Do you want to be physically fit when you commit suicide?

I feel like it would be less embarrassing to kill yourself while being physically fit than to be skinnyfat or something. Imagine having a really great body and hanging yourself while naked.

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Not today, old friend

life is too good to kill yourself. if it's not then you haven't figured out a proper lifestyle yet

t. ignorant, sheltered high school faggot

I plan on someone else killing me. I don't know who, when, where, or how but I won't die by my own hands. I'm going to fight back, but one day someone will get lucky and that will be the end of me

Why are you so angry,user?
t.not the guy you were answering

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t. overdramatic child. You only get one chance at life, don't give up early like a little bitch. Fight on and prove everyone who doubted you wrong.

Wrong about what? "Succeeding" in this life isn't an enticement. There's no "wrong" to "prove" anyone. Life is shit.

No one here is going to commit suicide

are you retarded

A lot of us will

>life is shit
Only because you perceive it as such. Try getting out of your basement, stop posting on Jow Forums since it’s obviously hurting your mental health, stop playing video games, get a career, etc

Yeah, life fucking sucks when all you do is play video games and read shitposts all day. Life sucks when you have no direction or strive to do anything. Succeeding isn’t enticing to you because you have nothing to be successful in.

>prove everyone who doubted you wrong
Edgiest shit ever, what kind of small % of people can really say they have people to "prove wrong"? How many fucking enemies do you have to make for that facebook bullshit to be considered a mantra? Live so you can be fit and find shit you enjoy doing

make me

You're going to commit suicide. I don't do any of those things you listed and I'm still committing suicide. You're in the same boat

I’m won’t. If you kill yourself, I wouldnt lose sleep. Im just telling you that you’re being ignorant. It seems like you haven’t done shit with your life and are now trying to project it onto the fine people of this board

>he said while shitposting

have fun my guy

OP is right, why wageslave for Mr Kikestein for 70yrs. fuck that

You haven't done shit with your life. Fuck you, bro. Hang in there

What is the most Jow Forums way to an hero? What if I load up the bar with 6pl8 and drop if on myself?

I wonder if hanging will still work if you have a strong neck. Or if harikari works if you have strong abs.

Not OP but I'm a fit (by normie standards) 23 year old with a great career who owns my own house and I still want to blow my brains out.

What actually matters in life is having a fulfilling relationship, good friends and a passion/purpose and I'm not close to having any of those.

>23 year old with a great career who owns my own house and I still want to blow my brains out.
wtf thats the dream. why dont you have any friends do you live in the middle of nowhere or something?

Start lifting, drop the junk food, shave your neckbeard, get out of your mom's basement and go outside, meditate, read books, stop playing video games, actually talk to girls (they don't bite) stop blaming all your problems on the rest of the world. You don't know shit

I'm 27, nigger

Still in high school and sucking cocks in the shower at that age

I suck all the cocks yet I don't want to commit suicide. Get your shit together.

You don't even have the balls to swallow, you spit nigger.

>Do you want to be physically fit when you commit suicide?
Hell no!

I want to be living in a penthouse and like 900lbs morbidly obese with a door wide enough for me to roll out the pad to the ledge of the rooftop and off the edge onto some super fit gym bro below who is walking by.

I live in an extremely clique-ey small country town in Australia. I didn't grow up here, so I don't know anybody and its very hard to meet new people. All the people at my current job are 35+. I've tried doing bjj and some other social activities but I haven't met anybody I can hang out with. I'm honestly at a loss from where to go from here.

I'm going to assume you replied to the wrong person, but if not -
>125kg bench
>don't eat junk food - roughly 15% bf even if the testers say I'm sub 10%
> Clean shave everyday with a generic wannabe-model undercut
>I live in the house I bought
>I read self-help and political books occasionally but I just don't have the drive
>I don't play videogames anymore simply because the skill ceilings in modern games are too low. Looking forward to WOW classic though
>All the girls at my workplace are 35+ and starting conversations with complete strangers at the shops ect isn't socially acceptable in small Australian towns.

>prove everyone who doubted you wrong
the amount of people who kill themselves because they were doubted is so insignificant, and honestly they didn't deserve life anyway because they were literally given a reason to work on themselves and ascend. The majority of suicidal people are the way they are because they've been ignored their whole life. Nobody even takes the time to insult them because they matter that little. They don't have anything to fight for, at best they can work to give grandkids to their parents.

Everything in my life is falling into place besides a relationship and friends in my city.
Shits rough man.


Having money is not everything
not having it is

You wanna be physically fit when you’re doing pretty much anything.

Climb mount Everest.
Dig a cave in the ice and go inside it.
Take off your clothes and lie peacefully.
You will die.
Thousands of years later, someone will find your corpse, still well preserved. And you still look fit and strong.

>post basically implies that you need direction and something you have a strive for

I’d want to kill myself too if I couldn’t read

based natural-state user.

lol you sound like such a fucking pussy, you probably should just kill yourself, faggot.

Just suiciding is stupid. Shoot a politician or some shit if you're doing an exit.

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>I live in an extremely clique-ey small country town in Australia
sell or rent your house, move somewhere else. a bigger city or something

>I didn't grow up here, so I don't know anybody and its very hard to meet new people
why did you leave the place you grew up in? did you try to show your social superiority or something?

>I read self-help [...] books

>I read [...] political books occasionally but I just don't have the drive
you should do this not because you feel force to, but because you are interested in politics. also, history/philosophy books > political books

Careful. If it takes too long to find you they could mistake you for a different species and you could go down in history as Homo incelus - the missing link.

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imagine not being mired by whoever carries out your autopsy

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You gave me a purpose. Now I know when I can kill myself

I don't want to commit suiced being some loser faggot. I want to be fit as fuck and fuck tons of sluts, so when I an hero myself people would wonder why such a hot and succesful individual did it

This. Subscribe to Pewdiepie or something.

this but actually go for a high score of at least 4 digits