This is the ideal body type for white "men". Have you taken your good boy pills today, user?

This is the ideal body type for white "men". Have you taken your good boy pills today, user?

Attached: VeDkpFw.jpg (955x1274, 173K)

look at how cute she is. what an adorable girl she is

asians maybe but not white men

Doesn't look real looks like a sex doll

my good boy pills are so far stuck up your puny little arsehole i'm afraid they can never be retrieved


What race and you be the tranny and white people will be white men its better that way

You havin' a stroke there, bud?

>What race
>and you be the tranny and white people will be white men its better that way
I agree because I need white men to fuck my bussy

good good especially mexicans most them are short and are meant to be trannys while white men are mostly alphas so they will fuck your bussy

How the fuck do you even get a body like that? Mine is basically just a soiyboy body.

>white men are mostly alphas

>white men are mostly alphas
If you say so, user.

Attached: 1546633205667.jpg (720x1280, 101K)

how do I even find someone looking like that?
it just all seems so impossible and fabricated to get in a loving relationship

>good good especially mexicans most them are short
True im a 5'4" mexican
White men are the biggest and strongest and only american blacks can compare to them but thats only because they are mixed with european blood and were bred for labor.

The races that make the best traps are asians and hispanics, not whites

There's probably less than 5k of them in the US. Just go for actual females.

I meant mestizo, I know hispanic is not a race

Truth you speakith truth

>There's probably less than 5k of them in the US
Aren't trans (MtF) something like .1% of the population? That means there should be about 325 000 of them. Not counting traps, sissies, gay bottoms, and so on.

Plenty of femboys to go around.

I don't even want the full blown futa shit.
I'm fine with a cute looking boy or a trap :d

Jews aren't white user. You know this.

Is it because all races that aren't white love taking it up the ass from a white chick?

They are about 3/2000. Probably only about 1% of them look as good as the one in the OP image.

>Probably only about 1% of them look as good as the one in the OP image
What makes you say that? The ones that clearly don't pass get posted everywhere, but even then there's hardly any images of them. You probably know a tranny, or have interacted with one during your day, and you'd never know it.

It's just from what I've noticed online. But the point is that the ones that actually look good are rare. Though going by my earlier calculation, if every country was a first world country then there would be 105k of them in the entire world.

The ones that don't pass are either genetic waste or don't use makeup.

Honestly I kind of prefer my trannies to not pass. I just want a cute boy with tits, ass, and a limp, shriveled, useless little "cock".

Anyone with a homosexual or tranny mental illness is by definition genetic waste.

From what I've seen, about 4% of the Jow Forums ones I've seen do.
If you can't pass without makeup then you don't really pass.

>If you can't pass without makeup then you don't really pass
You ever see a woman without makeup, user? And I'm not talking "teehee, I'm not wearing makeup today...except the half hour of "light" work I did this morning", I'm talking full on natural. They look like anemic cancer patients turned into hungover zombies.

Yes but they are still obviously female

Yep thats the truth, thats why caucasian men are the most desired by women and even trannies of all races.

men of the mongoloid race (oriental asians, amerindians, hapas & mestizos) are small and feminine and cant compete so they should just submit and become fuctoys instead

Attached: 1272140.jpg (600x900, 360K)

Have you ever seen a woman without makeup?

Attached: 1548375000233 (1).jpg (1338x1535, 479K)

You can still tell they are all female.

Deluding yourself there, man. Just imagine...the cute cashier at the store you've fantasized about has a cock. And if she thinks of you, too? She's probably imagining you gagging on her she-cock.

You'll never be happy.

If anyone is looking for a trap friend, I'm pretty lonely rn so I could use some company


I'm not actually attracted to females.

>asian uggos

Fucking homos. Get off my board.

Though I'm also not attracted to men either. But trannies are just as bad as gays.