post em
post em
can i ever really cure my atp?
my stomach (or at least just between my ribs and my navel) fucking always sticks out and i'm so sick of it, and i think it's atp, since it's not flabby it just feels big. .
haven't tried cutting but been eating at maintenence while lifting for 4 months and my stomach has remained exactly the same.
I recently had an injury scare. I was attempting DL 5x295 and at the top of the 3rd rep my lower back just gave out. I felt a sharp *POP* in my lumbar vertebraes and immediately dropped the bar. My back was painful and stiff for a few days, but I think I avoided the worse. Now deadlifts just scare me. I don't dare lift above two plates. I don't know how to get over it. I was cautious about form. I even posted a form check @285, and I was told it's good. I was following the recommended progression. I was not ego lifting. I was doing everything mostly right, and I still nearly snapped my shit.
pic related is my shit nap
are you fat? if you lie down on your back with everything relaxed, is there enough room for a wine bottle between your lower back and the floor?
also, post pics you testicular temptress
Has anyone done a 6day pull push? (Ppppppx) if so how was your experience with it? I just started and I do leg exercises everyday.
>tell them not to touch the bar
>proceeds to follow the bar with their fingers on it
>same I'm good and he finally takes his hands off
>the second, the literal second, I start to struggle he fucking grabs it
>instantly feel it getting too easy
>refuses to stop
>final rep I finally hit failure
>"Okay take it"
>No man you got this
>proceeds to barely help at all so it takes me like 10 second to painfully get it up
>next day I can barely lift my right arm above my fucking shoulder
What is so fucking god damn fucking hard about spotting for people?
Even worse is I'm following my pyramid program and slowly increasing my weight and these faggots see me get my tens and eights and go "gotta add a 45". Like they are all about pushing it way too fucking fast. And then of course not 5 mins later i hear them talking about having to get shoulder surgery. And they are in their 20s.
I just need to rage, people are fucking retarded.
>are you fat?
don't think so, 80kg at 180cm so maybe a bit skinnyfat, but i'm also quite wide. i am afraid i am super delusional though.
>f you lie down on your back with everything relaxed, is there enough room for a wine bottle between your lower back and the floor?
yes. should the entire back be against the floor?
>also, post pics you testicular temptress
no i'm sad in bed and don't wanna post body today. don't know how i tempted your testicles, sorry for being a tease.
see btw, trainer is only for general maintenance(?) exerci, not for the swimming pool or for hard stuff
Is there a way that I can stop being skinnyfat at home ? I have no access to a gym right now
stop eating, start running, after half a year or a year you'll be skinny mode, then workout
I just started lifting two weeks ago. my lifts are.
ohp 50x6
bench 115x6
dead 155x6
squat n/a
is reaching 1/2/3/4 within a year possible?
of course my dude. linear progression says 5lb per session per exercise. follow SL 5x5 and you will get there in no time.
don't forget, your working weight (5x5) is about 45 lbs lower than your 1 RM
Are fat burners cheating? Are they going to fuckme over?
I started taking one a day and didn't even feel like eating the first day. No appetite, when I used to eat like crazy.
Still working out, just not feeling like eating ever
Lost 7lbs so far in 6 days.
what would happen if I just ate less and did body weight exercises ?
What's a good sample diet for someone on a cut?
I visited the planet fitness in my area, and just found out the squat machines are Smith machines not power racks. Is there anything I can do to replace squats? Will leg press work?
I'm in a slow cut (3k cals), went today to a buffet restaurant for a cheat meal and felt like
i ate 10k calories or more than 3 times my daily food intake.
Left 1100 cal deficit yesterday and 2500 today (basically ate 500 as pre workout, then skipped today's meals in favor of the cheat one), so i overate 6400 calories, right?
Will my body absorb all those calories or directly dump some of it?
I don't want to fast for 2.1 days as lifting fasted sucks for me (lift every day). Should i increase my current deficit by 300 more ~10 days? or ~5 day at 600 increased deficit? Or keep everything as it is and wait till my body adapts?
what drug?
it depends, some people will, some other won't
I do push/pull 3x a week each with one leg day. 2 hours every day for push/pull workouts. Nice pump and workout, gains are coming but fuck, you gotta eat. Lean bulking and semi bulking methods I been doing so far, pretty hard to eat 3200 calories tho, especially eating healthy organic low carb foods
Find the foods you want.
Check their macros/calories per weight
Fit them as you wish fulfilling protein, fat and fiber targets first, then carbs up to your caloric target, on a cut should be below your TDEE.
