Do you pet your gym's gymcat?
Do you pet your gym's gymcat?
>tfw gymcat has been hogging the only bench for an hour
>wake up early
>fuck yeah gonna hit the gym and do an amazing session before work
>do a 5 minute warm up on the treadmill
>go to the bench to start warming up
>warm up set 1
>gym cat rubs up against my leg
>bend down to pet it for a second
>realize I just wasted 45 minutes petting the cat instead of doing my routine
>gonna be late for work
>tfw the gym cat is actually a gains gobblin
No. Those things are fucking snakes with fur.
That looks like a Crossfit gym. Mine always has one or two people bring a dog or kid, but thankfully the owner at least has rules keeping them to a specific, out of the way area.
I've got nothing against pets, but the last 5 years or so I've noticed that people my age, like late teens-30 cant fucking leave them at home. Kids I get, yeah, take them out and get them involved. But pets get in the fucking way, most aren't trained well, and heaven help us if different peoples don't get along. Keep them off the working floor for fuck's sake. I don't want my deadlift to turn literal because I drop it on a fucking cat.
>gym cat took a shit in the squat rack
If that's cat, no way, these things are fucking diseases bus.
>having a cat in a gym
recipe for disaster. someone is gonna fucking step on it, trip over it, or drop a weight on it