is the bullying of shorter guys on this board motivated by jealousy? i'm starting to think when we get jacked and date attractive women it makes you insecure
Is the bullying of shorter guys on this board motivated by jealousy...
Not jealousy. It's more they feel the need to validate their masculinity.
They're too scared/insecure to challenge people who could kick their ass, so they go for the easy targets
>is the bullying of shorter guys on this board motivated by jealousy
Most manlet memes are created by manlets themselves just FYI OP.
Blame girls they started it.
Nippard has no personality
Everyone gets bullied on this board. If you were tall you'd be called a lanklet. Even guys with goal bodies get told they look like shit. If you don't like it there are other friendlier forums out there.
I thought this nigga's gf was asian? did he dump that thot
I can vouch for that as a 5'8" normal heighted man. I sometimes like to shit post in manlet threads to sew chaos and discontent among other manlets.
he dumped that model because he got bored of fucking her, dating an asian scientist instead
not surprising lanklets fear us now
He seems super basic but that mighty just be a family friendly youtube persona