Does anyone here just lift dumbbells in their bedroom + eat well and achieve any gains? I'm a NEET with no gym access so i'm thinking about just getting a pair of dumbbells and eating well + sleeping well.
obviously don't want to look like a 40 year old powerlifter
For a start you're gonna need; at least 50 kg on weights and a pair of adjustable dumbbells >8 of 5 kg >4 of 2.5kg And a pull-up bar (but you can workout lats with dumbell rows too) plus a good book of exercises (frederic delavier has a good one) and stop being a lazy fag, you're gonna be working out at home so you won't have any fucking excuse. Also go out sometimes, get studies, get a job, believe me when I say working out alone won't solve any of your inner problems but is the first step to do so >t. neet
Luke Edwards
>face piercing Oh course she's a whore
Nicholas Hughes
Get a jumping rope too that would help you to keep you lean
Jacob Cox
disgusting negroids
Nolan Murphy
post body
Angel Jackson
Go outside, get a job, get Jow Forums, get /lit/. This is a page for self improvement so take all your "cute girl to call attention post" and dump'em to the trash where they belong or else don't you ever post again until you read /SIG/'s sticky
I cant go outside i like browsing Jow Forums all day
Christian Johnson
try pull ups
Zachary Sanchez
She was a notorious coalburner at UW. Dating basically every big time black athlete. Now she's dating some Australian cuck. She's hot but trashy af and def had mental problems.
get a set of adjustable dumbbells. not the $500 or whatever ones that interlock, but the simple ones that are just a bunch of iron plates on a handle with a screw handle to keep them on. you can make decent upper gains with them. lower body, not so much.
>implying that this isn't the highest tier gym setup
Jose Miller
This country is so fucked cucked it's amazing. Thank god I'm not white, though. RIP my white Canadian friends, however.
Michael Wood
God that image is fucking retarded
Benjamin Cook
>being seen around It's not that simple, user. She goes all the way.
John Reed
Don't listen to these cucks, op. You can do fine with a body weight routine if you know the progressions. I started with the El Diablo routine, and added exercises as I went. In the beginning I used to do extra shoulder stuff with water bottles (hold your arms outstretched for a minute and tell me it doesn't burn) and curl a small amp using stuff around your house is okay in the beginning. Eventually you'll need a dumbbell. One is fine just switch off. Two is better but you only need one. Do this three times a week and run on your off days and you'll make pretty decent beginner gains, especially if you can keep the diet under control. If you keep good form and know the progressions, you can get a well above average body. Depending on your dedication level you should be okay for a year or two at least.
You absolutely can get Jow Forums with dumbbells and bodyweight exercises. have a look into convict conditioning and/or the calisthenics subreddit (suck my dick) to get started.
It will almost certainly be harder and slower progress than going to a well equipped gym and using barbells (or forking over the dosh to get yourself a power rack and barbell setup for home), however. But definitely doable and DEFINITELY better than nothing!
OP said he doesn't have access to a gym. For whatever reason, that's one of the parameters and thus the advice the user gave is fine.
Cameron Morris
If you have a park with a pull up bar and dips in the proximity of your home i think you should pass some time with those as well.
Brody Ramirez
>Black person >Person user I....
Blake Turner
How does it feel to know that they culturally dominate you and show zero signs of stopping? I'm not even trying to talk shit, it's a genuine question. The hubris that remains is just baffling to me.
Justin James
I'm using a luggage bag filled with about 50 lbs and use it for back exercises. The rest are the usual 60*3 full push ups, 3mins*3 ab exercises, 16*3 one-legged squats for each leg and 20*3 dips on the bath rim.
Do this every day, after 2 months went from skinny fat to well built, nearly otter mode, abs are showing, back's in V shape.
James Butler
I don't really get what white supremacists are basing the supremacy part on desu. Even they admit that asians and jews are way smarter.
Liam Smith
I mean, I do since they've certainly done the best as a group in my opinion and have (until now) created the best societies until they went full suicide mode due to lack of struggle/pathological-tier altruism. Also anyone who would say that any group is "way smarter" than them is legit stupid, and I don't buy for a second the claims about Asians having this (as an average) god-tier or even higher IQ; furthermore I think whites would have probably put hotels on Mars by now if they had any sort of in-group preference (this is hearkening back to that pathological altruism and laziness due to -general- lack of struggle).
The point that I guess I was trying to make in my previous response was that I don't get this hubris for one who, realistically speaking, is on the way out and is giving themselves away to so-called "sub-humans" and how it must feel to watch his own people kill itself for no good reason other than this insane idea that the people they want to see thrive (but who will always resent them) will somehow flourish. It's not that I even like like my fellow blacks or anything (and I actually do acknowledge that in general we're dumb and that black culture is reflective of that - which is why I don't partake in it). However, as things are looking, and I suppose what matters is that blacks, like other groups will still be around to exist where whites look like they'll only exist in legend as the struggle to compete to see which ones can flog themselves the hardest in the meantime; and I find that sad as I do actually like them the best from all of my experiences. In fact it sickens me to see what they do.
>inb4 someone thinks this is a LARP or something 100% serious even if it just results in me being called a fag. Also if I fucked up anything and it seemed to miss words or not be cogent: I just woke up and I'm trying to get this posted before the thread 404s.
Jonathan Green
Jesus christ does every black person on Jow Forums hate themselves
Jason Cox
Ryan Bennett
the most major benefit I experienced in your situation is to be able to start the bar at 135, but there definitely felt like a ceiling unless you have a proper bench
Jaxson Taylor
where's /bfit/
Bentley Wood
Ive been doing this for some years now, stalling obviously but got some good size apart from chest. I only have 1 adjustable dumbbell which goes up to 65lbs so I do unilateral exercises absolute hobo setup but you can build mass this way if you mcgyver some shit >post body as soon as I cut from 200 to 190, so basically never