Am i just supposed to forgive women beside all the pain they caused me?
Am i just supposed to forgive women beside all the pain they caused me?
Your pain was all self-inflicted.
There is no real cure for narcissism, but you can slowly get over some aspects of it. Good luck.
They insulted me becouse i was quiet and often convince their boyfriend to try and beat me up
How is self inflicted?
Shouldn't have stayed quiet. You chose to be a victim. You can always choose not to be one.
Is this the birth of a incel?
i started taking Boxing classes and i always been able to defend myself
I am angry despite being always polite and despite trying to not bother anyone those female were always so mean with me
do you blame a dog for chasing its tail?
Good, so you're not a bitch. I don't see what the problem is then. Surely you understand that women are not a hive mind and not all of them are the cunts who hurt you.
I am not so stupid to start shooting people at random i only think we should go back to a patriarchal society to prevent other people to be hurt by their evil nature
Are you really sure about that?they are always so mean to me and i literaly only sit alone i a corner and focus on studying i do not look at anyone and i do not talk to anyone if i am not asked first also i always replay in the most polite way possible
Maybe you're just in a shitty place? I'm an ugly, fat and quiet bastard and have never gotten any shit for it, especially not from women.
>i literaly only sit alone i a corner and focus on studying i do not look at anyone and i do not talk to anyone if i am not asked first also i always replay in the most polite way possible
Maybe you're coming off as rude because you're not showing basic interaction before seperating yourself . That or they're just assholes
I probably get shit because i am asexual and quite attractive
Still i do not deserve any of it
>I probably get shit because i am asexual and quite attractive
That's a pretty egotistical self serving thought lol. Maybe you're just an ass
Or maybe you really are asex Keeanu Reeves
It is preatty common for asexual people to get shit from other people becouse we do not like sex And i got mocked alot of time becouse of it and i guess being attractive does not help
Huh, sounds like narcissism really is the problem.
Try getting out of your head and talking to the people around you.
How do random people know you're asexual. Keep it to yourself then freak
>Your pain was all self-inflicted.
no it was not
I thought you were asexual. So its just a cop out? Thought you weren't suppose to experience sexual distress
I do not know what you're trying to say
Replying to the minion pic, maybe thats not how you feel. im retarded
it's just a meme I can relate to
I never tell anyone i guess they can guess it becouse i do not show any interest in sex
>be young me
>girls make fun of me constantly for being short, ugly, quiet, anxious
>all completely unprovoked
>even jokingly ask me out for themselves or their friends then all say "EWWWWWWWW" and laugh in unison often following with comments such a "I'd rather die a virgin than be with user"
Your pain was all self-inflicted bro
What pain exactly?
Do what i did with every gf i've had, be the dominant one in the relationship, if she would complain that she isn't in the mood for sex twice in a row(w/o any good excuse) i would tell her i'm going to the brothel and if she starts freaking out and throwing temper tantrums i would kick her out off my place and end it.
Don't have time to waste on whores who only like my car or house.
And one last pice of advice, DON'T GET MARRIED. EVER!
Almost lost half of my assets bc of that, thank god for my awesome lawyer and accountant.
couldn't you just, like NOT BE CREEPY you sperg ugh
you should have gone to the gym and grow like 10feet like Chad did
This wojak looks exactly like me and it's freaking me out
> hating women for self-inflect harm
jesus you are retarded kill yourself
men can hurt you physicallly but a woman can only hurt you psychologically
You don't have to forgive those that hurt you, but being angry at all women because they have the same gender as those who hurt you is stupid. It's not logical to hate blond haired people because someone who was blond once hurt you. You can do this with any trait, race, eye colour, big butts, ugly, beautiful, crippled, having a weird toe.
You wouldn't want to be hated for something you didn't do, right?
Be the change you want to see in the world.