Are there any drawbacks to a high protein diet?

I mostly eat eggs, chicken and tuna. supplement it with whole wheat (surprisingly high in protein), pinto beans, pure peanut butter etc.

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like is it bad for kidneys or something?


only beans and dairy make me fart. eggs, tuna chicken, beef are okay with me.

I have 1 kidney and I’ve had a high protein all my life. It’s fine. Just combine it with exercise and don’t drink soda. Lots of water and tea. Black coffee on occasion.

did you donate the other one?

yeah i exercise a lot. drink plenty of water, never soda. never had kidney problems and almost 30. so im hoping it stays that way.

Dr. Fung says no.

shitting cannonballs

Cancer as a kid. Shit sucks.

oh that's fucked up. take care of yourself

If you already have pre-existing kidney disease a high protein diet can be harmful but we have no evidence it is harmful if you're otherwise healthy.

Assuming you stay hydrated. Gout and kidney stones are agony.



>Are there any drawbacks to a high protein diet?
Most noxious gas known to man?

Protein doesnt make fart. Only dairy and neans do. Chicken goes down easy

The drawbacks might not be the protein itself but the manufacturing process behind it. Chickens are treated with antibiotics and hormones which stay in their tissue till consumption and might do you harm.

you might get too jacked

Hmmm. Anyway to counteract this?

Unironically organic, it also prevents the catching of MSRA pathogens which are nearly always found in conventional meat. Grass feed if you want real quality and can affort it - especially the fatty cuts, dairy and butter.

Shits expensive. Need to make six figs to comfortably eat organic meats

Not saying it makes you fart, saying it makes your gas poisonous to others around you.

Well, get better at what you do and buy in big quantities. Conventional organic beef costs like 40€/kg bu if you buy half a cow and freeze it in parts it'S down to 7€/kg and you can make everything with it and even a great broth for gelatine and magnesium from the bones and stews from chewier parts. Buy locally from someone, not at walmart.

> I'm healthy in my twenties therefore it must be healthy

Jesus, I bet you think dietary cholesterol is fine because you've not yet had a heart attack at the age of 20 whatever