He does actually have a point

He does actually have a point

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sex is not the same thing as eating fucking cereal

Bet he got the herps from his wife.

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That's an empathetic perspective on sex as an act of entertainment. If you value the other person on the basis of being a sexual partner by their use as an object to you it completely breaks down.

But it does matter, whether you don't like it or not.
the world won't gonna stop, just because you need it to.

do you think it's gross to buy a used sex doll though?

but the cheerios are virgin everytime you eat them, they have no been tasted by other people. the woman definitely isnt.

plus, they're fucking cereals you idiot.

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And lord knows there's not enough empathy to go around here.

false equivalency, the cheerios would be the gender, the individual bowl would be the person.

*jizzes in your cheerios*
Drink up!

I hold men to the same standard I do women, sleeping around is not a good thing to do for anyone. I have no admiration for men who sleep with lots of random women. I really admire couples with strong, dedicated relationships and thats about it.

>in their youth, women love eating cereal
>not cheerios, though. They love sugary cereal
>frosted flakes. apple jacks. coca puffs
>they spend all their time going through unhealthy cereal
>they know it's bad for them, but they are young so they don't care
>one day, their metabolism and health catches up with them
>women realize they can't sustain a lifestyle of jacks and puffs forever
>they've had their share of cereals, but now are ready to settle down their diet
>they find cheerios
>boring, plain, lacking in taste, but very safe and healthy
>women don't like cheerios, but they will eat it anyways, knowing they have to
>every once in a while they decide to have a cheat day and go back to old cereals

imagine comparing sex to a bowl of fucking cereal

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she loves you now
grow up

Out of curiousity, how many people here saying that sex is totally different have ever actually had any? I can respect here, but the rest of you are dumb. It's not like some dude's jizz lives in the girl for years at a time. It'd be like saying you're not willing to kiss a girl because she threw up two years ago.

He forgets that it's perspective oriented. People who view sex as an expression of love between two people are more romantic idealists, they aren't the ones who have a problem with sex. People who view sex as a procreating act are constantly obsessed with being perfectionists about it, as their DNA commands them to be, so you'll notice these people are very conservative when it comes to sex.

I don't love her, though.


numale cope detected

does her son love him too? lmao

>she loves you now
If I call the ambulance and they show up 7 years after my father dies that doesn't mean I appreciate them.

my biggest issue with a woman who has fucked a shit ton of men is not the gaped pussy or the fact that men have been jn her. For me, it transmits a lack of commitment to a relationship, and that she is more prone to dump me and fuck off to another guy within 6 months, which is something i dont intend to have in a relationship. I dont want a relationship only for sex, but for the bonding aspect of it aswell and potentially to marry her

Any woman who has had a lot of casual sex is a woman you shouldn't seriously date. After-all, if this woman was happy to get fucked by a load of guys, what makes you think she's changed? If she's looking for a serious relationship, then she clearly just wants some betabux. She's still craving lots of different dicks, though.

If a woman has had a lot of sexual partners, don't date them. Pump and dump, maybe, but never date.

>Write a book glorifying innocent, naive love, were both of the characters are each others first
>suprised when people romanticize the idea of being someones first

That said, I don't really care if she's a virgin or not.
What I care about is if she's truly rid of her past. If she has 15 different ex bfs/old one nights stands/orbiters constantly hounding her, like my ex had, I'm not gonna bother.

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That's fair. A girl who's had a few serious relationships doesn't bug me(especially because I'm on the wrong side of 30, so a girl who hasn't been with a guy or two is probably either way too young, way too uninterested, or way too undesirable). But a girl who finds a new guy every Friday night isn't a good long-term choice. There's definitely a balance here.

It's normalfag tier justification. He only thinks that because he's had multiple sexual partners himself and is only around peolle that reinforce this viewpoint, in antagonism towards people who get nothing aka robots.

dating them is fun. getting into a committed relationship would be a mistake. if you date them it's much easier to lead them into a false sense of security because they think the relationship is what comes next. easier to get some pussy that way

Yeah, exactly. When you're with a slut, the goal is getting poonanners. Nothing more.

I feel like a lot of r9kers assume if a girl isn't a virgin, she's having casual sex.
Does it matter to you guys whatsoever if the girl has only had sex in a committed relationship?

If a girl has only had long term committed relationships numbering less than or equal to 3 by age 25 it's okay.

