i see no specific problems but why do you train opposing muscle groups instead of working the ones that go together? Chest + Tris >bench 3x6 >inc bench 3x6 >cable crossover 3x8 >skull crushers 3x10
Back + Bis >diddly 3x6 >cable row 3x8 >lat pulldown 4x8 >ez-bar curl 3x10 >incline hammer curls 3x10
Why do this bro shit if you can do 3x a week or upper lower
Eli Collins
This is a troll right? 100 dips 5 days a week? Try harder
Parker Cox
>Squat 5/3/1 + 5x5 Dafuck does the 5/3/1 mean here? 1 set 5 reps 1 set 3 reps 1 set 1 rep? followed by 5 sets 5 reps? is the 5/3/1 at much higher weight than then 5x5?
Jaxon Price
Do you know what 5/3/1 is?
Eli Bennett
Why don’t you try harder?
1. They’re submaximal sets. When I said 100 total reps thats just what the template recommends. I do around 50.
2. Literally what the book says me. Not my fault you’re too fat to do dips