I think I just lodged a shit in my rectum

I couldn't use the bathroom for like an hour, so I held it. When I finally did I couldn't pass it. I have the perpetual feeling of a dried up shit in my ass and I've read articles about fecal impaction and hemorrhoids and I don't want either of them. Wtf do I do, guys?

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Take some laxatives. I have held shits in for days and not had a problem so you should be fine.

Laxatives or an enema bulb would be your go to. I have trouble taking shits all the time, and I use a bulb. It's annoying, but it definitely works.

Just chill out, dude. I have that little problem - whenever I go somewhere away from home (working abroad for example) I cannot take a shit for a few days. I do eat and work normally, but whenever I feel an urge to go to toilet I just can't force myself to drop the load. My record is 6 days. That was in autumn 2010. Never had any medical problems related to that.

longest time i havent shitted was a week or more.

my dad had to pull the shit out of my ass.
it was like a hard black marble. Trying to shit that out was hell, my brain was in pain.

always drink lots of water, i was sick for a month and barely drank little to no water at all. Thats why my shit turned out like that

>my dad had to pull the shit out of my ass.
Please tell me you weren't an adult when this happened...

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My mom had to do this when I was an infant, I've always had bowel problems. Gonna get some laxatives soon.

>my dad had to pull the shit out of my ass
sounds like a spicy friday to me

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How can you expect your body to work if you dont hydrate it

I read that as the stool lingers, it dries up. If I drink water, will it slow the process?

I had plenty of those problems when I was a kid. I couldn't shit for a week every single time, that was my standard, hurts like fucking hell but its doable. My worst was the following

>was 14
>school trip abroad, 20 days
>too scared to shit away from home
>didn't shit the entire vacation
>after 10 days or so stop feeling the urge to shit
>come back home
>woke up the next morning vomitting, dizzy as fuck
>It was like giving birth to quintaplets at once
>literally push so hard I black out for a second and lose sight for an hour straight due to pressure on eyes
>start screaming, absolutely confident I was going to die there
>it finally goes it
Had to break it in 4 pieces, it was sticking out of the toilet
I wish I was lying

i was 11.
yea, he didnt want to but did it anyway. Wonder if white parents are different.

Get a fleet enema at the grocery store. Buy it at self-checkout if you're emabrrassed, though most cahsiers don't even notice what you're buying if it's among a lot of stuff.

You just squirt water up your ass and hold it in as long as you can; then when you let loose, it empties everything.

If not, see a doctor.

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Thank god.
I don't like the image of a 24 year old neet asking his daddy to help pull a log from his ass. If you were a little kid it's a different story.

I hold in my poops allllllllll the time. Feels GOOD MAN
It'll come back down and out don't worry

I hol my shit as a hobby with a record of 18 days without pooping

Also youre fine dude just wait til tommorow, if it keeps up chug half a bottle of laxatives and clean out your whole system

>my dad had to pull the shit out of my ass.
That poor bastard...

dude there is nothing wrong it happened to me alot in my basement years

if you denie the shit it will eventually be mushed together and clogg your asshole, not gonna lie here, next time you go on the shitter you will feel violated cuz that motherfucker you're going to give birth to is rockhard and has an unhealthy circumfrence

it will hurt and you probably will experience tearing but it all will be worth it cuz this will be your greatest shit

I finger my asshole once enough to open it but not to touch my shit

I did that once. It ended up giving me appendicitis.

>my dad had to puII the shit out of my ass.

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Don't turn to laxative use permanently. Even in the bottle they state not to do so because it can cause bowel dependency on laxatives. Try slowly increasing your fiber and water intake. I personally add chia seeds to my food and drink. Their mass is about 1/3 fiber. And I say slowly because too much too quick causes heavy bloating.