>be me
>live in a shit country with no job prospects
>decide to apply to another language that isn't English
>choose russian
>slack off the first semester and apply on in learning the grammatical rules
>apply more during 2nd semester
>find out you're shit at listening
>first exam is listening in 20 days
>becomes okay on a lexical level though still working on it
>try to listen to the old exercises
>doesn't understand shit
>realize you're eventually gonna fail it
How do i suicide druzya?
Be me
yeah im retarded too op lol
Listening is harder than speaking a language. Just listen to tapes on repeat of it and pick out words and try and think in it. That's what I do to learn languages. Haven't quite gotten to Russian yet but still solid.
Fuck off korbo, you are a loser.
Ya that's exactly what I'm doing but I'm wondering whether 20 days will be enough. There are like 3 sessions this summer but I'd be pissed off on any exam I'd poured all my efforts into.
Who the fuck are you talking about?
20 days should be plenty to get your ears accustomed to it; it takes most people only a few hours when they learn a language to be able to follow along. If you do it for a week straight then you ought to be able to think in russian for a while, and that will greatly improve your chances.
Le who are you quoting?
кoгo ты цитиpyeшь?
Yeah I'll give it a shot. I don't even care about grades since eventually I'll learn it one way or the other.