Best efficient way to work calves

Best way to work calves

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God damn i want to kill this whore with my bare hands


Have sex

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get really fat and move into a place with stairs

literal khv detected lmao nigga just get laid its super easy bro like leave the house lol

nudes when

Imagine she puts the gun in your mouth as she steps on you in those boots then commands you to eat her ass through the fishnet haha.

If you give her enough

Found the šoy gobbling rebbiderz

calf raises or point your toes in the leg press machine


The only real function of the calves is to extend your foot. Therefore calf raises are the only exercise that replicates this motion.

You don't need weight on the exercise as you can just do reps until failure with your own bodyweight. Since it is such a small range of motion that is what I would recommend but if you want to use DB/BB that works too.


why post nudes when you're making a profit selling a tease?

Pull the trigger

im a soi gobbling redditor because i can get laid?


why? she's cute

Fuck lads, why are so many people paying for shit that doesn't pay out in the end? Thirsty dudes pay for premium picture sets of girls that don't even get naked. My state just allowed the sale of CBD products, and people buy them because dude weed. Imagine paying $10+ for pics of a girl that doesn't get naked and weed that doesn't make you high. Why do people do this? We live in strange times.

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>You don't need weight on the exercise

do not fucking listen to this retard. in order to make your calves grow, you need to load up as much weight as you can fucking rep. i trained calves for years with light weight / high reps and those fuckers didnt budge. once i started upping the weight, they instantly grew

Based and redpilled

You answered your own question my based friend.
Honk honk.


jumping rope has been doing wonders for me. I started boxing so its pretty much mandatory, but even for bodybuilding i found it more effective than calf raises. At least its easier for me to do it often since its way more fun.

cbd is pretty cool tho

Have sex

It's a woman's right to make as much money as possible off of thirsty, beta-male, pay-piggies. She is a self-made millionaire and all she had to do was post a few pictures of her in skimpy outfits. If greasy incels want to pay hundreds of thousands a month just to see one girl with her ass hanging out, let them, whatever brings them joy on this Earth. This is capitalism in its peak form.

Just use the bottom of the leg press to work your calves, buddy.

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It's my right to knock ur block off m8

kinda like how your boomer dad used to pay for playboy magazines? also, you literally couldn't be bothered to look up the benefits of CBD?

you're right, we live in a clown world and it's full of brainlet retard frogposters like you. kys

I hike and bike, and have been doing standing calf raises as a nervous habit since I was 9, worked for me so far.

>the junkie is mad
Like clockwork.

>kinda like how your boomer dad used to pay for playboy magazines?
Atleast the girls there were naked.
>also, you literally couldn't be bothered to look up the benefits of CBD?
Nothing that a $2 40oz won't do.

the smug face of a multi millionaire that does nothing but buy whore clothes on amazon uploads pictures of herself
good stuff

I got no sympathy for those idiots who throw money at these women who don't even kiss them. A fool and his money are easily parted so the saying goes. If they wanna get cheated and cucked out of money to get nothing but a few glamorshots, they dont need to reproduce either.

>t. Jeff Sessions

absolutely based
kill all soulless thots

Jump rope...calf raises...seated calf raises.

Best wishes.

>t. 17.25" calves at 13% BF, never did a calf raise in my life
Not huge by Jow Forums standards, but I calf-mog 98% of gym-goers.

On one hand I'm repulsed that society has elevated someone this worthless to this level of fame and fortune. On the other hand if I could make six figures monthly on patreon from hordes of orbiters by posing in dumb photos I would.

Yeah it's like 2k on her patreon.

Me too bro, me too.
Incites being a beta fag.
Shes the type of bitch you drill a hole in her head and skullfuck.

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Obviously calves grow to how much weight your moving on them, like any other muscle

Fucking based my nigger.

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She cute

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So much this.

holy fucking BASED

god shes real sexy guys just my type but i hate these dumb thots. My dick is confused and im 3 days in nofap.

I think she's fucking great. She saw a niche that had yet to be filled and she fucking filled it. Now she's a self-made millionaire, and she's taking it all from a bunch of pathetic fucking dweebs who are stupid enough to fucking pay for goddamn porn. I admire anybody who finds a way to beat the system, and she fucking did it man. That said, her dumb fucking faces irritate the shit out of me.

