Is this the worst normie advice possible? Seems to me like walking is a waste of time compared to running and lifting.
"Just walk if you want to lose weight."
Other urls found in this thread:
walk up and down a steep hill
It's a start, weight loss should come from cutting anyway
Telling a fatty to just start running would be shit advice cause they can fuck up their knees/ankles
Lifting is always good advice
10 minute brisk walks are actually very good for you, and like said its a start...better to walk and burn 50 calories than to be sitting in bed eating 5000, and once walking becomes becomes boring onto the jog, then god tier running
>Telling a fatty to just start running would be shit advice cause they can fuck up their knees/ankles
imagine living your life and never running, something the human body was designed to do over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution just because you like eating 12 big macs a day
It's ok if you do it before breakfast ie fasted so you're actually burning fat and not just using up the glucose in your blood stream. . Which would just make you hungry again.
If you are fat walking takes a fucking ton of calories
>preform physical activity to aid in caloric burn
w0w shit normie advice!1!!
Thing of it is, if you’re walking you’re not eating. If you’re walking you’re not laying getting fatter: You don’t have to do extreme shit like rock climbing to live an “active” lifestyle its as simple as getting up and walking.
if you walk for long distances at a real pace every day, it can help
but fatties won't do that