>decline bench
>do it anyways
Decline bench
>I'm still alive
>before bregfas
>chin up
>still feel sad
>Bicep curls
>i broke my bicep
>military press
>am civilian
>face pulls
>face still flat
>still don’t own land
>not a thief
>chest flys
>no it doesn't
>chin ups
>can pull to my waist
>lay pull down
>lay stays under armpit
>front squat
>Tennant kicks me off the porch
>arnold press
>i'm actually called steve
>leg extensions
>still a manlet
>Not in prison
>farmers walks
>just a city boy
>do dumbbell curls
>stick breaks
Chest flies
More deodorant
>Load last saved game
>goblet squat
>can't drink wine from it
>jefferson squat
>no slaves
>calf raises
>calves are still in the same place
>dumbell curls
>an inanimate object cant have intelligence by default
>rack pull
>the rack is too heavy to pull
>incline barbell press
>prefer to do it with dumbbells
>Tricep kickbacks
>shouldn't have kicked them
>rack pull
>get put on the sex offenders register.
>French press
>don't get shot by sand niggers
Fucking incredible
>push ups
>I'm pushing the Earth down
>Romanian Deadlift
>Get kicked out of funeral by angry slavs
>Fart, instead
Probably the best I’ve ever seen on these threads
>good mornings
>its 10pm
>high bar squat
>pub owners kick my stoned ass
>curl for years
>still bad at curling
>skull crushers
>you know the next line
>Do shrugs
>Still concerned with the matter at hand
>lateral raises
>I didn't raise my kids
>farmers walk
>live in the city
>bench press
>it’s a useless sailor
>deficit deadlift
>my funeral company is still profitable
>one rep max
>my name is tim