People who cringe about Bella are obviously 18 and under.

We'll know if she's really smart if she actually saves up the money she grifted from her legion of beta orbiters or just pisses it all away.

Because shes retarded

I want to choke her to death without using my bare hands.

I want to choke her with my gloved hands

I want to choke her with my bare feet

This is your brain on capitalism

small souled bugman

I HATE that I’m attracted to her, but the bright sunny smiley bubbly image kills me. I’ve never been on twitch or any paywhore site in my life though.

How can a man be this based? FUBAR'd that bitch in 2 minutes.


I unironically lift so I feel more worthy of giving her my money

based and incelpilled


her photos are so airbrushed and edited its cringe. Like her skin looks so fucking alien its all the same color

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jesus without a filter softer than my dick after looking at that picture she has an incredibly mediocre body

Gimme dat hole, you Butthead lookin' thot.

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I wonder how often she fucks.

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how many dicks do you lads think have been inside her holes?

>No magazine in pistol
What a fucking coward.

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LMAO she definately laughs at you faggots. Imagine if someone wanted to kill you because you were making 6 figures per month. You would love it.

only Jesus can save us now

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saw this scrolling down the 1st page and i gotta say, you realize that, even ironically, the effort you put into making this, replying to all those people, and then posting it - makes you more autistic than they could ever be? even ironically, you have transcended white-knighting and gone straight into "dad that has accepted his daughter is a pornstar" territory levels of cucked, right?

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based incel

t. wagie

I want to work my tongue in her asshole, if you know what I mean

based and bluepilled

Your calf bulk is created by your medial and lateral gastroc heads in addition to your soleus muscle that sits underneath. While soleus can be worked fully with bent knee extension exercises, gastroc can only be maximally activated when the knee is locked out straight - due to the fact that gastroc origin is actually on the superior side of the knee joint and therefore doing bent knee exercises causes you to begin your calf extension without maximal gastroc length --> therefore you have less optimal contraction.

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english nigger

what exercice do i do

cringe but redpilled

There's something uncontrollably funny about this post, the amount of work that user put into that post, the sheer belligerence of this post, the fact he spelled exercise wrong, i'm fuckin crackin up

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you filthy roodypoo. That was English and included pictures...

Read my image - Gastrocnemius (your smallbrain perception of calf muscle) crosses the fucking knee joint and actually originates from the sides of your thigh bone --- it therefore is used to both EXTEND YOUR KNEE and PLANTARFLEX your foot (Gas pedal accelerate for your small brained roodypoo self).

Back to the manlet pit Jeff Nippard

So do donkey calf or do standing calf raise with lower weight but maintaining full lockout of the knees.

Im 6'1" 200lb 12%bf 475 DL medical student. Outta here with your low standards self.


I will say that my previous point is a major key. But for optimal activation you should do:
1)Deep tissue mobilization of your calves especially in the tendinous areas closer to your achilles
2)Flexibility -- you need to be able to do a ballerina toe point while maintaining balanced activation
3) Opposing Muscle groups -- you need to be able to use your tibialis anterior muscle to dorsiflex your ankle/foot; you need to be able to use your fibularis muscles to evert your foot.
4) Your mind -- You need an understanding of anatomy. Most of the muscles that determine the skeletal position and load bearing distribution of your feet become tendon bands once they hit the ankle and arise from like mid-calf or higher area. So if you have adhesions between these muscles or if you have poor neuromuscular control of these muscles then you will not be able to position your feet such that you can actually distribute the weight onto the prime movers for calf extension (Soleus and gastroc).

dude. she could set fire to millions and be just fine

Unironically uphill sprints.

One of the best. yeah

i am le baguette you faguette

Gastroc flexes the knee, not extends
But im sure you knew that

Fucking cringe my cracker

I’ve got a pic of her bare titties.

Enjoy lads. Grab it before it gets scrubbed by the janitor.

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My pride doesn't allow me to save this. Her smug face alone is reason enough not to fap to this shit. But thanks anyway