Ever held hands with a girl?
Ever held hands with a girl?
So you never shoke hands with a female before
I fucking wish, I feel so unmotivated.
Nope, 30 yrs old here.
One time [about 3 months ago] a girl introduced herself to me and shook my hand and I held on for a while, does that count?
I had a GF, i'm not full packet KHV, just v remaining.
6 years later i still miss her, was my first teenage love, i haven't ben in love ever since.
Yes. Although I didn't hear from her afterwards.
>tfw the feeling of her soft fingers slowly crossing with yours while she sit over you is long gone
God fucking damnit
i instinctively crush other ppls fingers when they them into mine
... no.
Except maybe that one time in chemistry class in high school when we were supposed to represent electrons on atom layers and some girl did absolutely not want to touch me so she just held her pinky finger and gagged. She washed her hands right after.
For no reason too. I way always well groomed and didn't smell.
yes because they made us do square dancing in high school gym class
all the girls I danced with were visibly uncomfortable because of how sweaty my hands were
Once. She was drunk and kept asking me if I was her friend. I've gotten hugs from girls on different occasions, but never gotten to really hold hands with one.
Yes, I even had sex.
Prithee abscond thou fetid normie
But i'm a shcizo neet living with his dad. Just because I got my dick wet once i'm not a normie?
I did with few (not at once) I think they were making fun of me tho :(
One time, when I was 6 or 7 years old.
Non virgins are normalfags
Provided it wasn't a transaction or rape
even better than that, i cuddled with a girl in my class on a plane from a school trip for over 6 hours, she used me as a pillow and would hold my hands. we listened to music with one earbud each in our ears. It was perfection.. didnt go anywhere after turns out shes just one of those girls who uses friends for physical affection while still craving chad cock only
i half hugged a girl once in high school, when she hugged me and i didn't reciprocate because this was a first and i am an autist. thats about it though in 23 years
I barely even talk to any. It feels like they know right off the bat that i'm a weirdo
yes i have
i have held hands before
I have even cuddled with a girl
Nope never did and will never
Khv here but I can proudly say that I've once held hand with a girl in the short span of our relationship
Lots of girls actually
And one trap
I've held girl's hands but never in a loving/relationship situation.
Funny enough, I've had sex and even kissed a girl last weekend I kind of regret it because it was forced when i was drunk and I've been worried all week that this person thinks I have the potential to be rapey when inebriated but that'll sort itself out when I apologize (in a cool way) the next time I see her
Actually, yes. Only one time really and it was with a girl that tried to friendzone me but at least.
Don't apologize
Take her somewhere for food
I sent her a Snapchat message during the week and she replied 18 hrs later with a 3-word reply. It made me lose interest along with the fact that she's a slut even though I'm only interested in her physically. I'll just be chill next time I see her with my group of friends but I don't have enough a romantic interest in her to play super nice.
Females do not shake hands to greet anyone.
What's your point?
Yes but this girl had a penis
Yes, but what you should really be asking is if anyone has hugged one, because holding hands feels horrible