Sexual Healt and Erectile Dysfunction

Bros I truly got my shit fucked up yesterday:
>About to fuck hot big tiddy MILF latina
>We start, but about 3 minutes in I lose my erection
>Pass to oral, get hard again
>Back to fucking, 2 or so minutes at it and lose my erection AGAIN
>Just ended up fingering her
>She told me to go get myself checked and didn´t say bye, just left
>I stay in the room wondering how my own penis could betray me
I can´t fucking go on did I just got ED in my fucking 20s, the only other explanaition possible was the condom, I´ve never done it with a condom but it was one of those extra tin thingys
This has completely crushed the little confidence I had, please tell me what to do. Go to an urologist? Any especific diet? That nofap shit?

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>go get myself checked

she prob meant for herpes lol

start whacking your weasel with a condom on.
that way, you get appropriated to the scent, feel, and method of wearing one.
when (IF) the real thing happens again (maybe for free this time), you should be mentally adjusted.

>pay me

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lmao this. fucking degenerate retard

all of these are true, also fucking text her and say her pussy smelled or something. shes going to talk shit on you unless you make her feel like its her fault.

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I’m 26 and couldn’t get it up last time I had sex. In my defense, the girl I was fucking was really fucking fat and couldn’t move for shit lol. She also didn’t do any foreplay or oral so I can’t count that.

Posted in the /shg/ but it's more relevant here

>be me 19yo virgin
>sorta have gf, 18yo, also virign
>gf was over last night
>watch a movie and things get hot
>take her to the bedroom and we undress eachother
>I start fingering her (first time for me, and her)
>she likes it very much and she wants to proceed
>thinking "Yes! It's happening"
>I remove her panties, and start removing my boxers
>took some time to remove my boxers
>I am completly flaccid when they come off, mind you I've been rock hard for an hour of foreplay but just before the sex wss supposed to happen I lost it
>try jerkin to get it up again, use sometime and only get a half chub
>we ditch the sex and pursue making out, after a couple minutes I get diamonds again
>but it's too late since she has to leave soon, and the mood was lowered
Wtf guys, I really like this girl, and I find her attractive. Is this just a mental thing? I have no issues getting hard during foreplay/making out but just before the deed it goes limp:(
She taunts me about it playfully next day and tells me not to worry, but it really struck me, how can I fail at the most fundamental in life?
I will stop watching porn and jerk off less, I've also bought some maca just to try it out. Any bros gone through a similar thing when losing virginity etc?

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Get a penis pump. It helps.

damn why are you so autistic
no one has expectations for your sexual performance. your girlfriend is just another person who enjoys hanging out with you.

just enjoy sex. be good to yourself. idiot