Tell me, why do you lift?
Tell me, why do you lift?
>I lift for my waifu
When my dad was having a stroke, he was on the floor face down, and I literally couldn't fucking turn him
I could easily squat him now but I'm not going to stop, I can't let myself be that weak ever again
Thats respectable, good luck user, and i hope your dad rests well.
To move progressively heavier objects in a prescribed motion as it's the only sense of accomplishment available to me.
Im physically and mentally addicted. If I go 2 weeks without my muscles start hurting and I feel like a fat pos.
Sometimes I regret ever starting desu
to feel alive and to mog twinks with my squat
For u
Because I'm short, ugly, and have a small penis. What else am I going to do?
To be the best I can be. I don't want to be some skinnyfat DYEL
So I can put more food on my plate.
For my ex in hopes that she’ll love me again
>someone mentioned my hair dryer one time so now i have to put it in every picture or they wont know who i am
I lift to destroy the white race
Injury prevention in martial arts. Also, I just want to be as strong as possible before old age when muscle mass starts to decline.
It's the only thing I'm good at
To be the very best
Like no one ever was
i want to feel good about myself
I like feeling better than people, but I'm not narcissistic.
A small amount of narcissism is healthy
I'm 6'3 and broad
don't wanna waste those genetics
also being intimidating to people feels good
So this is how you jump high huh?
Not gonna make it
To become the humongous.
For my waifu
Based hair dryer poster
Good man.
To be fair a person isn't that easy to move even if you can lift heavier. e.g I can DL 210 kg SQ 200 and bench 142.5 and had patients collapse during work it's damn hard to move them solo unless they were a skinny manlet or a woman.
>be doing strength training for about a year
>do some rape play with the gf
>I don't manage to uncross her arms when she's holding them in front of her chest
I have to get stronger
Za Zombie!
why does she have her ass backwards ?
Because the body is a machine and, like any other durable good, it needs to be maintenanced.
Please tell me you're not supporting any of those >NA "teams"
I lift for fatherhood, the only noble pursuit.
One day I will have children and if you’re weak, that’s pathetic.
I have a cousin who gets tired when holding his daughters. Christ.
I had a dream that I had a wife that loved me.
I miss her, and lifting makes it so I don't feel so bad when I'm end up at home alone, again. I just wanna hold her bros
You don't have to get stronger just need to learn propper technique. Start BJJ.
Deadlift harder faggot it fix every problem
I will brother, my fifis are still heavier than the weights though
Based 4pl8 bench poster
To fight against abstract concepts, like time or god
don’t even know anymore user, but I know I use it to channel my negativity into something positive. I started lifting seriously after my hs gf left me before she went away for her gap year thing. It really broke my heart at the time. The general timing was awful, and the day it happened I was supposed to take her on a date to the first restaurant we ever went to to give her a good time before she left. She broke up with me when I showed up to her place all dressed up with the money I had saved in my pocket. She said she didn’t love me anymore. I was broken to pieces. I didn’t know what to do because it was my first break up, so after a brief moment of awe I cried like a bitch in front of her for 10 minutes and then left.
After we broke up I was lost in sorrow. Lifting was that the anchor that held me together. I would look at her pictures taken in the country where she went for her gap year in between sets and bench with my watery eyes. I got strong. At this point the negativity I had was sadness and heart break, lifting helped me channel it for something beautiful.
As I started getting over her, I started becoming myself again, user before meeting the ex gf. And that user wasn’t sad and depressed all the time but maybe worse, he was angry and agressive. I am starting to get into fights again and I just have this burning feeling of hatred and anger in me. I don’t know if anyone will understand this but sometimes I don’t know what to do with myself. Think bugenhagen before he “swithches on the mindset” but but a little less but all the time. Lifting really helps me with this because, one I can summon my demons before I lift and make gains, and two it tires me so I can’t fuck with other people and feel happy and relieved. Whenever I skip a gym day I get those feelings again. I honeslty think it comes from moving around too much when I was a kid hend being judged as the new kid all the time and not taken seriously.
to look sexy. to have something to gaze upon and admire in the mirror everyday.
i dont