It's been 6 months after pic related and i'm not getting bruises anymore. Seriously I think everybody should do this, it's a full body workout.
Muay Thai bruises
wrong board you little faggot.
there ya go. prance on over there and don't come back, manlet.
i would if there was one close to me that isnt a mcdojo
What are good methods for conditioning shins at home?
Buy a heavy bag. Don't fall for the 'roll glass bottles on shins' meme.
>it's a full body workout.
Like a X-trainer
you do zumba
*Shoots double leg*
Heh. Meme-thai farangs..
Hey I remember when you first posted this. Would you post body? Also, do you attend gym or only do muay thai?
kick metal poles
Post body
kick into something hard and will hurt your shins
i kick railings, walls etc and use my golf club to hit on my shins
make sure you give it time to heal and become denser and shit
Tfw my girlfriend walks around in public with her bruises from kick boxing and everyone gives me dirty looks. But then I stare and growl at them and they shit themselves and run away, even though my gf could beat the shit out of me and I only look tough,
god imagine how ripe this thing smells
AMd she plays ttrpg like D&D.
How often do you train? Do you still go to the gym? I'm considering picking up muay Thai too since a dojo is close by and it seems like a good workout. Maybe I can sleep after a training session instead of lying awake for three hours straight.
Lopks like Tiger Balm time!
Sparring harder will also give you bruises. It's pretty cool desu.
It's called PnP you fucking autistic faggot
Obviously he's dyel af hence he only shows his meme bruises
Lol why do you bruise so badly? Is it a whiteoid problem or do you not use shin guards?
I'm a whiteoid that doesn't use shin guards and I don't get these bruises. He probably just bruises easily
Big ups f a m
Get you some arnica son. Helped be a ton. I love muay thai, sadly I'm laid up right now because I head-kicked my opponent at my last tournament and tore a ligament in my foot.
How much is it, OP? The gyms around me ask for like 70 bucks for like a biweekly class or something.