Should you lift weights on an empty stomach or always eat before?

i do an intermittent fast in the morning, where i have a drink and then don't eat for like 4-5 hours. learned it at a buddhist monastery and it helps burn fat. now i'm starting to lift dumbells, biceps and shoulders mostly. should i always wait til i've eaten to lift?

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Depends how you feel. If you feel good fasted go for it. try both though, do what ever allows you to work harder.

I like to get some carbs in like bananas, apples, porridge, maybe like 20 grams of whey protein mixed with water 1-2 hours before a workout
I tried going fasted and noticed only a bit of difference, it all depends on how you feel really
coffee helps a lot when lifting fasted
You should get a high protein meal after a workout though and always get your protein goal per day

Anecdotally, it seems to vary from person to person. I personally don't enjoy working out fasted. But some people insist they do way better when fasted.

thanks lads, i'm a newfag on Jow Forums.

>bananas, apples, porridge, maybe like 20 grams of whey protein
do you think this would be good for a skinny fat body? or should i try to do it on an empty stomach to use the fat as energy? i'm pretty desperate to burn the fat more so then add muscle, though i know they go hand in hand

I just did one hour of strength training after a 20-hour fast. Nearly fainted in the shower. If you're just starting out, eat something first and keep yourself hydrated while you lift

depends on your workout

are you working out like a woman then no need

are you working out like a man then you'll pass out if you don't eat enough

I workout every morning at 5am completely fasted. With the exception of maybe one cup of black coffee. Then I wait until 12pm to have my first meal. It works for me to maintain a skinny figure. But sometimes the workouts can be kind of draining, especially heavy lower body days

I can't see myself working out without eating I would just straight up die

it doesn't seem that great for me, i'm pretty weak enough without the extra energy

note taken user

basically like a woman. 6'2 low muscle, fairly fat, can barely do 2 pushups. i'm having to do them on my knees in private like a little bitch

First off, IF doesn't burn more fat. Secondly, it sounds like you don't have a routine and lift casually at home, which is not really that great.
As per your question, I'd rather eat before lifting for a number of reasons

Nearly shat myself squatting after eating a breakfast once. So now I work out fasted on a shitton of pre-workout..

IF seems to work, or at least it did a the monastery i stayed at but we were only eating once per day and doing work and meditating the rest of the time so maybe IF wasn't the main cause. no i don't have a routine, i'm a neet. i got hit by a bus 2 years ago which shattered my collar bone, caused head injury and dislocated my hip. since then i've basically recovered physically but as it happened when i was getting my shit together, i fell into depression and negativity. been sedentary last 2 years more or less, i don't have money for the gym, home work outs my only option.

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In the monastery you lost weigit because of the caloric deficit. To be clear: I'm not shitting on what you're doing and if you want to keep IF'ing then be my guest, it just doesn't have all the benefits people think it has.
Anyway, you should really do something about that depression man, it's no joke and you have to take care of yourself. If you're training at home try to incorporate some calisthenics and sprints, but I suggest you join a sport activity you like and feel.lile you can do (rock climbing, martial arts just to give a couple of examples) so you get the fuck out of your house and meet some friendly people

i find breaking fast about an hour before works much better for me.

i get tired after i eat and i've hit all my pr's on a fast. to each their own though

Probably shouldn't lift weights fasted as being in a fasted state makes you generally weaker compared to having eaten food before weight training. The only logical reason you would want to train fasted is if you couple it with HIIT or LISS as it will be very helpful in burning fat given you're already in a calorie deficit.

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What are your PR's?

5'8 150lbs. lower body gay

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i hate people now, i'm only fueled by hate and anger. fuck a sports team filled with normalfags. i just want to get fit, get rich then buy land and be self-sufficient

thanks user

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Probably eat a while before, say anything between an hour or 2 before. Basically if you feel hungry when you go liftt or you feel full it’s logically going to hamper your performance

If you want to know what works best for you you could try one week where you eat beforehand, one week where you haven’t eaten at all for a while and compare results. One mans experience need not be the next ones

yeah its fine
if you don't have much muscle you shouldnt worry too much about gaining weight (as long as you're skinny fat not obese) if you gain 30% fat and 70% muscle you will look leaner and more ''toned''
you might wanna skip the porridge part though, that thing is very high in calories (especially if you mix it with milk) and doesn't really have much protein, but fruits and whey are really good pre workout
you burn fat by being in caloric defecit
if you wanna gain muscle at the same time make that deficit a bit lower and consume a lot of protein

Seems like your setting yourself up for a miserable life+failure but ok. Also please stop acting like an angry teen

It depends, at the end of the day you should do what works best for you and keeps you at the gym and lifting or working out towards whatever goals you've set for yourself

there's merits to both methods, I'm personally a no eat fag since I don't really get hungry until noonish

cheers user


I seriously don't understand how IF guys talk about lifting at the end of your fast window.

I cant even squat past my own bodyweight if Ive never eaten a huge meal at least 4-5 hours before. To each of their own I guess

To echo what this guy said, if you’re hungry going into heavy lifts it’s going to make them way harder. The easiest time to squat is right after you eat a big meal

i'm wondering if i should just occasionally go full fasting and caloric deficit, 1-3 days instead of IF. i want to incorporate fasting but also need to get stronger, add bulk so should eat, might try this:

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I always go to the gym fasted.

do you find it hinders your gains? no change or helps?

Cutting or maintaining strength: Work out fasted

Bulking or just trying to gain strength in general: Eat prior to workout


I always work out fasted, but I'm a noob lifting bitch weights. I seem to be progressing somewhat slowly, as compared to some people's reports here. But they could also be LARPing so who knows. Probably better to lift a few hours after a meal if you want to gain strength.

If doesn't violate CICO but it helps manage hunger and your metabolism doesn't go down as much. If you struggle on cutting it's a useful tool.

videos deleted, can't find original but this guy has the video in his

thanks friend

0 physical benefits to doing anything fasted. If you prefer to do it fasted because it feels better for you do it. It might take a few sessions to get used to fasted training but some really prefer it.

i Lift in the morning, usually 12 hours fasted.

My lifts in KG are

I rest 4 minutes per set.

Lift fasted, and you will train to have a better oxidative metabolism (burn fat).