Yo where my mentally ill robots who use psychedelics because they think it gives them deeper truths into the nature of...

Yo where my mentally ill robots who use psychedelics because they think it gives them deeper truths into the nature of consciousness and reality at

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>Be me
>Typical robot
>Decide to order LSD off DNM
>Order x5 200ug tabs
>Take the 1000ug in a 1week span because retarded
>life changed completely
>turn out i have psychosis
Good shit, wouldn't do it again but good shit nonetheless.

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I haven't done LSD for years but I really want to again. I'm considering it. I miss it. LSD is love, LSD is life. Thanks for the nice Apu




End your lives

I know it's fun sometimes to make fun of others and insult them. I've indulged in the same many times. But it's better to not stereotype people. I like LSD and I know why, and many other people also understand why. It's not about what you're saying. Have a nice day friend










Taking LSD for what I thought was gonna be fun saved my life. The trip was something of a nightmare but it showed me that my life and the world has meaning.

Let's be real here my friend, we're both on r9k so it's probably not the case that our lives are amazing and we are amazing to the point where we should try to elevate ourselves above each other through insults. Just relax and have a nice time. If you just like to talk shit that's okay too because it's fun lol, anyway have a nice day user




How does having an ego give you anxiety? I thought that meant you think too highly of youself




Hey user, generally within the lingo of psychedelic communities, "ego" doesn't mean the same thing as the usage "thinking too highly of yourself". It's a similar concept though

With psychedelics people generally say your ego is your sense of personal self and the identity you have built for yourself throughout your life - the way you see yourself, kind of in terms of your position in society and your place ingrained into the culture you were born into

Psychedelics can dissolve this at high enough doses and make you start to forget that you are yourself, and sometimes forget that you are a human, or sometimes lose track of the concept of the self entirely.

When people are too attached to their ego, as in too attached to their position in society and too attached to receiving respect and caring about how people view them, psychedelics can be very challenging because they directly and literally show you that your felt experience of cultural ego is an illusion and it can be dissolved by simple drugs

It's hard to convey through words but maybe this can explain it

Basically to sum this up, people view themselves a certain way, like "I'm that dude who likes so and so hobbies and I'm a part of this certain type of friend group" but psychedelics strip you of this feeling of being yourself and instead make you realize you're a body and a mind embedded in matter, and it can be horrifying and hard to deal with for some people, leading to bad trips

"nothing is real" and "sentience is an illusion" are also two other stereotypical ideas that can get stuck in your mind and give you a bad trip

this is your brain on Jow Forums originally

My man, this is a side of doing consciousness elevating drugs. You become weak and are unable to deal with attacks on you. Make sure to not lose yourself in delusions, the world is still a harsh place and you need to be tough to survive in it. You cant be zen and kind and accepting and all that all the time. You need to be able to dirty and ruthless at times. Otherwise you will get pushed around and eventually develop some kind of psychotic worldview about why people are mean. There is no grander meaning, people are cunts, the world is a shitty place, learn to deal with it instead of losing yourself to delusion.

>psychedelics can be very challenging because they directly and literally show you that your felt experience of cultural ego is an illusion and it can be dissolved by simple drugs
That makes no sense though. Just because something exists outside of the experiences we have doesnt mean that those experiences suddenly stop being real. It just proves that something exists outside of this existance. This existance doesnt become any less real.

The problem with a lot of psychedelics users is that they really have no clue what they're talking about. They see a lot of things but understand little. Dont buy into psychedelics culture, its mostly a sham made up by people who are desperatly trying to find a way to make sense of what they saw but really probably know less than you do.

I hate that LSD, MDMA has became new WEED LMAO.

>you're a body and a mind embedded in matter
you don't need drugs to realize this, then again I would like to try it if I knew were to get it

Drug dealers are evolving. Whenever a drug becomes a meme, 9 out of 10 times its because drug dealers started selling it to people, which generally means that a big kingpin found a way to either smuggle it or make large amounts of it.

This is why drugs are banned. I used to be a rebellios edgy teen and think muh freedom, but you come to realize at some point that certain things have such adverse side effects on people its simply retarded for a government to allow it to freely happen. Criminalization is definitely stupid but legalization is even more stupid. Let this stay in the dark for now, society is not ready yet for it. You can see it by how people develop all kinds of delusional worldviews after they start taking it. They basically become psychotic but are in denial.

Had anxiety and depression in the past, not so much anymore. Definitely have bipolar traits and have experienced mania/hypomania after drinking a certain amount of coffee, but not diagnosed bipolar.
Psychedelics have been fairly positive for me honestly. Only thing I'll say is stay the fuck away from weed, I don't think I've ever seen a bipolar person benefit from using weed. I would say everybody who is mentally ill stay far away from weed but normies worship weed for taking away their depression, I doubt it's true but I'll give them the benefit of doubt. Also know your limit with caffeine.

