Can we stop with the "females can't be robots" meme?
like, if you seriously think that fembots have it easy you're a fucking idiot. I'm fairly attractive (not fat, tan, black hair) and I have never had a boy friend. No boy has ever approached or talked to me out of their own will. They avoid me like the plage and whenever I try to make conversation they reply in single words.
Online, whenever I use the mic people ask if I'm a kid and they laugh and blame the loss on me. I've even gifted games in steam so that what I thought was a boyfriend would play with me, only to get blocked and ghosted.
everytime I see people saying "women can just get about any guy so they can't be lonely" i want to puke
Can we stop with the "females can't be robots" meme?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would you tell such lies?
Get off our board faggot
Girls*claps*can't*claps*be*claps*videogames*claps* nah but for real if u wanna play or talk answer
Sorry t be a bit predictable, but have you tried Bumble?
We can be friends if you want.I'm not good with this stuff though and I can be pretty rude at times when I'm not sure what to do.
keep trying. you'll find someone.
If you're truly attractive then why don't you go and seek attention somewhere else? On Instagram and Tik Tok you can get thousands of beta orbiters simply by looking cute and instead you're on Jow Forums. After taking this into consideration I find it hard to think that you're actually a female, never mind an attractive one.
i dont want the attention i want a bf. this is just venting
>not fat
You're probably a little tubby. Lose some weight bby.
no one wants a mentally ill tranny
>fairly attractive
We'll be the judge. Height, weight, bra size?
lol okay youre a robot now
what do you win
Add me you faggot
it's not a meme, there's a lot to it (which i'm not going to go into), but if you just want a dude to play games with hit me up on steam
can i add you too? your recent names suggest dota
no matter how many synthetic estradiol pills you ingest, you will never be a woman.
As long as you're not absolute fucking garbage to play with
You're ugly as the terror of the void. Even now your trying to get an attention. You're the worst kind of attention whore - pretending.
The biggest meme of all for either gender is that dating someone makes you stop being lonely. Real robots have been ruined past human contact.
i'm not russian, so that goes for me at least
Genders will never be equal, if you think they ever will be you're retarded. Some things are better for women, some things are better for men.
OP 10/10
I hate incel faggots.
if any female wants to help me scam some incels or even emotionally manipulate them until they kill themselves, which I could do and would not feel bad doing.
Add me mouse#7338
That's what Vlad always says da
can i add you too? I'm not female and don't give a shit about incels
Is there any real use? Why not let them live out a full life of agony?
All I want is to be someone's best friend and play vidya with them and watch movies together and hopefully cuddle with them one day. Take care of each other and actually give a shit about someone else.
I wish you'd give me a chance, op.
Why do you think guys don't like you? Do people in general not like you? Are you sure you're attractive?
yes fine with me
>Why not let them live out a full life of agony?
we can profit off them, I made $150 this week from them faggots.
we can make them kill themselves if we get a female for time stamps
I'll be your bf if you want!!! You wont have to be so alone!
Do you have a discord server?
An original comment
Why would anyone pay for dating advice from a retard who uses Japanese cartoons meant for children as an avatar. Do you think you're fooling anyone. And your dating advice is practically useless when just months ago you were whining about women in your server. You're retarded.
Seems too effeminately conniving. Either wanna beat and rape incels or just leave them alone.
Females are all whores who live life on turbo easy mode. That is all
just get a bf retard, its easy if you're a girl lol
You can even argue life is easier for women but genuinely how do you explain virgin women.
>Do you have a discord server?
I do
ad me
>Why would anyone pay for dating advice from a retard who uses Japanese cartoons meant for children as an avatar.
because im a good manipulator kek.
>Seems too effeminately conniving. Either wanna beat and rape incels or just leave them alone.
I want to make them suffer.
I want to make them kill themselves or hurt themselves for fun.
Fembots, they want to rape you, so add me.
(scroll up or ctrl+F mouse)
fuck off gunji
Rape is an umbrella term. I want to shove a set of military knives up the asses of whiney incels.
>because I'm a good manipulator
No, you're not. You're some retard who doxd himself and no one even cares about you enough to endlessly torment you over it. No one likes you. No one believes your bullshit, and those that stick around just find it entertaining to watch, like watching a flailing retard.
There aren't many of them, and they are volcels.
just use gunjy retard
Yes but volcels are not whores. Therefore all women are not whores.
>changes nickname to complain about team
colossal red flag
I really wish I had anyone to talk to. Everyone I add just gives me one word replies. I try my best.