>incels think they can affor to have standards

There is nothing wrong with having standards so long as you understand you will probably die alone.

I would agree that men and women should be held to the same standard but people shouldn't be hoeing around at all. Like for fuck sake have some self respect
This is a terrible comparison by the way

this is what gets me, its not the sex itself, its the persons character.

>men and women should be held to the same standard
Men and women are different. Would it be nice if men and women were held to the same standards on everything? Sure. But that isn't the reality we live in. Men are the pursuers in sexual relations. They need to work hard to get some pussy. Women simply need to agree to have sex, and they can have sex whenever they want.

If a man's a slut, that's fine, because that takes a lot of effort and shows a man is valuable. If a woman is a slut, that's not fine, because it takes no effort and shows a woman is giving away her pussy to anyone.

But I don't like eating cereal that has been cummed on by random men.

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No he doesn't.

It's a strong indicator for future marriage stability.

Marry a virgin bride. Your children's future prospects matter.

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Fucking one man out of wedlock is a tragedy.
Fucking 48 is a statistic.

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Couldn't possibly be because liberated women feel more able to escape unhealthy marriages because... that's not sexist enough?

If you pick someone good the partner count doesn't matter beyond how it affects your insecurity
If you pick someone bad the partner count matters a lot for many many reasons

Do you really believe 5 partners = 30% marriage success rate? How chaotic would the world be if that was right?
I'm open to the idea but I just don't think it makes sense as far as that chart expresses it

>How chaotic would the world be if that was right?
Take a look around, faggot.

Have you seen our world?

Breathe in the chaos in, let it ride in your blood.

Why use a slur? I think the bigger issue is normies and literal retards getting married. If you are intelligent and original, do you really fear sleeping with 3 people, or dating someone who has slept with 3 people?

>Couldn't possibly be because liberated women feel more able to escape unhealthy marriages

If that were the case, one would think that all their experience with multiple partners would make them better at picking out the good men and choosing a husband. But instead, the opposite happens.

don't get all mad when uppity cunts decide they want to be held to the same standard too and start to hoe themselves out all the time just the same
oh wait that's already been happening for years now

>Do you really believe 5 partners = 30% marriage success rate? How chaotic would the world be if that was right?

Absolutely. That's the fucking reality we live in.

From the American Psychological Association:

>40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher.

A girl I''m interested in wears one of these. What do?

>Does it matter to you guys whatsoever if the girl has only had sex in a committed relationship?
It's objectively better but it's a bit like me asking you which you want to eat for dinner tonight: dog shit or cat shit.
This is the ideal world: men and women marry young and marry as virgins.
We should strive towards that ideal, not away from it.

The idea that we men all just want a tighter pussy, or something, is denigrating and it ignores our valid concerns.
Gen X, gen Y and gen Z have seen their families ripped to shreds and they don't want to put their own kids through that.
Stats show a girl that fucked a lot of dudes is basically a guaranteed divorce while a virgin is as close to a guarantee of success as you can get.

>If you pick someone good the partner count doesn't matter
>If you pick someone bad the partner count doesn't matter

How hard is it grasp the fact that the partner count itself is an indication of how good or bad they are.

Now I'm even starting to think marriages aren't really expected to hold in the modern world anyway. I think people are way too self-obsessed now. Everyone wants to tell their own story. Anyway, go into the world and talk to a halfwit and you'll see why divorce rates are high. I talked to a guy today who asked a girl out, she said no, and now he's going insane and crying. Then you have normies who abuse their wives, or normies with bpd, or normies who are indoctrinated into polyamory. There's really a lot of possibilities and sexual partner count doesn't begin to describe who someone is

Your self-worship is fucking ridiculous.
>I'm too smart and creative for my marriage to tank!
Why the fuck do you think that matters but the emotional baggage of a girl that fucked a lot of dudes doesn't even exist?

FoOd anALOgY
>(origami post)

>Now I'm even starting to think marriages aren't really expected to hold in the modern world anyway.

Two things for you to google:
"jaffe memo"
"the authoritarian personality" (the book)


Humans eat thousands of pieces of food in a lifetime. Monogamy is having one mate in a lifetime. Retard analogy.