Lsd is amazing
Any One who thinks otherwise hasn't tried it
Yes it's an ultimatum

A large percentage of the population is delusional even without drugs, I'm not talking about the acutely psychotic. If psychedelics cause someone to develop delusional beliefs then they are the ones with the problem.

>people who had no mental illnesses or psychotic views suddenly end up with delusional beliefs after doing this stuff but its not the drug that causes it

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Name some of the delusional beliefs

why is having delusional beliefs bad?

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Good night friends I leave you with this picture

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You've obviously never done psychedelics before. It is possible to remain rational during and after psychedelics. The only people who develop delusional beliefs after psychs were predisposed to mental illness or they have a very low standard for what they consider to be the truth and start believing every retarded idea that comes up in their normie mind.

Why even argue on a subject you know nothing about? You look stupid. You are one of the people I mentioned that are delusional without any drug use. You believe any rumor you hear without questioning it's validity.

>like more than half of the people who do psychedelics develop acute psychotic tendencies
>the same people get an increase in the psychotic beliefs if they keep doing it regularly to the point that they basically develop psychosis after a while
>when before doing it they were completely mentally heallthy but its just that almost all people are "predisposed to mental illness" instead of the drug just causing it

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because you might start accepting your delusions as truth and then you're fucked, also get of my board you fucking instafag, learn to crop your stolen memes dumbass

>like more than half of the people who do psychedelics develop acute psychotic tendencies
You're just pulling shit out of your ass lol

>>like more than half of the people who do psychedelics develop acute psychotic tendencies
Source? I can't tell if you're baiting at this point. Like I said last post, you're one of the delusional sober people I have been referring to. You create ideas in your head that have no basis in reality.

>That makes no sense though
You're literally just failing to wrap your head around it. The feeling can't ever really be described though

People without mental problems can live happy and healthy lives going to bed and waking up every day dead sober and don't need to delve into the sherbert to ease the pain of existence, therefore the correlation between druggies and crazies is higher

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Look at the fucking thread pic. Or go to talk in any "psychedelics community". Half is a understatement to be honest with you, like almost all of them are fucking batshit crazy.

Way to beat around the bush to say the same thing that other fag said. We are talking about completely healthy individuals free of any mental illnesses becoming psychotic after taking this. Not almost everyone is predisposed to mental illness. Its the drug that causes it. Use Occams Razor a little more, it'll do you good in ridding yourself of some of those delusional beliefs.

The people who don't do any drugs here who are wayy worse.

Plus i seen only 1 said he got psychosis everyone else seems fine ITT for the most part

You just have confirmation bias.

I was smoking weed everyday and did psychedelics regulary for years, now after i quit for a whole year i am left with pretty intense hppd, if i look at the ground on a sunny day while meditating, i can see the texture of the ground flowing like a river and things like that, i actually do enjoy it tough.

Society is a system that needs people to be immersed in it in order to function. If they wake up and realize that it's all a lie to exploit their time and labor, of course they'll start thinking and acting in ways that no longer benefit society. Of course society would have words for it like "delusional" and "psychotic" with negative connotations to scare the disillusioned from organizing and threatening its continued existence.

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>All this talk of delusion and psychosis and shit.
Are you jousting windmills? The schizoposting is pretty low itt. I've dropped acid a few times, and always dosed mindfuckingly high. I come back to normal, drink some fluids and sleep off the hangover, just a good time. It hasn't changed me, just been an interesting experience. And I think most people enjoy acid like I do. The doors of perception crowd are weird even by psychadelic crowd standards.

>Plus i seen only 1 said he got psychosis everyone else seems fine ITT for the most part
That means he is the least psychotic of the bunch. Psychotic people actually believe that all their delusional beliefs are real. To them its a reality, its so real to them they cant imagine it not being true.

Refer to

Realizing that real things aren't actually important =/= realizing that real things aren't real

>If they wake up and realize that it's all a lie to exploit their time and labor
It's not, though. In functional societies, you trade peace for conformance. Your brain is wired to have a negative response to stressors, so it's beneficial for the individual to live in a stable environment.

The predatory nature of societies isn't implied, either. It's more a problem with human nature its power dynamics. Not that we have an alternative, as God has left us to govern ourselves.

Your other comments make it sound like you've embraced the rejection of others, so methinks you may be a tad biased based on your living conditions.

>If they wake up and realize that it's all a lie
Illusion/lie=not real
What may not be important to you can be important to others. So what you should be saying is "when I discovered that I personally dont find things important, I personally chose to be a machiavellian snake and exploit other people to gain things that also i personally decided are not important"

A society is like a king bandit that demands things from you while eliminating competition from lesser bandits

No, that is a government. And you are right. Government is merely a necessary evil. But its necessary to maintain the societies that we have today. If government was to disappear, those lesser bandits would appear to come give you a visit. And the thing about them is it would be an understatement to say that they are far less kind and forgiving than the current king bandit is, and the current one isnt even that kind or forgiving to begin with

>implying my goal is to exploit others to gain things instead of trying to escape the system and be self-sufficient while serving my own interests

Lesser bandits can be driven away and reasoned with if you hold more power to defend what is dear to you than they do (i.e. a gun)
The king bandit makes sure that no one person can have more power than it does.

