Do you have health anxiety?

Do you have health anxiety?
I worry about cancer a lot even though I have no hereditary history of it
I guess TotalBiscuit's passing is what scared me straight, I had some bloody toilet paper after some particularly explosive diarrhea and I've been obsessively checking my stools ever since

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absolutely not, the reaper is welcome without appointment

I am so glad that TotalBiscuit died of cancer.

I had to get an aneurysm taken out of my head a few months ago. I was "lucky" enough to have a sentinel bleed (or a head-shatteringly painful headache) that didn't turn into a full-on rupture, which warned myself and the doctors that I had a problem. I'm only in my mid 20s. I had never been so scared when i thought I might die, and I'm paranoid I'll develop another.

Friend told me to check up myself for cancer when he saw my brown spots on hands.Chills just went through my body.Tfw to afraid to visit my doc.

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I do too. Anytime I notice the smallest feelings of pain or tension or anything I immediately freak out that I might be seriously sick. Right now I'm obsessing over my veins because I'm certain they're more visible than usual.

Yes. Bad teeth...I'm pretty much fucked for life now. You can't fix teeth, you can just put temporary stopgaps up so you can function a few more years.
Also at heightened cancer set off a flea bomb in my room when I was a kid, never aired it out properly, smelled like poison for 8 years and I was breathing that shit in every day and night. I have a lot of throat issues now. Wouldn't be surprised if it turns into throat/lung cancer eventually.
I should knock that bitch's teeth out.
Years later she sent me a box of my old shit, opened it, straight scent of poison. I threw the whole box away.
Additionally, constant second hand cig smoke exposure. Don't even know if she bothered stopping while pregnant or not. Stupid lazy selfish cunt. How is it right that some whore can fuck your life up while you're still a helpless child, and she never faces the consequences and you have no legal reprieve to justice? If parents were held responsible for legal ramifications of what they do to their kids we would have a much better society.
Also have this issue where I black out when I stand up, not every time. Sometimes a few weeks without it, sometimes 5-10 times a day. I can fall down without hurting myself at least, but then I have to wait a bit until it clears. Don't know if it's anemia or what. Hasn't killed me yet but I'm skeptical of the true cause and if it's causing any long term damage in the meanwhile.
There's a huge difference between a quick, clean death and suffering agony and horror for decades of decline.

Cancer is huge on my mother's side, her mom, brother, and sister died to it. She had it also but got it cured. I hope I get it, and sooner than later.

its my biggest struggle. All I think about all day. Im abnormally tired all the time, I think i could have lymphoma.but when i go to the doctor multiple times nothing shows up wrong. ive already gone through the reasoning process of accepting death.

ive had red blood on toilet paper when i wipe, it has always happened after a period of high intensity excercise that was preceded by a lack of excercise. as long as its red and not black you shouldnt be worried but still probably go to the doc in the future.

i wish i could go to the doc but i still have many medical bills and am afraid of more.

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I worry that Im too healthy to die soon

Having any type of grave disease is a perfectly good reason to kys in the eyes of most people

dude im literally having chest and neck pain all the time and swollen lymph nodes in both sides of my neck. My doctor says its just stress but im having huge panic attacks and basically a weird feel under my skin.
if its not cancer idk what it is
>inb4 dead soon

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I had bad ocd growing up, ocd anxiety caused me to end relationships and avoid places and people. I used to worry about everything

it died down in my mid 20s kinda one of the lucky people in this regard as some people start developing ocd or it's completely debilitated them, don't have anxiety which is a relief but a lot of regrets of giving into it since I feel more normal now

one thing I know about anxiety is that your mind even if you don't have a condition will find at at least one thing to worry about even if everything is ok, you just need distraction if the worry is causing you physical stress

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stress can really affect your lymphatic system

No I don't. Anxiety is dumb and I am an autist super hero with no worries in life

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Glad to meet a fellow superhuman with no mental problems and health concerns.

Keep on rockin' fella

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I am literally bleeding above my butt right now ;-;

Any time I have a sore neck (happens a lot because of shitty posture) I think I have meningitis. Whenever I have a headache I think its a tumour. I had a blister in my mouyh that I thought was a tumour too.

I have a tumor in the right side of my neck, i hate everyone and i want to die but this piece of shit tumor is still alive after 2-3+ years and it hasn't got any bigger /smaller, i just want this shit to kill me , i'm sick of life.

Yeah I am the same desu. I recite in my own head every day the same mantra of "I don't have cancer, I'm not going to get cancer" etc. because I fear almost everything these days honestly lad. Completely irrational though as I have no history of disease and am pretty healthy-never even been at hospital in my 22 years.

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Will do my man. You've come far, and hope you keep on truckin' as you are

3 doctors have told me to shut up about my lymph nodes and other lumps I find in my body, telling me I'm just skinny and looking for problems too much.

been 2 years since I started doing this so I don't think it's cancer anymore, but I always get the feeling.

I was perfectly fine until a couple of months ago when my heart started to skip beats while I try to sleep. I've started to neglect my health and hygiene and will likely die in my sleep. Also, my prostate started burning when I shit.

yeah true but baka not this much

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I have swollen lymph nodes on my neck (both sides) and have been to my usual doctor and even a specialist and they've both told me that it's not a tumor and that I don't need to worry about it. I still do though

Yeah and I am a medical student. I used to think that I have the worst condition (cancer, blindeness, deafness... etc) that can cause the symptom I had . But time passed and nothing happened. I accepted the fact that getting cancer is unlikely in my age so I am no longer paranoid and also I am not that afraid of death now.
And most of what you guys are afraid of is just nothing and some of your posts are ridiculous.

You probably have OCD. As for me I would like to get cancer and die so I can escape the consequences of my life.

yeah, my docs told me that some people just "have them" and others have them because they were sick in the past but the nodes stay a bit enlarged.

>yeah, my docs told me that some people just "have them" and others have them because they were sick in the past but th
That's true

stop playing video games you fuck

Okay so this is the thread for me

- Had a blood test - everything perfect (LDL, HDL cholesterol, etc)
- Resting heart rate = 55 (good)
- Had an ultrasound scan (all organs good)
- BMI, body fat, etc all good
- Can run a mile in under 5 minutes (excellent)
- Can square 2x body weight (excellent)

The only problem is I have high blood pressure from anxiety and I'm trying to reduce it but other than that it;'s all good.

i have life anxiety