Yeah I probably am too smart for that. It's not really a ridiculous amount of self-worship. I'm going into a challenging situation confident instead of defeatist. If it goes badly I'm not going to kill myself like Jow Forums would
>emotional baggage of a girl that fucked a lot of dudes
you speak like someone who has never dated. emotional baggage? girls are fucking stupid, they straight love you if you treat them nicely and have good sex. you're getting caught up in the past, one of the biggest causes for depression.
if you're a brainlet: search NLP "reframing"
if you're smart: read On the Use and Abuse of History
I'm always happy to talk condescendingly to someone on Jow Forums but I hope you can sense that I'm genuine in my beliefs and am just being silly when I act like a dick

>sexual partner count doesn't begin to describe who someone is

Except it does.

It means they're a thrill seeker and risk taker, that they likely get bored of parters and move on, that they live in the moment, that they don't commit long term.

That's a bad match to enter a legally binding agreement with, and start a family with.

If you yourself don't want marriage and family, sure go ahead, fuck all the sluts you want, but if you DO want marriage and family, you would be an absolute fool to choose such a woman.

>Mfw every partner before me that my girl has had means around 0.5 percent chance for her to catch aids
>48 partners means the possibilities of her being aids free is around 78.6 percent
>Literally have over 20% chances of catching aids from her
>This is calculated solely by comparation of total world population vs aids infected "people"
>It doesnt even take into account the individual probablity of aids that every single partner she had before had
>This isnt even a "diseased" probability, only an aids probability
>Most girls go over 50 partners
Source: avert.org/global-hiv-and-aids-statistics
google.com.pe/search?q=world population&oq=world pop&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.11433j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
How could you even have sex with someone like that without fear?
At this point in the calculations the image isnt even ironic

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what about someone who dates 4 people in 6 years and the breakups are due to pragmatic career moves that left the relationship long distance, or difference in ideals(i.e. she wants kids), or religious disagreement(i.e. he was muslim and felt guilt), or her family disapproved, or any number of possibilities beyond "she was fucking around and wanted a new cock"

>this shit again.
1. The larger the number of partners a woman has the weaker the emotional bond she develops with her subsequent partners.
2. Promiscuity raises concerns about self control and therefore infidelity.
3. Promiscuity suggests mental issues.
It matters unfortunately

Fear? No. But it's a very relevant data point and the people trying to convince you it isn't are the same people trying to convince you that the key to a healthy relationship is letting your girl fuck other dudes. But maybe every study ever done on the subject and thousands of years of wisdom passed down by our ancestors is all wrong and Buzzfeed is right.


The cliche "a failure to plan is a plan to fail" is true enough for your big brain, right?
Selecting a proper mate is crucial to having a successful marriage.
If you picked a woman with serious case of Borderline Personality Disorder then your big brain is unlikely to save that marriage, she's fucked up and you can't fix her.
Do you agree so far?

Here is the part where I think we'll diverge: women that banged a lot of dudes either can't or won't pair-bond, either can't or won't stay in a marriage and the system we live in is kind of like we give them a winning lottery ticket (divorce) and expect them not to cash out when things aren't fun.

I see your notion that treating them nice and fucking them well means lifetime success as nothing but hubris.

You simply lack real world experience. Girls at 3, 4, 5 partner count can easily pair bond. You are creating a dismal picture for people. Does it count as a sexual partner if she doesn't orgasm? Because I think someone with a dozen partners who has never orgasm'd from sex would pair bond with a new partner who made them orgasm
As far as BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER goes, it's easy to spot! The red flags posted all over the internet are pretty accurate. Try not marrying someone before you know them. If you trust and love someone who has slept with 3 people in 10 years of sexual activity you should probably marry them buddy

A woman that fucks Muslims and men her family disapprove of is trash and not marriage material. Why would a woman be loyal to her man if she's not loyal to her God, her family, or her people?

>Man defending female promiscuity
>Trying to excuse it by believing female standards (regarding virginity) should be lowered instead of the other way around
>Comparing virginity to cereal
This is the kind of retardation I come for

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>But maybe every study ever done on the subject and thousands of years of wisdom passed down by our ancestors is all wrong and Buzzfeed is right.
Must be this

Needless to say, of course, sage goes in all fields.

>You simply lack real world experience
And you don't? What the fuck are you doing here then?

Arguing with dour sad people about misconceptions because I appreciated this place years ago for helping me

>You are creating a dismal picture for people
That doesn't mean he's wrong though

It would mean he's wrong by the way I phrased it because I said he was "creating" the picture himself, pushing a narrative