And then I'm afraid of being bullied just because I'm lonely. I don't hate women. I just want to be someone's best friend and their bodyguard. Play vidya with and genuinely talk about ourselves. Watch movies together and text all day when we find the time. Comfort and take care of each other.
Will someone be my gf please. I'm really lonely. I don't care what you look like. I just want to care about someone. Someone real, and loyal.
new tag for now, be back to mouse in a few hours or days
>No, you're not. You're some retard who doxd himself
im not scared of being doxxed and I even made $$ out of doxxing myself.
believes what bullshit?
that I get retards to pay for shit for me and gibs off them.
ok carefag
>He's never played on EU servers
It's 9v1 every game
And bitching about it, in your nickname field of all places, helps you how?
Did your games improve after changing nicknames to RETARD TEAM GG?
being toxic is the only good thing about dota. do you even play mobas?
hey, if you have CSGO i'll hang out with you, i need a new cs buddy
>Spotted the salty crusader
Why are you being triggered over some characters again?
Sorry. I do not use Discord because I'm not a homosexual.
t. IncelTorturer
I'm a homosexual and i use discord. how you gonna explain that, faggot?
Did this nigga just wreck himself.
im back to mouse again
come onme we can make them kill themselves
Are you sure you should be using the MMR card? You just posted your steam profile dumbass.
>i'm archon
>i'll call him a crusader (my rank minus 1 xD)
Not to mention you got called out on being awful to play with and immediately resorted to projection. Very telling
They're just sleeper whores.
post your discord op and you'll have plenty of guys trying to get to know you
No, bro. That is gay. I'm not gonna kill these retards unless I can use my bare hands.
It would be unsatisfying and they rarely even kill themselves. They just threaten it a lot. Only way to rid the world of this mindset is to openly kill them.
First shooting to target betas when.
>can you please stop telling the obvious truth?
>Friend says I'm awful to play with as banter
>This is taken as absolute truth by an opponent
Post the dota buff so I can see your 47% winrate please
Your argument is retarded and you want an excuse to hate women.
"I hate women for being whores but even if a woman were to abstain from sex her whole life to accomplish my idea of 'being good enough' she's still a whore!"
meguposters are worse than incels
They have approached you, they're just not Chad.
Do we have to have this thread every day and every hour?
Attention she got from all that assholes that replied seriously.
I bet shes a tranny.
Why do you faggots presume you are omnipotent.
>I don't want attention I just want a bf
Repeat that to yourself very slowly.
(of a deity) having unlimited power; able to do anything.
synonyms: all-powerful, almighty, supreme, most high, preeminent; More
Why are women so stupid and use words incorrectly.
Women live life on easy mode. Asking girls if they're a boy even though you know they're a girl is such an old and not offensive at all thing. You have no personality so you can't shoot shit with the boys,that's your problem.
And no, women can't get any guy they want but their pool of people to pick from is 1000 times better than it is for men.
Your life is easy and you'll never have any real problems outside of loss because you're a woman.
Admittedly it autocorrected from omniscient but omnipotent actually isn't innately incorrect since as I'm referring to all knowing which is implied to the omnipotent.
The point is you presume you know all situations you yourself have not experienced.
>The point is you presume you know all situations you yourself have not experienced.
What the fuck are you smoking?
Plenty of my friends who happen to be women are single because they haven't found "the one"
Thst definition works and applies to you and less for me.
Besides having a family full of women and having friends with women and dating a large about of women.
I'd say in my "experience" most women want a Chad like person and every other guy doesnt register on her radar.
Next time stop assuming you know anonymous posters on the internet.
Again I'll reiterate.
You probably did have guys hit on you or ask you out but because it's not your "Chad" version of a boyfriend it never registers.
Same thing happened to my in highschool while chasing a girl and having a girl chase me.
Every incel I've gotten to know which has been many for a decade of my life as well as ones I met irl ended up rejecting a girl at some point but does that mean that's true for everyone here? No, retard.
>things that never happened.
And stop avatarfagging as Kaede, she's an idealized, man-made, fictional girl no 3D woman will ever be able to compare to.
I'm not OP, but yeah admittedly my experience is a little flipped. I rejected normalfag men and pursued virgins who rejected me.
please gift me sonic for the sega dreamcast and get off this fucking board you roasty
Laughing at this thread OP, appreciate your efforts to make me chuckle, take care.
kill yourself cunt, or post your tits.
I hope you get raped and murdered, I really, seriously do.