Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard and Ritalinbot and Ricebot are actually the same person
Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard and Ritalinbot and Ricebot are actually the same person
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Witt and Kierk are the same person and Rice and Ritalin are the same
and gunjy!!!!
you forgot that indigo is one of them as well
actually Rice, Ritalin and Horriblesubs are the same fag all rolled into one
now that I think about it
everyone is the same that is the plote twist
Witt, Kierk, Rice and Ritalin are all the same exact person. They aren't different at all, they're all the same.
Indigo isn't the same person as witt/kierk/rice/ritalin. Indigo is nobody.
who is horriblesubs
And they all need to kill themselves.
wtf is this about.. is this some discord stuff?
some different namefags have been posting through different tags but it's actually just one person.
hmm.. guess i'll go and block those names right now to avoid their bullshit.
why would you miss on the bulshit threads they post and the funy shit that ensues lmao
I ment on discord. I'll keep an eye out for the hilarious outcome of their crap on here. I dont wanna know them but I wanna know of them if that makes sense
But wait
Ricebot said she is a girl. And ritalinbot, kierkegaard and wittgenstein have been found messaging girls telling them they can be a "christian husband" for them.
What the fuck is going on
>And ritalinbot, kierkegaard and wittgenstein have been found messaging girls telling them they can be a "christian husband" for them.
what the fuk are you talking about?
>ricebot said she is a girl
ricebot isnt a girl. it's obviously a male like kierk/witt/ritalin
There is a post of one of those, kierkegaard i think, telling a girl on here that he can be a christian husband for her if she messages him on discord or something. Basically i was saying he said he was male, but your pic shows that as well.
Ricebot though, said (s)he is a girl. So if ricebot is the same person as ritalinbot, kierkegaard and wittgenstein (those three i know for a fact are the same person), something is up here.
Ricebot can't be a girl, because we know for a fact that ritalinbot is ricebot, and ritalinbot are the same person as kierkegaard and witt. So all of them must be male and the same person.
theyre all the same person and its a big psyops
Then what was this about?
Horriblesubs/kashii yui avatarfag, is homura poster and the "just found im trans AMA" poster
Is this that guy who posts the black haired, red eyed anime girl all the time?
>Then what was this about?
probably fake posting trying to frame ricebot. no way he was a woman, fembots dont exist
Yeah thatz him
I want to be known by fellow anons. What does it take?
>5 inches
I mean it uses his trip. Why would anyone want to frame him anyways
Well, he's a robot after all.
Like 80% of the population have those stats
Namefagging and avatarfaggin
Haha just like my favourite modern classic and film adaptation, Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell.
>le reddit space
The English language just keeps getting better and better.
>Why would anyone want to frame him anyways
Do you even know how Jow Forums works. Everybody is trying to fuck each other up all the time.
Ricebottle = Ricebot = Ritalinbot = Kierkegaard = Wittgenstein = Schopenhauer
But why would framing him as a girl be bad thing. If anything it would lead to people orbiting him and giving him even more attention because >a girl into philosophy.
And besides that, that was his trip it was posted with. You cant deny that.
Was it a girl larping as a guy all along? I remember when he posted his hand people said he has feminine looking hands. So maybe it really is a girl all along.
All tripfags are essentially the same person, one metaphorical embodiment of waste of space attention whores.
He might have feminine looking hands, but he definitely is male. His posts overwhelming seem to confirm it. No way a woman would make those posts. Kierkegaardnis a misogynistnfor crying out loud!
Regarding Ricebot and it's trips. They werre stolen.
yes shes a hapa female that likes White women
and i commend her fine appraising eye