I don't know what this emphasis on government and shit is about. The true power of psychs is for personal introspection. It sheds the veneer and allows you to judge yourself like you were a different person. And i emphasize how deep it is

You cant achieve it to this degree without psychedelics

That is not something that doesnt benefit society. Infact it probably would be beneficial to it as unless you make a lot of money, you are likely more of a drain on society than otherwise.

Thats what you hope. Bandits are good at what they do, else they would not last very long. They have experience and know what they are doing. They are professional predators basically.

You on the other hand are just some chucklefuck with an AR15. I dont think even you think those are good odds.

But lets assume that you somehow are able to take on them. That still means that you have to live a life of constantly being on guard. You are never sure of the future and you can never relax and sit back. You basically have to live like those people in apocalypse movies, which is fun if its a movie that lasts 90 minutes, but any longer and you will be praying for it to end.

But hey, lets even assume that you are ok with significantly decreasing your quality of life and going back to the stone ages. Once king bandit is removed, it wont take much longer for another king bandit to arise. The slightly stronger bandits will usurp all the weaker bandit groups and become the big shots, and soon they will become the new government, except this one doesnt listen to reason.

Its a futile idea. Government will always be there. Humans naturally gravitate towards it. The only choice you have is between a civilized government or a literal bandit king.

DMT has made me a kinder and more empathetic person.

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I agree with you on that, but its not something most people can handle without any help and guidance. People shouldnt be recommending it like its candy.

I cant find the exact quote but Jung said something about this along the lines of "it takes a hero to descend into the depths of the unconscious and return with something valueable". Its not an easy task.

This is A legit thing that happened to me. Had an episode of extreme dereization on lsd which lead to me nearly stabbing someone. After a couple therapy sessions they're telling me it sounds like I had hallucinogenic perception persistence disorder mixed with derealization. Which is better than being schitzo like I thought I was.

>I agree with you on that, but its not something most people can handle without any help and guidance. People shouldnt be recommending it like its candy.
I think they should. You're putting too much emphasis on the fear of a negative reaction. Must be why you're so invested.

Most adults should be able to handle a mild psych experience. There are low doses, etc not every trip is mindblowing and profound

LSD would cure most of socities social problems. At least it would eliminate most SSRIs and be effective for all sorts of rehab and therapy

>as God has left us to govern ourselves
Opinion disregarded

Sorry that happened to you bud but doesn't make what he said true

Im guessing you didn't just take 100ug one time and experience that

What you think "should be" has no bearing on reality. The fact is that most people do not handle these experiences well. For most people, at best, they just see it as something cool, entertainment basically, and dont think much of it. A little worse and you get shit like people rationalizing their bad experience as "wow that was a crazy experience glad i did that before i died now never talk to me about it again".
At worst you get shit like . Very few people achieve any insight whatsoever on it for the reasons i stated before with that Jung quote.

When people take it specifically for the purpose of "self discovery" i suppose the rates of psychosis would be much higher as all those people who didnt think much of the experience would now get lost in trying to figure out things they no clue about.

You are recommending something that has the potential to be outright dangerous. Just because it turned out well for you doesnt mean it has to for everyone else.

Where in the post you replied to do you see that.

>You are recommending something that has the potential to be outright dangerous
Well considering how most people complain about the monogomy of their lives and how they're prepared to kill themselves I don't really see the issue

You've drawn this picture thats extremely black and white because you only emphasize your own fears but belittle the positives

>For most people, at best, they just see it as something cool, entertainment basically, and dont think much of it. A little worse and you get shit like people rationalizing their bad experience as "wow that was a crazy experience glad i did that before i died now never talk to me about it again". At worst you get shit like . Very few people achieve any insight whatsoever
This is quite literally just your opinion and its quite wrong. You're obviously not willing to acknowledge your observation isn't a reality. Ie plenty of people take acid, have a good time and learn about themself. Psychosis is few and far between. Once again its not as black, white and warped to the negative as you put it.

You dont really see the issue with making that even worse?

We are obviously at a point of contention here. You say you see one thing, i say i see one thing, so there isnt much point in continuing this discussion as it will go nowhere. But i think it does speak volumes on you and your judgement when you say that you see no issues with people literally losing their minds and trying to stab people. I think its pretty clear from just that who has the better clarity of judgement.

And i will leave this at that.

Well it speaks volumes you think taking lsd = stabbing people

Retarded opinionated faggot