Can we have a thread about cool pictures of oil rigs? I personally think they're really neat

Can we have a thread about cool pictures of oil rigs? I personally think they're really neat

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i want one of these to declare my own nation

2deep original

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Militaire Sans Frontieres?

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so my question is: Do they float or are they secured to the ground

Too late bud, someone has already done it.

Some of them float, some of them don't. The deeper ones are usually the floaters. They launch tension based anchors into the ocean floor to secure the spot and begin drilling.

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How the fuck do they build those things? Also Ide love to work on a rig but I have no skills. I read the book 'Dont my mum I work on an oil rig' and it was a great read. Gy just went around the world to the most isolated places drilling for oil, earned cash by the buckets, almost died of dysentry, got shat at by pirates, blew a monkey up.

robots sans normes

Shits spooky to me. Like what if a tsnumai hits it

And all that submerged steel and concrete. Yikes. Someone probably has to swim down there to inspect

id imagine youd be relatively safe on there compared to most other things lol

tsunami is more of a shallow water danger, because it's basically the whole ocean being lifted up, the real danger is rouge waves, that shit is the really spooky stuff, people weren't even sure if they were real until pretty recently

I'd love to see any underwater pics of these if you have any or know where to look. Underwater manmade things always freak me out but they're so intriguing.
This is a saturation diver at about 230 feet on a shipwreck, lots of rigs use similar equipment for maintenance.

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Tsunamis aren't dangerous out in the open ocean. Its when they collide with the continental plate and crust that the waves actually take height and forced. Out at sea they just look like big rolling swells if that.

>Underwater manmade things always freak me out
Same here, theres actually a phobia for it too. My biggest fear is like seeing a giant submarine under me or a ship sail over me.

Came here to post this. You can add oil rigs to my list, too, while you're at. The images posted in here are fucking nightmare fuel.

aye lads
i read something a bit ago about these things
apparently working on them is really unique
you get flown out there and you stay there for a couple days, then flown back
you only work maybe 3 or 4 days and get a couple days off

>hey user you coming scuba diving this weekend?

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You guys remember when this shady motherfucker almost 2 miles below the gulf of mexico at the foot of a rig showed up in the news?

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That is a sea fort and isn't recognized as a sovereign nation by literally anyone.

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So, I could invade it?

robot pirate nation now

Shit. What boat?
Attached is the queen mary, 22 foot propeller.

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