Is it worth to get my child obese for calf gains?

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Nigger sucker punched the human didn’t it?

>sucker punched
shit was telegraphed
and whitey was doing a bunch of anime shit like he really thought it was going to work

Typical subhuman behavior, never in these world star nighop vids do you see nigger start shit with someone his own size or would put up a fair fight
Now post your body, cuck

And people wonder why zoomers view white males as a cancerous laughing-stock.

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>Typical subhuman behavior
he gave whitey a chance to stop his bullshit and even stopped swinging once he went down where others would start kicking him
you sound pretty butthurt, did a dindu beat you up?

>written by a dyel white tranny

>Is it worth to get my child obese for calf gains?

Can we get back on topic? If that guy in the pc was obese as a kid do you think his beefend calfs would have done more damage? Maybe knocked the monkey down?

Friend was ganged up by a pack of niggers, they’re literally a subhuman species closet related to apes
Now post body, cuck

i usually get mad when nigs win too, but you have to admit animefag had it coming