Assembly them as the meals you want.
Ive been looking for the the "remember why you are doing this" pic for a long time on this board and i was wondering if if anyone had it
Why do so many bodybuilders, fitness people, etc. drink almond milk over dairy milk? There’s no way lactose intolerance is this wide spread. What am I missing?
should i do bjj or boxing to stay in shape and possibly not get killed by a negro?
>lower calories
>has equal amounts of protein and carbs
>no hormones
>lower fat
>wont make you shit
BJJ. Boxing doesn't work against a knife.
>no hormones
This is really the only thing I’m worried about. It seems obvious that the massive amount of hormones the (((dairy industry))) pumps into cows isn’t great for humans. Have people done studies on this?
what's the best ab workout to target the upper abs?
Are sweet potatoes better than eating rice?
So I'm eating roughly 1000 carbs a day and my weight is just not budging (for two weeks now), is the daily caloric intake of 2000 calories to maintain weight a load of bullshit?
Thinkin I have to cut it down to
>1000 carbs
What's the dumbbell equivalent of 2pl8 bench?
bjj works against a knife now?
I'm 65kg and try to run SL 5x5 (5 Months in).
But I'm failing my bench sets at 70kg and OHP at 47.5kg. I sleep 7.5+ hours and eat at a calorie surplus.
Is that normal? Many seem to make linear progression way longer. Shall I switch the routine or change to 3x5?
Probably 95 or 100lbs
How do i load up 400g of carbs in one day?
so far im only eating Jasmine rice (about 45g/cup)
and sweet potatoes(about 26g/cup)
So I've been squatting few times a week for a while. The thing is my quads are a bit sore all the time. It's not like DOMS soreness, but that kind of soreness that when I'm foam rolling, massaging or laying on my quads, I feel like I'm dying. Also if I'd just flex the muscle as hard as I can I could easily trigger a cramp in there.
What could help this? Just more foam rolling? I do that every few days because I seem to get extra sore after I've done it so can't really do it every day. Also I try to massage them lightly all throughout the day.
One hand dumbbell x 2.5 is your bench.
So roughly 90lbs.
is a 6 day PPL while eating at a 4-500 calorie deficit too much for a beginner?
since i started i've noticed i need more sleep than before and feel more tired after each workout but i still have the drive to work out 6 days.
/fat/ here
I can't do any wide grip pull ups because of fat and weak so I've been doing negatives, but I can do close grip pull ups enough to do reps. My question is, with the final goal being doing wide grip pull ups, would it be better to keep doing negatives or do close grip instead?
What are some good, non-offensive foods I can snack on between meals?
Even if you are a girl 1k should make your weight decrease. Check what you are eating, measure everything and include everything even that little bit of milk with your tea/coffee, oil when cooking etc... This is assuming you're not like 40kg .
Find a carb that you can tolerate eating shitloads of and just eat it for me it was pasta - I would just make shitloads of eat and consume it within 2-3 hrs.
It should be okay depending on how fat you are - however I would recommend taking a deload week every 5-6 weeks to recover a bit.
Ex-fatty from vidya entire life I wasn't able to do more than 2 chinups or 1 pull up even with a 210kg DL.
Best thing that I did for it was - 100 reps for back exercises every single session excluding DL or SQ. So what I used to do was go do the big lifts SQ/DL/BP then at the end do a form of lat pull downs, rows, shrugs etc... did that for a month weeks then I was able to literally pop out 10 pull-ups and managed 15 chin ups even though my BW went up as well.
thanks, but i cut off dairy,fruit,sauces. So im not sure how to eat pasta without sauce. But i love and never get tired of rice and sweet potatoes. im just trying to find another carb to switch it up
I'm gonna get this whey since it's the cheapest protein per € supplement around here. Is there any reason why I should get another brand or does it literally not matter?
Unless you’re going to get one of those fuckhuge sacks of whey isolate, I think what you’ve got there is pretty recommended
doesnt matter. every protein brand is just the same protein in any other jar with a different label
But Tomato sauce in pasta is mainly carbs especially if you made it yourself from scratch.
Why are you cutting off all of those? The only time I did a 400g carb refeed was when I was doing RFL 2.0 which was a high protein low carb low fat diet.
I'm doing 5x5 stronglifts and they recommend a bent over version of barbell rows like pendalay rows but I've heard that's bad for gains and more prone to injury. Apparently I should be doing rows in a rack while keeping the bar at an angle and not putting it down between each rep.
