>it's been 3 months since I've last had sex
>it's been 3 months since I've last had sex
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Y-yeah I'm dying to. It's been like 3 years. I get you bro
puny mortals
Social gains my dude. Go outside and do things, join clubs, play sports etc.
If you’re uncomfortable with that or an autistic like me, pretend your personality is that of a chad character you’ve seen, eventually you’ll end up having that as your actual personality and you’ll make crazy confidence gains.
Try 30 years
I had sex last night with a fat girl with herpes who then professed her love for me in such an articulate fashion, it was the sweetest thing any girl has ever said about me.
what the fuck do i do
remember that drive greentext ?
if I ever become a normie I'd rather be honest to myself and show myself as I really am rather than pretend to be someone else to fit in.
But yeah that's probably why i'm here with you tonight
you jack off bro, it's not hard
well tell us what did she tell you you fucking faggot ?
If you're super desperate, hooker.
If you're just desperate, go download a dating app that isn't Tinder and fuck a crazy girl there.
t. I did this twice and regretted it twice. My monkey brain thought the whole "dead fish in bed" was a fucking meme.
>tfw 54 months
How to uphold motivation for living and lifting against the depression induced by constant social failure?
It's been 20 years and never had sex
Get over it you fucking pussy.
>tfw 33 year old khv with ED
Can't even fuck a hooker. What now
I had sex yesterday.
get fucked nerd.
fix your ED. Visit a shrink and a dietologist, maybe join a special facility.
How the fuck can you care that much? I'm a 23yo virgin and I couldn't care less about sex. How the fuck can not getting your dick wet affect you so much?
don't listen to the second part of this. I spent the bigger portion of high school acting like Dante from DMC. spoiler alert, it didn't get me laid
Been 2.5 here. Ex and I broke up in November and I still occasionally booty called but I decided to cut it off for my own piece of mind.
Honestly the best decision I made.
>mfw 29 and never had it
It gets worse lads
Nah, what happened with me was:
>be autist but have good group of friends in primary school and generally liked by everyone
>go to secondary school but far from where I used to live so no friends to start and no one knows me
>still act like same autist, obviously become a shunned weird kid
>FF 5 years and I’m finishing year 11. Few friends and have no standing whatsoever, no-gf.
>decide this has to stop, and recognise that I’m a good actor and put that to use.
>start college and this time act like a cocky bastard (also started lifting by now)
>cocky bastard acting seeps into my actual personality and before I know it, I’m not acting anymore and I’m loving it.
>get gf in under 6 weeks of starting and get a good size friends group
Fake it till you make it is pretty true. If you act confident then eventually you will be confident without acting. Act the man you want to be and eventually you will become the man you want to be.
Go on tinder?
Text the sluttiest girl in your contacts?
You don’t have to imitate the character down to a t, user. That’s not gonna end well, especially if you pick a vidya character.
The point is to imitate confidence, to the point where that fake confidence becomes natural confidence.
Are you sure the cocky motherfucker wasn't already here the whole time being shutted by you ?
Tinder does not work. It’s 60-40 men women and women hold all the cards in that sort of polygynous dynamic the app encourages. I’m not attractive enough to make it work for me, though I haven’t tried since getting Jow Forums
yeah I know it doesn't end well, I literally did it for years
I couldn’t answer that question if I tried, user. But if you compared me in year 10 to me in second year of uni you’ll see a definite difference. I went from being someone too piss scared to go up to people in the street, or ask out that hot girl who blatantly liked me for some reason to being fairly popular with multiple gfs under my belt.
Whether that’s through effort or hidden natural confidence I don’t know.
No. You can always find someone to fuck on Tinder. Especially if you're looking just for a casual fuck.
Unloveables just won't settle and will only keep swiping at girls out of their league
Based and Chaste-pilled
You'll understand once you get a taste.
>Got fucked hard
>18 years since last had sex
>Never had sex
Stop being a pussy user
>it's been 7 years since I had sex
>it's been 6 years since I even made out with a girl
I'm never gonna make it, am I....
>met some slid 7 qt RPi
>chat almost everyday
>we eventually like each other with the days
>going out, drinking, smiling, smoking
>go for kissing
>spend night out
>"user I want this but not yet"
I don't even know what to do now. worst feel ever.
>currently have 8 fwb's
>still trying to find more
Seriously starting to think I might be a sex addict, anyone got any advice on calming this down?
post body and face
Nah, I'm nothing special anyway. I just spend way too much of my freetime looking for sex. I use a combination of craigslist, pof, tinder, swinging sites/clubs and Ashley Maddison. I also lower my standards for an easy nut.
Try 21 years.
I M DRInKING RIGHT NOW, 6 months since i didnt
I will never make it, my life is shit, my mind is worst, the world is fucked up and life has no fucking meaning !
Why do my brain still care about having a pussy ? Fucking hormones, fucking testosterones !
