Carb levels are ok. Stop drinking sugar. Stop drinking sugar. Stop drinking calories. When you stop being a bitch either do 48hr snake juice fasts (only water with sodium+magnesium+potassium) and OMAD. Good luck.

You're getting more calories than you think you are, from somewhere.

How long has this been going on?

I just want a gf to breast feed me after the gym.

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Don’t know much about thyroid issues, but eat healthier man. Cut the sugary drinks, and eat meat with vegetables, eggs, quark etc. You will feel better and have an easier time losing weight too

imagine those eyes staring at you as she's sucking you off while you're playing with her tits

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Stop eating out and make your own food. I do not care if they advertise Chipotle as healthy, it still will not be as good as a home made meal. Losing weight is all about what you consume.

been at 275 for a month

unless that burrito is hiding a few hundred calories somewhere there's no way. I eat/drink the same thing every day. 2 red bulls, one cup of coffee with 50 cals worth of cream/sugar, and a 22oz cup of sweet tea (i know my sugar intake is too high)

now that I think about it, its probably all the fucking sugar im drinking. thats a fuckload. but still, MAX im taking in 1,800 cals and this is while exercising daily.

Stop drinking red bull and eating sugar. That should be obvious.