Which is actually true?
Got a Dumbell and Barbell set but no bench or squat rack, can anyone give me a good starting pattern, or some sets I could start with. Thanks.
How to progress from being able to do a single pull up? Is it as simple as just doing loads of sets of 1 rep or is there a better method?
im doing what you did. high protein low carb/fat
cutting off fruits to keep sugar levels and tomato is a fruit
Assuming this is lightish stuff Goblet Squats 3x12, Shoulder Press 3x12, Deadlift 3x5, Shrugs 4x20, Dumbbell Rows 4x20, Curls 4x20. Do this 4 times a week, once it gets too easy get a gym membership.
See Last answer.
>Which is actually true?
It is true the most bent over you are (closer to 90 degrees) the more pressure is put onto the lower back and hamstrings. This can cause injury or pain in susceptible people. However, the pendlay row is the best row for explosiveness, back gains, and whole-body carryover to other lifts such as deadlift (as you bend over at 90 degrees, you also incorporate other muscles such as more lower back, more hamstring etc. which carryover to deadlift).
If these cause you pain, no worries, go to a more upright row with takes pressure off the lower back and hamstrings and more focus on the upper back.
Overall pendlay > upper angle rows, but if it causes you pain don't be an idiot, just do an exercise that doesnt cause you pain
Pretty sure Carbs in general will start a sugar/insulin spike similar to most fruit.
Dunno man, when I did the diet I followed the author's book and his forum for ideas maybe check that.
1. Guys, I'm realizing my split is kinda fucking over either chest or shoulders depending on order.
I do Chest/Triceps, Biceps/Back, and Legs/Shoulders then 1 rest day. Is this fucking my gains?
Also, I just switched to ON Whey...1 scoop or 2? Also why the fuck is it so sweet?
Squatting with sore lower back from deadlifts+accessories a few days back?
redpill me on renegade rows
are they good for getting popping obliques? seems like a good way to hit them plus some extrra back work
Cool, I was watching an Athlean X video and the one he recommended for lat hypertrophy and overall gains is not the bent over one but the more upright one. the pain I was having is mostly with my wrists and not my back so maybe I'll go back to the other one later since it helps with DL.
You didn't join the real and active Official Fitness Server on Dis cord yet??
Advice on routine and posture advice, motivate each other, awesome stories, feels, food pics recipes and diet checks, fasting, etc.
Self improvement, nofap, powerlifting, fraud (steroids), martial arts, current body thread, injury prevention, etc.
We also have some fun channels like memes.
For those who want more adventure, we have a contest: post a pic in begin of the month, and one at the end. Then users vote and the winner gets prize money!
We accept people from all fitness levels: fat, average or athletic. As long as you are encouraging and motivating you are most welcome!
dis cord (dot) gg / v3wR7nr
Should I continue as a skinnyfat if I'm >20% BF? My lifts are pretty shit so I don't wanna cut but I'm hating my body more and more everyday.
If you think you really ate 10k in calories, go on a 3 day fast, then get back to schedule. Its drastic but if this cheat meal goes unpunished, specially on a slow cut, you might do it again. Remind your body who's in charge.
Does milk cause gyno? I've been drinking raw milk all my life, but for the past 6 months I've been drinking at least 3l a day. I read somewhere that milk has estrogen.
Do I have gyno?
So much better, keep the skin and bake them. Price wise they are more expensive, so a cheap alternative to them that is still better then rice is regular potatoes.
Where the fuck do you live for that Gold Standard is the cheapest option ?
I can afford it. I just need to lose 15kg by June so I can impress my sister's female roommates and also just feel better about myself.
does arginine supplementation give you boners
Would it be good to start a slow bulk in summer if you're already really lean? Wouldn't your muscles be more full from the extra eating, while you're not eating enough to put on weight really fast?
I compared like 30 or 40 different protein brands on Amazon with each other with attributes like taste, mixability and protein per price. I'll guess I'll stick with that
Austria, food in general is fucking expensive and supplements even more. I mean I found a pea protein for 11€ per kg but it tastes like shit and doesn't mix at all, so before I throw out 11 bucks I'll get a decent one
48 hours is plenty recovery time for muscles, especially indirect muscles like your saying.
Whey whatever you want, up to your goals man nothing wrong with 2 scoops
Thanks bro!
Where does fit get their clothing? Also am looking for some tanktops but only buying Nike tanktops is becoming kinda stale and expensive (poorfag)
is it ok to do casual cardio on rest days?