And fuck jesus and his father, god the faggot
>never had a serious gf
>no fwb currently
>haven't been on a proper date in a few years
>haven't even attempted to have sex for over a year
Am I a chad
Fucking loled out loud
Imitate a faggot, turn into a faggot. I don't see what is wrong with the original suggestion?
>I had sex last night with a fat girl with herpes
Been a year and a month for me, and I won't after I'm baptized next week and until I get married
4 days since last with a guy
5 days since last time with girl
You could do what I do and start banging tinder fatties. But it'll prolly fuck up your self esteem. Remember they're not real people.
redpill me on sex with guys as someone who also likes fucking girls, do you only top guys?
106 days nofap too
I must obtain true power
only top. femboys and transfem are the only guys i fuck. feels good to have a guy want you to dom them. its a mind thing
>had sex yesterday
>qt vietnamese gf 4'9"
>Complimented how "buff" I am
>watched me play Sekiro after
>cheered me when I beat Genichiro Ashina
>feels pretty good
What are the biggest side effects? Negative and positive
Living the dream don't fuck this up
What are the main side effects? Both positive and negative
Buy viagra online
21 years virgin but I did hug a girl when drunk last year.
This is the true red pill. I’ve fucked hot women, a 63 year old who died weeks later and a 450 pounder. Don’t let pride get in the way of your dick. Just do it. Even if it’s just for the lels
if you live in US you can get a prescription online for 20 bucks and have it ready to pick up legally in two hours at a pharmacy. lemonadehealth.com
I'm behind you 100%, into twinks myself though, haven't had much experience with men overall, how easy is it to find those or are they picky? also how tf do you find ftm they sound rare af, would love to try one
what the hell. was she 14 or something?
im tall and muscular. blonde hair and blue eyes. its not hard to get twinks. go to a club, have a drink, wait for twinks to start asking to dance or ask to feel my muscles.
careful tho, dont follow the rabbit hole to far and forget about those lovely women
I used to get blowjobs from old men on Craigslist. The best blowies of my life. Too bad I wasn’t attracted to them. Feels nice to be someone else’s good catch too
also, just act straight. femboys like straight acting bi guys. wear straight fashion and treat them like a pretty girl.
10 months here brehs
life is currently in shambles so i'm not even concerned about poon at this point in time. on the contrary, i am growing a moustache to make it clear that i am sexually unavailable
what about grindr and shit, is that any good?
It’s been a month and I am ready to fuck a fat chick. How can you guys abstain for so long?
Grindr is great.
Sex with men is great because you generally skip all the fucking bullshit you have to go through with women, just talk a bit and cut to the chase. Be safe though.
grindr can work. its exactly what you expect. when you post your picture, guys will come AT YOU. can be overwhelming.
Dude you’re going to have a 5’4 happy son that hates you
>3 months
Nigga i am 27 and never had sex. I'll probably never will either so dont be that upset. there's people in way worst situations.
it's been something like a year for me. lol.
stopped masturbating a few months before I stopped getting laid too.
wtf am I doing with my life, lmao.
This lmao,
Grindr must be what women experience on tindr, like even with an anonymous, pictureless profile I still get guys popping up within minutes
Fucking fatties is actually awesome. You have to try it at least once. I fucked a fatty and she literally licked my asshole. She was basically worshipping me
i imagine it is what girls experience as well. Knowing this, it helps me pick up women in a handsome fashion. not too neckbeard and not too thirsty
no wonder most women feel entitled to the best men.
I'm not sure how much I want my face plastered on a gay app, if I have a nice body and do a faceless thing will I still get responses/advances?
>no wonder most women feel entitled to the best men.
As a bi bottom I can understand the roastie mindset, I get so many men wanting to fuck I can pick and choose the cream of the crop
You're a sex addict, stop being a slave to pussy and vices
Yes 100%. Lot's of guys do it. You don't even need to put your name on your profile, just put some description.
Age, Race, Sex, Preferred Position, w/e
Then just send a guy a pic of your face when you're talking
> (You)
>I'm not sure how much I want my face plastered on a gay app, if I have a nice body and do a faceless thing will I still get responses/advances?
yes, once again. men will come at you. time to dodge some bad dick
im bi as well. but dom top, straight acting. can usually pick from the cream of the men. Women always take more work, always always always.
I love Jow Forums so much
Doesn't that shit just get you put on the bottom of the deck with the algorithm?
How do I keep on going? I've lost everything I cared about.
Same bro. I work full time, hit the gym, and hang with my friend group which is now entirely composed of people with partners or spouses.
Got every online dating app and I can't get the smallest bit of interest from anyone except the most disgusting hambeasts. I thought I had my life pretty together and I was a catch but apparently not. My violent urges grow more and more every day I remain in this pussy drought
Self explanatory, work on that first
holy fuck pls be true
but thats gay, user