Do y'all think 100-125 crunches a day would be effective for strengthening your core quickly...

Do y'all think 100-125 crunches a day would be effective for strengthening your core quickly. And how much should I intensify it if i want more progress.

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read the sticky

Thank you for helping with my stupidity

5 3x 30 varied ab exercises and add sideabs and sideplank.

do it 3 times a week and your abs will be pretty piss when bodyfat is reasonable

Is it ok to work my abs every day, or is it better to work it 3 times a day. I'm trying to make a significant change in my core strength and stomach fat

How about not a single one. Don’t do planks either.

Why not?

Your core is more than your abs, dumbass. Your back is probably more important than your abs for posture stabilizing and other strength moves.

Read the fucking sticky

Go watch jeff’s Videos. He makes an ab one basically every other week
Plus crunches and planks are boring as shit

everyday sure but make it last long term. seems to be the main issue with people going hard.

Calves, forearms, and abs are cleared for daily training

planks fuck up your back muscles significantly. you can do them if you compensate by for example pullups or some other back training exercises.

Thanks for the advice. I know most people try to go all out, then just stop working out. I'm not going to bitch out though

Godspeed user
But know that unless your diet is on pint your core will always look flabby

good luck friend

Thank you. Have an awesome day

I love how Nice and supportive this thread is.

OP look up a good little routine with multiple different movements. When you get stronger do harder moves, this makes it way more fun and rewarding! Gl my friend

>3 times a day

how the fuck do they fuck up your back

read the fucking sticky.

no one does. the sticky is for autists

I'm gay by the way not sure if that affects anything.

where do you think you are

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Planks and crunches and back extensions or Superman's to counter core strength gainz

Just do front squats instead.

Do planks. Everyday. 3 sets. Use timer and every week try lasting longer.

Also Jow Forums is the worst place to ask for advice. Come here for webms fph or whatever but never ask for advice here