Is his achievable natty?
Is his achievable natty?
Ultimate bulk/cut cycle
actually yes, just a really hard and disciplined cut plus a pump before shooting
He's made posts about it. He really never hid the fact that he went on a hyper strict diet in order to achieve it, alongside the use of a personal trainer. Got to give the man credit for the amount of effort he's put into the physical transformations of Mac as a character. based show
Mirin dat mass cultivation
so much effort for a sitcom. Fat mac was great but so much work for one joke in one episode.
Mac was fat for almost a season dude
Hell, I think it was an entire season
Yes but he didn’t get that natty.
post body
Fat for a season dude. The funny thing is that mac never made it until he came out as a fag. Basically Jow Forums
>He really never hid the fact that he went on a hyper strict diet in order to achieve it, alongside the use of a personal trainer.
Yeah but he may have hid the fact he was also taking test.
How can people be this naive? Do you realize how hard it is to gain size when you're reached a curtain point and you're 40 years old?
When people are asking him how he's in such great shape, do you think he can be honest about using gear? It's one of the worst and most looked down apon stigmas in our culture.
Is this achievable natty?
never, that is the upper 1%.
You’re retarded
You know what maybe my body doesn’t look so bad after all I should give myself more credit
Ya Jow Forums hurts my feelings a lot but I think I look ok
>Basically Jow Forums
Pretty sure Rob uses Jow Forums. There are too many references
I bet you're just coping for your own lack of discipline
with a shit ton of juice and yates-tier genetics
Thatd be hilarious, but Twitter and msm media would shame him about it cause "muh Jow Forums bad"
yes but its easier with roids
>too many references
such as?
>Lol it's just diet and personal trainers bro
Post body
Only golden gods can achieve this.
>Lol it's just roids bro
fat Mac was literally the best season
they used based and cuck a lot in place of typical insults a lot this last season. Not that user, but when the context they're used in definitely made me think of Jow Forums
* soiboi, not based.