Cardio improves muscle recovery as long as its not sprinting (HIIT)
when doing wide drip pull ups, there is a side shoulder pain, what do
Have you been doing your face pulls
should i?
you shoulder than should
of course. Do you want sore shoulders or not?
I want to have a cheat meal every 1-2 weeks and make room for it, the day before, same day and days after. For massive cheat meals like this one, i'd like to keep them but even more sparingly (months, maybe?), my question goes to the total amount of calories, if the body absorbs 100% of it or just part certain point dumps it.
I always feel like shit after massive cheat meals and program them in advance so don't really need punishment for that.
I don't want to water fast because i have 2 more consecutive days of lifting and heavy cardio - training fasted is bad for me - and don't want to lose muscle due to too sharp daily caloric deficit.
So, 300 more deficit daily until y pay my caloric debts?
if you build up some more muscle, it will make it easier and faster to lose the fat you have.
Yeah, legg press is the better alternative. Just do extra back and core workouts to compensate.
>lose 10 days to a mild cold
>feel 99% good, go to the gym and do a ton of deadlifts
>wake up the next day feeling worse than I ever did during the first 10 days
That was 2 days ago, I still feel like shit. Any tips on getting over a cold quickly?
I have a couple of 5kg weights at home, and am looking to build my traps.
Is there any benefit to doing a few trap raises (3-4x12) at home with them on top of my usual routine? I've got stretches I do every day for recovery purposes and it's not hard to add some extra exercises on.
Sure, but you can cheat your body a bit, eat complex carbs to refill glycogen storages a few hours before workout and 45 minutes before, consume your favourite fruit to make sure you have free glucose in your blood. Meaning- try to get somewhere in the middle between a water fast and a regular day of eating. Do you use caffeine? It could really help you manage your energy levels during a workout.
Height 173 cm
Weight 84 kg
50 kg/80 kg/100 kg/120kg
This week is first time I'm actually really training, fucked around once or twice 5 months ago, also lifted 2 weeks 2 years ago.
Recently started getting motivated and went lifting instead of lurking.
I'm gonna make it r-right?
Pic is me hyperextending on a sumo
Switch to shoulder width PU, no pain = do it due to greater range of motion. Chinups are good as well, they are more or less the same lats wise, but may ease the pain.
No, 5kg is nothing even for a completely untrained female's traps. Just carrying the groceries will build more traps than 5kg weights.
There was this thread on another chan that had links to a bunch of fitness books, but I can't seem to find the link to it, anyone know what it is?
Specifically looking for Everyday is Chest Day by Bradley Martyn, but also looking for a few other books
>Thinkin I have to cut it down to
For growing a wide back (lat wings) what is the best grip for cable pull down and cable rows?
i.e would wide grip for cable pull down would be better for back width
my hotel gym only has this available instead of the typical leg press. Do I add my bodyweight into the overall weight. This machine confuses me.
If I’m doing a 3 day routine, do I take creatine on my resting days? All of them 7 days a week? Or just take it when I’m actually lifting?
Is it possible to not really look like you in photos? I don't know of a single photo that really looks like me. Group photos, lone photos, it doesn't matter. I assumed it was because I'm used to looking in a mirror but then someone confirmed that photos don't look like myself without me even mentioning it. I'm good looking irl but look like shit in pics, maybe I'm the opposite of photogenic. On vid I'm fine
How do I train my pets to be swole like this?
I'm teaching my purebred Samoyed to stand on it's hind legs (can do it for a few seconds) but it's pretty skinny so I also experimented with tying metal plates to it's limbs and let it run free in the forest, and of course mixed in protein powder in the water I give it. Anything else?
This is going to sound autistic as fuck but I want to train in a similar way to how shinobi and samurai did in feudal Nihon, how much is known about their routines? Even if it's just vague stuff like "they lifted weights" or "they didn't lift weights but did lots of calisthenics".
>they didn't lift weights but did lots of calisthenics
this and also training with your sword/polearm for hours builds your upper body.
I fucked up my right trap doing something today. It's just like a dull pain or a dull pinch when I turn my head. What are the chances it feels good enough to lift on Monday.
What is a decent workout in a full gym if I only have about 30 minutes to work with on the weekdays? I'm a Male at 5'10" and 163 lbs. I have some fat on my legs and stomach left and I want to see if working out helps me lose it.
What the hell do terms like "2pl8" stand for?
Does that refer to two plates, as in 90 pounds?